
World economic crisis and its impact on Russian economy
Selezneva N.A.
Modern theory of economics: demonstrations of crisis and movement to humanistic economics
Nekhoda E.V., Sakharova Z.E.
Long way to economic education for sustainable development
Akimova T.A.
International legal, economic and social consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in the world
Maslakova-Klauberg N.I.
US retail corporations' liquidity in 2000-2010: dynamics before and during the crisis
Sidorov M.A.
Raw Materials in the Center of the World Shock
Brunet A., Guichard J.-.
The problems of geosrategic choice of Russia in 21 century. Role and place of the EU
Portanskiy A.P.
Integration development in the post-soviet space
Bystryakov A.Y.
Corporate social responsibility: measuring problems
Nekhoda E.V.
Russia and its entourage: EU and China
Guichard J.-.
The strategy of economis losses reduction from natural disasters in Europe (water shortage, water crisis and forest fires)
Sorokin L.V.
From the crisis-generating nature of global development to the transformation of the world financial and economic architecture
Smirnov F.A., Golovkov A.V.
Persuading efficiency of integrative growth strategy in time of economic crisis
Kosachev V.I., Akhmetzyanov T.R.
Investigating the role of the International Monetary Fund in the process of resolving financial crises: case study of Greece
Bijan A., Ejazi E.
Antonova A.D., Ponomarenko E.V.
New Quality of Economic Growth in Russia and Possible Scenarios of its Development
Goregliad V.P.
1 - 16 of 16 Items

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