Institutional factor as a reason for regional asymmetry in agriculture (on the example of Kazakhstan)
- Authors: Danshin AI1
- Moscow State University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 543-552
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The past 20 years since the relocation of Kazakhstan’s capital to Astana will require understanding of the formation processes of agriculture due to the availability of government documents, involving the creation around Astana food belt. Aim. To consider in a comparative analysis of the processes taking place in agriculture in Metropolitan regions (capital) of Kazakhstan. Materials and methods. The use of factor analysis, cartographic method of research based on materials of official statistics has helped to identify trends that shape the modern agricultural development near these major cities. Results. Determined that in terms of the relief with a small relative height (Astana), and in areas of significant elevation changes (Almaty) institutional factor often determines the specificity of agricultural production on the background of planetary latitudinal zonality, which create to asymmetry in development. The impact of large cities on agriculture (local specialization), in the absence of state documents formed within the boundaries of administrative areas, and in the presence of such documents is expanded to the necessary size of the territory. It is shown the territorial vectors, the formation of agricultural production around these major cities. Shows the evaluation of the contribution of administrative units of the second order in the creation of suburban agricultural specialization.
About the authors
A I Danshin
Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Cand. Geog. Sci., associate professor of Faculty of Geography
1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, Russia, 119991References
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