No S5 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 36
- URL:
Word of the editorial board
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):7-8

Raw Materials in the Center of the World Shock
In article problems of occurrence and deepening of the world financial and economic crisis as the result of China’ policy, sharply are considered and probable variants of events in Europe, in the countries of BRICK and in Russia are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):16-26

L’Europe et la Chine face a la crise: politiques, performances, enjeux
A la suite de la crise des subprimes qui a vu le jour aux Etats-Unis avec la faillite de plusieurs grands établissements bancaires, la crise financière s’est rapidement propagée à l’Union européenne et à la Chine. Les gouvernements concernés ont rapidement pris des mesures d’envergure pour endiguer le «tsunami» provoqué par la crise afin d’atténuer les effets du choc sur leurs économies et de relancer la croissance.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):27-37

Economic Interests of Russia, the EU and China at the Post-Soviet Field (Area)
After the USSR disintegration the post-soviet field (area) became the region of crossing and mutual exclusion of the economic interest of the biggest world economy subjects — Russia, The European Union, China. What is the most attractive point at this region for the subjects? Which forms of the economic promotion are used and what is the degree of the effectiveness? We will try to answer this questions at the article.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):38-46

The Economic and Technological Contacts of Russia with France and Germany in the Frame of “The Partnership for Modernization”
The problems connected with the perspective of diversification of the economic and technological contacts with France and Germany in the context of efforts of modernization of Russian economy are considered. The fact that our countries have chosen the course of intensification of cooperation in the high-tech branches and the fact that the success of such cooperation depends upon further approach of Russia with EU is proved. It is emphasized that the realization of a range of big joint projects can guarantee strong competitive advantages to the partner countries.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):47-54

BRICS as the Outcome of Globalization
In article prospects of further institutional transformation of BRICS as one of structural elements of the future world economic system are considered. Possibility of formation of the new form of the international economic integration at inter-regional level is underlined.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):55-60

World Finance-Economic Crisis: The View to the Problems, Contradictions and Perspectives of the Settlemen
Any other modern crisis, that has the global character, becomes exactly at the finance sphere, at the same time this sphere is the most controlled from the national level to the over national regulation mechanisms (the level of IMF). Thus there are the questions about the quality of such regulation and the perspectives of creation of new set of tools and mechanisms of regulation including over national level.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):61-70

Serbie et les pays des Balkans entre l’UE et la Russie dans le contexte de la crise
Dans cette communication, nous analysons la situation de la Serbie, suite à la crise mondiale, d’abord financière, puis économique, qui s’est propagée des Etats-Unis vers l’Europe, compte tenu du fait que la Serbie, comme plusieurs de ses voisins issus de l’ancienne Yougoslavie, souhaite développer un ensemble de relations économiques, financières et politiques avec les pays de l’Union européenne (UE), Union dans laquelle ils souhaitent entrer dans quelques années. Cette analyse portera successivement sur les points suivants: les effets sur l’économie serbe de la troisième année de la crise et leurs conséquences sur le processus d’intégration européenne, l’importance de la relance de l’industrie manufacturière et de ses conséquences sur l’emploi et la croissance industrielle, les finances publiques, les prix et les investissements directs étrangers. Nous conclurons en analysant les conséquences de ces évènements sur le parcours à venir de l’économie serbe en vue de son intégration à l’économie européenne.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):71-77

La Tunisie apres la revolution du 14 janvier 2011 Repenser la cooperation euro-mediterraneenne
La révolution tunisienne est née le 14 Janvier 2011, guidée par des principes fondateurs que sont la dignité, la liberté et la démocratie. La mobilisation de toutes les forces vives de la nation était et reste nécessaire afin que se mettent en place les approches adéquates pour répondre favorablement à ces principes et notamment les pérenniser. Il est vrai que le débat sur cette révolution continue de cristalliser la méfiance et l’inquiétude des différents manifestants, composés en majeure partie de jeunes lycéens, d’étudiants, de chômeurs, d’ouvriers, de fonctionnaires... Certains sont quasiment manipulés par des éléments syndicalistes et/ou adhérant principalement à des mouvances gauchistes et islamistes, notamment. D’autres vivent d’une manière ou d’une autre les effets de l’affaiblissement de l’Etat et de l’activisme politique de l’organisation syndicale des travailleurs (UGTT).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):78-84

La crise financiere internationale et la gouvernance economique et politique: quels enjeux pour les pays maghrebins?
La crise financière internationale a contribué à la dégradation des situations socio-économiques des pays maghrébins, en termes de chômage, de pauvreté et d’inégalités. Conjuguée avec la répression politique, cette dégradation a incité les peuples arabes a changé leurs destins. Le mouvement de contestation libératoire et social qui a commencé de gagner la région MENA a pour objectif de mettre en place un nouveau système économico-socio-politique capable de garantir la dignité humaine et de favoriser la bonne gouvernance économique et politique. La présente communication tente de montrer que la qualité de la gouvernance économique et politique, issue de ces mouvements de contestation, pourra constituer une source de prospérité socio-économique dans les pays du Maghreb.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):85-94

La menace de la crise economique dans les pays MENA. Le cas de l’Algerie
La crise qui menace les économies des pays MENA est la conséquence directe des structures de leurs économies qui se caractérisent par une déficience acquise liée à la nature même des conditions de la reproduction économique et sociale. La précarité de ces conditions constitue la caractéristique essentielle commune à la plupart des économies des pays MENA, et cette précarité se manifeste et apparaît au niveau, d’une part, des difficultés qu’elles éprouvent dans leur fonctionnement et, d’autre part, dans leurs performances médiocres qui ne leur permettent pas d’émerger en rapport avec les potentialités humaines et matérielles dont elles disposent. L’Algérie constitue un modèle de ce type d’économie qui, non seulement, n’arrive pas à décoller mais demeure sous la menace permanente d’une crise et ce, malgré les immenses possibilités dont ce pays dispose relativement. Dans cet article, après le rappel des conditions selon lesquelles l’économie algérienne a traversé les deux plus importantes crises depuis son indépendance politique, nous nous efforcerons de déterminer les principales causes de la latence de la crise et par conséquent d’étudier les remèdes possibles pour faire face à cet état de fait.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):95-104

La Serbie et la perspective de son entree dans l’UE dans le contexte de la crise
Dans cette communication, nous analysons la situation de la Serbie, suite à la crise mondiale, d’abord financière, puis économique, qui s’est propagée des Etats-Unis vers l’Europe, compte tenu du fait que la Serbie, comme plusieurs de ses voisins issus de l’ancienne Yougoslavie, souhaite développer un ensemble de relations économiques, financières et politiques avec les pays de l’Union européenne (UE), Union dans laquelle ils souhaitent entrer dans quelques années. Cette analyse portera successivement sur les points suivants: les effets sur l’économie serbe de la troisième année de la crise et leurs conséquences sur le processus d’intégration européenne, l’importance de la relance de l’industrie manufacturière et de ses conséquences sur l’emploi et la croissance industrielle, les finances publiques, les prix et les investissements directs étrangers. Nous conclurons en analysant les conséquences de ces évènements sur le parcours à venir de l’économie serbe en vue de son intégration à l’économie européenne.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):105-111

Public Sector Reforms in Modern Russia
The article deals with problems of the public sector performance in Russia, the main tasks, phases and challenges of the reform. The data of federative relations and municipal government’s features and results, the reform of housing and community amenities, electricpower industry, Russian Railways are presented. Some conclusions and recommendations for improving an economic efficiency of the public sector reforms were formulated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):119-132

“Electronic Government”: the First Stage of Information Society Formation
This article deals with problems and prospects of e-government in Russia; the global experience and phases (informational, interactive, transactional, information society) of transition of countries with different social-economic types of information to the e-government are analyzed. Some successful examples of e-government functioning in regions are concerned, some prospects are identified.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):133-140

The Thorny Path to Innovative Economy
Formation of an innovative economy in Russia is vital for ensuring national security and for improving the quality of life. A further rolling down of the Russian economy into export specialization can be interrupted only by creating an innovative economy, while the natural and physical capital are replacing by human capital. The essence of the concepts of modernization and innovation and their interactions and role in the innovative economy are revealed. The draft of the strategy “Innovative Russia 2020” is critically reviewed. The factors and characteristics of the innovation process, its main stages and generations are revealed from the standpoint of system analysis. Problems and main approaches to launch the innovation process and to formation of the National Innovation System "from above" are analysed. Based on the position of system analysis that those systems, which obtain information for their development based on self-regulation and self-organization, are the most organized, it is concluded that the formation of such systems with the necessary knowledge and creativity, should be the main concern of the education system and the condition of starting the innovation process “from below”.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):141-157

Infrastructure Development — the Catalyst of Economic Development of Russia
In article prospects of growth of competitiveness of the Russian economy in comparison with the countries BRIKS during the postcrisis period are analyzed, the estimation of losses from a world economic crisis, the characteristic of the basic calls and restrictions of development of the Russian economy is given.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):158-163

The State-Businessman in Postcrisis Russia
In article the basic calls of crisis in Russia of 2007—2010 and prospects of the further development of national economy and of the state business sector are analyzed. The attention to the question on necessity of search of the optimum size of public sector is brought.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):164-171

Russian Automotive Industry: Anti-Crisis Management and Prospects of Development
To overcome the effects of financial and economic crisis the governments of different countries use various and, as a rule, very expensive tools. Therefore, an analytical review of government measures to overcome the global financial crisis’ consequences with marking of the most successful as well as ineffective economic tools that were used to support the automotive industry in the developed countries and Russia seems to be very important.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):172-184

Management of Regional Development in Russia: Main Trends of Modern Regional Policy
The article is concerned with modern features of the regional development management in Russia. The main vectors of its regional policy — aligning and stimulating — are studied. The mechanisms of alignment policy — inter-budget relationships and regional programs of social-economic development of Russian regions are analyzed. The main forms of stimulating policy of regional development — federal programs, special economic zones and investment projects of public-private partnership are described. The key issues of regional policy in Russia are identified.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):185-195

Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions
In this article an impact of financial crisis on Russia’s development is analyzed. Search of reserves is becoming a main point for stimulation of the economic growth of the country. As the authors suppose, regions of Russia which can provide this process will play the major role in realizing this task. This article reviewed a number of key indicators to determine the image of the region and its attractiveness. Place ranking of regions according to these indicators and the main task to create the investment image of the regions
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):196-204

Informatization as an Innovative Factor of Russia’s Regional Development
The article is concerned with informatization as an economic category. Some new economic categories such as information supply, information reserve, that together with information resources form an information cycle, are introduced. A conceptual model of regional informatization system, which consists of 3 main sub-systems: information needs, information potential and infrastructure, is proposed. An importance of information technologies as an innovation factor for sustainable regional economic development is substantiated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):205-211

Models of Agriculture Development: Scenarios for Europe and Russia
In this article the models of agriculture development in Russia and European countries (on the example of France) are compared. In the context of cross-country comparative studies a problem of agricultural land-resources as well as economic, organizational, social aspects of agriculture development are studied. The prospects of Russia’s agricultural sector are connected with a choice of optimal development models oriented to different regions. Optimization of the main agriculture branches’ distribution is proposed to be based on an experience of the EU, where the main content of subsidization of backward agricultural regions is solution of social problems in non-urban area.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):212-220

Position of Russia and France on the Global Food Market: Trends and Prospects
Food production and world trade determines countries’ economic and political security and draws constant attention of the international community. A growing number of hungry and malnourished people in the world (especially in the less developed countries), high share of import in consumption in some East European countries and Russia makes international food trade an element of the “big” policy. In many ways it was triggered by the rise of food prices, which began in 2007. In such conditions regional imbalance in production and international food trade has increased. A role of food in the merchandise export of regions and key countries in the world, Russia’s position on the global food markets (as a major importer of meat and milk and exporter of wheat) as well as the EU’s (as the world leader in food export and import) and France’s (as an important food exporter) is analyzed in the article. It is also given a comparative analysis of production’s economic efficiency.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):221-228

Riscs of the Climate Changing and Measures of the Economic Losses Reduction
Economic effectiveness of the method of weather conditions changing and creation of the artificial precipitation at the time of extreme weather events is underestimated. The movement of artificial rains to catchment area can solve the problem of towns water supply at the period of drought. The movement of artificial rains to the agricultural districts is effective for minimization of the drought’s consequences. The effectiveness of using method of changing the weather conditions in Malaysia at the period of extreme drought (14 of June — 23 July, 1998) made up more than doubled results. The impact of artificial precipitation to the forest fires gave the opportunity to reduce the number of fire hearths in 5,2 times for 2 days. The most effective way of reducing the number of the forest fires is the reduction of the fire dangerous index due to the increasing of the artificial precipitation volume at the definite district. Climate changing can be used in order to reduce smog and slash concentration of the forest fires and to ventilate broad territories.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):229-239

Features of Using the Methods of the Business Intelligence
Article is dedicated to the rather new phenomenon for the Russian business practice — competitive reconnaissance (intelligence). 99% of Japanese firms, 80% of the USA firms and 75% of the Great Britain firms tend to use competitive reconnaissance (intelligence). Russia’s indicator amounts to less than 9%. At this article the author argues the necessity to create the service of competitive reconnaissance (intelligence), analyzing expenditures and potential benefits of such services.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):240-246

«Vitesse» de liberalisation financiere et performances economiques dans les pays en transition. Etude du cas des dix pays ex-socialistes entres dans l’Union Europeenne
Dans ce travail de recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude de la relation « vitesse de la libéralisation financière/ croissance » pour les dix pays ex-socialistes entrés dans l’Union européenne selon la nature des flux financiers libéralisés, en laissant de côté, pour des travaux ultérieurs, les questions des liens «libéralisation financière/baisse du chômage et réduction de l’inflation».
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):247-260

Institutional Problems of Regional Debt Management
The article deals with problems of debt management in the Russian Federation on the example of North Caucasian Federal District’s federal subjects. The current state of the problem and prospects of public debt management has been analyzed, the need for legal framework’s development and a universal public debt management system has been indicated. Some conclusions and recommendations for improving public debt management have been formulated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):261-266

The World Is Going Through “Finance Revolution”
The present process of the world economy globalization is accompanied by the serious changes at the sectoral structure of the world economy, the sphere of circulation and services is developing advances rates. There is domination of the finance sector at economic activity all over. Appearance and deepening of finance crisis became the reflection of changing structure of the world economy. There is sharp question about the necessity to modern the mechanism of the regulation the world economy. Article is dedicated to the analysis of anti crisis measures that are necessary to implement in order to develop the world economy at more effective basis in perspective.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):267-270

Development of Coordination and Cooperation of Federal and Regional Authorities at the Budget Process of Russian Federation
The reform of the budget process is one of directions of forming new approaches at the system of the state management. At the same time the centre of the budget reform is departments and branches as managers of the budget resources, that are under the new system of request of the budget system organization. The theme of coordination and cooperation of all authorities parts of Russian Federation is the most actual theme and not solved at the whole volume yet. So the article analyses key conceptual approaches and models of differentiation of the state management functions and factors that have an influence on the choice of the certain model for Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):271-275

The Development of the Requirements System to the Quality of the Social Finance Management
The system of the present requirements to the quality of the social finance management was set up at the basis of the «new state management» concept, that was implemented from the end of 1970-s at developed countries. The key aspect of such concept is orientation of the authority activity to the satisfaction of consumers needs. So it should be said about the change of the state management paradigm: transition from the idea of «citizens for the state and the state for functions implementation» to the goal «the state for citizens». Article is dedicated to the problems and perspectives of basis of a new state management implementation to Russian practice.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):276-280

Russia’s Practice of the State Finance Control Implementation at the Terms of the Social-Economic Crisis
Article is dedicated to the activity of the state finance control authorities and its importance at the overcoming of the crisis effects in Russia. There is analysis of the role of control efforts at the realization of anti crisis state programs. Key directions of the control and modernization development are analyzed. The author pays great attention to the questions of the organization of social-economic position monitoring and the auditing the effectiveness at the terms of crisis. Successful realization of the state anti crisis programs is connected with the effective finance control implementation.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):281-287

La crise economique mondiale comme revelateur de la crise de la theorie macro-economique et de la necessite de sa reconstruction
La crise financière qui a éclaté aux Etats-Unis, au cours de l’été 2007, puis s’est propagée à travers l’ensemble de la planète en se transformant en crise réelle dans un très grand nombre de pays, a révélé que la théorie macroéconomique dominante, aujourd’hui, dans l’enseignement académique, a été dans l’incapacité de prévoir ces évènements.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):288-297

To the Theory of the Markets of the Sponsored Blessings
The Nahimovsky avenue, 32, Moscow, Russia, 117218 The maintenance of present article is the description of some aspects of the theory of the «sponsored blessings» markets — of the economic socio-dynamic concept section, considering the goods and services, produced and consummated in frameworks of the state activity. This issue analyze the characteristic signs of this blessings, treatment of public interest and construction of market balance model, considering individual and public preferences — bases of economic policy of the state.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):298-307

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2011;(S5):308-311