No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Endogenous economic growth as a condition of modernization of Russia's economy
An analysis of contemporary endogenous models and international experience of economic development concludes that today the most important factors for long-term economic growth is not only labor and large stocks of physical capital but human capital investment, high government spending in infrastructure and basic research, innovation, combined behavioral and institutional parameters. This conclusion is also supported by the modification of the econometric Makarov-Ayvazian model, using which examines the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of Russia as a result of the interaction of endogenous and exogenous factors. Scenario calculations show that even without considering the impact of the current economic crisis, maintaining fixed capital investment at the same level will lead to stagnation and stop growth. At the same time, increasing investment and public spending, but the same pace, while maintaining their low returns, is leading to slower economic growth. To modernize the economy an appropriate institutional environment is necessary, in the presence of which all factors are beginning to generate an endogenous, self-sustaining growth.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):5-14

Modern labour markets: their features and classifications
In this article attempt to systematize the labour market's models functioning in modern economy is made, and on this basis to offer approaches to classification of labour markets. Classification and the comparative characteristic of a labour market of the different countries can be useful at studying of the given economic institute from the point of view of improvement of a market mechanism of its action and the regulation mechanism.
The main thing, on what is paid attention in this article, is on presence of the most various national features of institute of a labour market worldwide. In reality there are national, having, however, a social and economic substantiation, labour market's models, namely: the traditional, liberal, socially-focused, transitive labour market's models, etc.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):15-20

Changes in spatial organization of leading industries of Russian economy in the end of XXth - beginning of XXIst century
This article is concerned to the space allocation of the main spheres of Russian Economy: manufactures, agriculture, building, transport, non-manufacturing businesses. The author also pays attention to the distinctive features of allocation changes in economic zones (Eastern and Western) and large economic areas which were the result of the development and economic changes in the end of XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. There is an analysis of forming big economic centers, which help to develop nearby areas, after they have entered the postindustrial step of development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):21-27

World economic crisis and its impact on Russian economy
Due to the involvement of all countries in the world's economic process, the size and consequences of the World Economic Crisis became harsh for them, for the Russian economy as well. That is why the main goal of the article is to find the origins of this crisis and its influence on the Russian economy, especially on the financial and real sectors. The complex research method that was used in the article helps to analyze all factors and elements of crisis, its spreading and consequences. Having weak financial system Russia wasn't prepared for the full-scale crisis that resulted in industrial slump.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):28-33

Role of the Russian Federation on the global offshore IT-outsourcing market
Thesis includes the analysis of the offshore segment of Russian IT-outsourcing market. The specialization of Russia on global IT-outsourcing market is outlined. Key quantitative parameters of this segment are given together with the assessment of comparison with global IT-outsourcing leaders. Key competitors in large and middle-business sectors are defined. Competitive advantages of Russian IT-outsourcers on the global market are mentioned. Industrial and geographical structure of foreign buyers of Russian IT-outsourcers' services is presented. Key target of the thesis is to clarify the role of the Russian Federation on global offshore IT-outsourcing market as well as demonstrate the significance of international segment for domestic IT-services market.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):34-42

The international intellectual migration: features and modern role
The article considers theoretical and practical approaches to processes of the international intellectual migration and investigates modern processes of this phenomenon, their feature, the precondition and the reason at the present. The special attention is given consideration of a place of Russia in the international market of intellectual work, to the basic forms of « brain drain», to problems of adaptation to rules of functioning of this market in the conditions of the globalized economic, in a context of gradual elimination of the reasons causing departure of domestic qualified experts. Conclusions prove objectivity of process of the international intellectual migration, growth of demand for qualified professionals, competition strengthening on the given segment of the international labour market, positive and negative sides of this phenomenon in the conditions of transition to postindustrial economy; necessity of creation of conditions for attraction of qualified professionals and working out of a concrete state policy in this direction as a major factor of economic growth and social progress of Russia is underlined.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):43-51

Economic potential of renewable energy sources use in Yemen
The article represents the evaluation of opportunities of economical potential use of renewed energy sources (solar, wind, hydro resources, tidal and thermal energy of the seas, biomass, high and low potential energy of geothermal) based on climatic data of Yemen. Technical and economic data on various device are generalized. Lacks and problems are indicated, the basic strategy priorities of power branch development of the country are defined. Favorable climatic conditions allow to speak about high technical and economic potential of renewed energy sources, and also about the high social importance of their use development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):52-59

Features of a regional industrial policy
In article it is noticed, that one of tools of economic policy of the state at the present stage is the industrial policy. The considerable attention is given to transformation of its regional aspect in the last some years. Specificity of a regional industrial policy is caused by structural disproportions in regional economy, irrational structure of investments, low efficiency of the majority of the industrial enterprises, small innovative activity of the enterprises of separate regions. In view of an insufficient readiness of approaches, types and models of a regional industrial policy its further theoretical and methodological specification, a substantiation of components in the form of standard documents, concepts or the corresponding federal law is required.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):60-67

Formation of agro-innovation cluster in Chuyskoy area of Kyrgyz Republic
In article is considered problem of the development agrarian-industrial sector of the economy with use innovation-investment mechanism. The Interaction subject innovation to activity, development integration processes in APK, development innovation processes, integration of the economy Kyrgyz Republic in world economic system condition shaping clusters in scale region. The Given Ned approach is founded on account positive synergetic effect regional agglomeration i.e. vicinity of the consumer and producer, network effect and diffusion of the knowledge's and skills to account of migration of the personnel and separations of the business.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):68-74

Power in network organization: specific of co-ordination and control in integration of independent firms
Creation and development of network organizations - complex process, includes variety of aspects and causality and sequential relations, which out-of-the-way of single firm business activity. One of the most complicated is a question of power. Network structures can not relies on mechanisms of authority and co-ordination which inherent for traditional corporation or form of the integration founded on mergers and acquisitions. On the other hand, for joint, prompt and lissome, realization of value-added chains necessary well-defined strategy, operative decision making, tough co-ordination and control of network participant's activities. The aim of this article - on base of approaches and conceptions analysis defines specific features of authority in network organizations.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):75-82

Development of methodological recommendations about selection of business-processes in machine-building plant with the purpose of re-engineering
Under the industrial recession conditions, caused by financial crisis, business process reengineering (BPR) takes on special significance for Russian industrial plants. It is being indicated in the article, that processes of production has special significance for machine-building plant, hence, author's method for selection of machine-building plant' processes of production with a view to reengineering is proposed. Author's purpose was development an algorithm for selection of priority business-processes for reengineering for a machine-building plant, which was developed during the work.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):83-92

The change of Russian Industrial Policy under the influence of globalization
The article is devoted the features formation and implementation of Russian industrial policy under the influence of globalization processes at the present stage. The cluster approach is offered as an effective means of achieving the objectives of industrial policy.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):93-97

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):98-99

For the Authors of vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(2):100-101