No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Economics and contemporary philosophy of money: the lessons of crisis
Forecasting of world dynamics experiences the certain crisis which shows inability to predict world financial and economic shocks. For overcoming existing problems it is necessary to comprehend a new role of the important determinant of crises, namely, money. The present article deals with the reasons of genesis of the crisis phenomena in economy and society as a whole. The basic purpose of article is the judgment of the role of money in the given process and the analysis of its’ modern social functions, critical approach to «financomics». It is ascertained, that the role of money in modern economy considerably varies, but simultaneously changes both a turbulence and character of dynamics of economy. The economy becomes financial — dependent, value of money and the finance in a modern economy sharply grows. In the article conceptual ideas of the new modern philosophy of money are stated, the comparative critical analysis well known scientists on function and roles of money is reviewed. The authors conclude that the role of finance in economic life is underestimated and there is a necessity for contemporary philosophy of money for the postindustrial society in conditions of globalization.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):5-12

Specific features of international companies cooperation with Russian distributors on the consumer market
The article deals with the late-day specific features of the collaboration of international companies and Russian distributors on the Russia’s consumer goods market as well as the problems facing distribution channels’ members together with the ways and means of their solution. A tendency has come along over recent years for a number of international companies to turn down local distributors’ offers to collaborate on the Russian consumer market. The paper tries to reveal major reasons for this development. Efforts are also underway to work out principal recommendations to remove conflicts arising in distribution channels, as well as put forth proposals on streamlining existing relations between foreign suppliers and their Russian market partners.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):13-20

Globalization and food safety of Russia
The article considers the problems of economic globalization, it stages and features of development in modern world. The problems of supporting food safety in Russia during it entry in the World Trade Organization, is based on the conducted analysis of production agricultural products In last 10 years. The ways of growth of agricultural production and more complete satisfaction of necessities of population in food stuffs are analyzed in this article.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):21-29

Contemporary trends of world car production developments: regional and country aspects (the North American market)
Since the beginning of 2000s the car production of certain regions and the world have seen considerable changes. That was connected with the appearance of new players and with the financial-economic crisis, which affected the whole world economy. Taking into consideration to that factors, this article is dedicated to the identification of the following trends: first, how the power of balance has changed in the world automobile production from the regional perspective, the second, what role played and continue play the world leading carmaker TNCs in the North American market before and after the world financial crisis. Within the scope of this article it’s also introduced the trends of large automakers’ mergers and acquisitions, which transformed the world car industry into a very complex, interrelated and interdependent web.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):30-39

Trade and economic cooperation of Russia and Turkey
The article examines a specificity of modern trade and economic relations of the Russian Federation and Turkish Republic. The author in detail analyzes power and investment cooperation between two countries, and also are mentioned other areas of economic relations: construction, an agriculture, metallurgy and automobile production. Certainly, the power remains the key moment in the external economic cooperation of Russia and Turkey, however, the positive tendency now was outlined in interaction development between the countries at regional level, and also in light industry sphere. Thus the basic problem of economic partnership there is a backwardness of mutual relations in the field of agriculture.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):40-47

State, problems and perspectives for development of electroenergetics in Russia
The article deals with Russia’s electroenergy complex and gives it’s main characteristics such as types of power plants, energy output, labor productivity in the branch, energy intensity, capitalization and investments amounts. The process of the branch reforming is uncovered, structural and functional changes which have happened as a result of the reform are shown. Problem topics are divided on technological and institutional with the further ranking of all problems of the branch in these two groups. Perspectives for development of the branch are analyzed and ways of the further branch reforming are detected in the article. Strong and weak points of the branch are shown in a form of summary.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):48-60

Foreign experience of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the housing and communal services
This article provides analysis of international experience of the energy saving in housing and communal services. The main measures both administrative and economic regulation and promotion of energy efficiency are examined: the introduction of energy efficiency standards, monitoring of the use of energy, provision of tax exemtions, subsidies and grants for energy efficiency, provision of concessional loans and guarantees, introduction of a flexible system of tariffs, use of renewable energy, conducting programs aimed at promoting energy efficiency in population.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):61-68

Corporate strategy: the history, nature, and contemporary content
Subject of study in this article — the strategy of modern corporations. In this regard, there has consistently defined the concept of “corporation”, identifies its characteristics at the present stage of world development — stage simultaneous individualization and globalization of the world economy. The role of corporate management and the content of the concept. The author argues that, at the turn of the twenty-first century is the socialization of both the corporations and their corporate strategies that are socially-integrated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):69-75

Statistical study of the main resources of financial borrowing to the banking system of Russia
This article is to study the structure and dynamics of the main resources of financial borrowing to the banking system of the country, marking their significant concentration in financial institutions of the Central Federal district, studying differentiation of constituent entities in the financial market of capital of legal entities and individuals in the commercial banks of the country. The multi-dimensional clusterization of constituent entities of Russia by principal absolute and relative indexes of the client’s capital borrowed by the banking system clearly demonstrates the regional differences at the market of deposits of legal entities and individuals, as well as the problems which this market is facing.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):76-86

Global trends of information and communication technologies expansion
In the article the long-term trends in expansion of the major information and communication technologies (ICTs) are considered over the period of XX — the begining of XXI centuries. Innovation waves of informatization are presented. Competition and complementarity of different ICTs are analyzed, as well as the possibility of the “overcoming” scenario of the catching-up development. The specificities of the major ICTs’ global diffusion and the “digital divide” dynamics are characterized. Issues of the world information space' self-ogranization and countries' international communicative openness are covered.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):87-98

Development of cost incentive estimating methodology of therapeutic muds in conditions of closed technological loop
This article is dedicated to Development of cost incentive estimating methodology of therapeutic muds in conditions of closed technological loop. Fangotherapy’s manufacturing process is characterized by features row: fangotherapy’s reusability at the expense of refreshing fulfillment, their considerable and natural loss during fangotherapy’s proceeding, outwash and discharge in regeneration bath. In this article the author worked out complex of interrelated activities, which were used as basis in methodology of therapeutic muds in conditions of closed technological loop. This methodology allows avoiding cost’s overstatement and calculating fangotherapy’s first cost with high accuracy.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):99-108

Migration of knowledge as a major trend in a global economy
In this article, the authors examine the concept of knowledge as part of the migration, changing social reality, which helps to distribute (transfer) knowledge all over the world in the shortest time. Social media and their credibility among users quickly turn into two powerful drivers of the knowledge economy, where the value is not material things (goods and products). The authors present their vision for the migration of knowledge in business and education, which could create additional value of such knowledge.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):109-116

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):117-118

For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(2):119-121