No S5 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 22
- URL:
Word of the editorial board
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):5-6

Global crisis and geopolitical perspectives of Russia and the European Union
Article focuses on the prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia, which shows a positive trend of recovery, and the European Union, passed after the global financial and economic crisis in the debt crisis. Russia is ready to expand cooperation with the EU in the financial sector by providing financial resources to overcome the debt crisis, the natural and intellectual resources, ready to cooperate in the fight against terrorism, instead of waiting for partnerships, sharing of innovations.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):7-16

The Debt Crisis in Eurozone and Perspectives of its Solution
The article deals with the crisis phenomena that are taking place in the European Monetary Union. The author examines the mechanisms that can be used to overcome the crisis in the Eurozone. Particular attention is paid to the role of European Central Bank in the conditions of financial and economic instability and its role in combating the sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone. The major macroeconomic indicators of the Russian economy's development are also analyzed in the article. The author determines the dependence of Russian economy from the current negative events in the Eurozone.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):17-24

Innovation role of strategic alliances: world practice and russian situation
This article treats the actual issues of theory and practice of strategic alliances in contecst of Russian modernization policy. Researching reasons and goals innovation strategic alliances, main theoretical methods and world practice. Formulated concept of evolution strategic alliances in Russia, presents research projects of trends strategic alliances in 2004—2006, 2008—2010.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):25-35

Public debt key trends and global economic challenges
Today the level of debt of many countries close to critical, which was caused and aggravated by economic crisis of 2008—2009. and became the trigger for the so-called “Second wave” of the crisis. A key feature of this new crisis is that the main borrower countries are developed countries such as the U.S., the EU, Japan and others. Thus, we can make the assumption that defaulting of government bonds of the largest economies in the world can provoke an even deeper recession in the world economy, which could lead to a protracted recession and a repeat of the Great Depression of the 30's. It can radically change the balance of forces, both on the economic map of the world and in the political area.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):36-50

The strategy of economis losses reduction from natural disasters in Europe (water shortage, water crisis and forest fires)
Natural disasters are one of the main sources of risks and economic losses in modern time. The annual economic damage for European Union from climate change is from 0.1% to 1% in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). The projected climate change in EU can significant increase the economic losses of EU. The innovation methods of managing the crisis with the help of modern technical solutions can significant reduce the economic losses from Natural disasters. The application of method of weather modification and creation of artificial precipitations during the extreme droughts can reduce in times the economic damage from Natural disasters.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):57-65

Integration development in the post-soviet space
The issues related to specifics and problems of economic integration in the post — soviet space are considered. Reasons for the USSR collapse. The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) creation as an attempt to conserve economic relations in new circumstances. The role of the Russian Federation at the territory of the Commonwealth of Independent States is shown by example of main macroeconomic indicators. Main problems and development perspectives of new integration formations at the base of CIS — Customs Union and The Eurasian Economic Community — are listed.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):66-71

Evolution of integration processes on post-soviet space
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Belgian geopolitics J. Thiriart likened the former USSR with a chocolate bar. After segments (former Soviet republics) broken off, it is not enough to put it all together to recover the entire tile. Now it can only be achieved by smelting and forging new tile. Obviously, the integration should be the mechanism that connects all segments. Article is devoted to the evolution of the integration processes in the post-Soviet space, their development trends and recommendations for deepening integration.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):72-81

National debt management in modern Russia
The article considers the range of issues dealing with debt sustainability and the structure of public debt, its management issues in Russia, the search for the effective tools and mechanisms for public debt management at different stages of its development in terms of market relations as well as prospects of the government securities market development in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):82-90

The global trends of media advertisement market: the Russian angle
This article explores the modern post-crisis situation of the global advertisement scene. A number of universal indicators such as market volume, per capita advertisement spending etc. are investigated in terms of their applicability to comparative analysis of fundamental national markets including the Russian market. The author aims at revealing the correlation between the advertisement evolving rates and the general development of economy. The advertisement ‘pies’ showing the shares of different types of media in total advertisement spending characterize the marketing sphere, as well as the economic and social spheres of society. The article also deals with up-to-date trends in various kinds of media, such as TV, the Internet, OOH etc. in Russia in the light of global tendencies.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):99-108

State policies to stimulate investment processes in conditions of modernization of Russian economy
In article the main objectives of the state investment policy in the Russian economy taking into account modernization of institutional development and an assessment of performance of the main state programs are described. These mechanisms are described taking into account development of the share and banking sector and tendencies in change of investment climate in regions. It is noted that the investment policy of the state in the conditions of modernization should be aimed at change of structure and scales of the investments directed on development of new branches of production, equipment and technologies taking into account updating of fixed assets, increase of their technological level to the international analogs and an assessment of criteria of efficiency of these investments. In regions it is offered to stimulate development of investment activity with decrease in administrative barriers in receiving financial resources for the enterprises of small and medium business and reduction of tax loading by business where the part of profit goes on equipment by innovative technologies and the equipment of high technological level.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):109-115

Tax harmonization in the CIS countries: trends of development
The article analyzes the process of tax harmonization in the CIS countries since the early 1990s. Despite the fact that this process develops more than 20 years, countries first entered the Customs Union, which since January 1, 2012 began its operation in the framework of the Single Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia achieved more significant results. In conditions of financial instability, adopted measures by the governments also had an impact on development of harmonization process in CIS countries and the SES.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):116-129

Improvement of program and target planning in public sector of Russia
The program and target method of planning considered in article, is urged to provide compliance of volumes of profitable sources, their distribution and achievement of goals of a state policy. It represents system of the planned plans which are subject to implementation, and also the actions which performance is urged to provide achievement of a goal. However now process of program and target planning both on federal, and at regional and local levels is organized insufficiently effectively. In article the main directions of reforming of the program and target planning, based on foreign experience are stated.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):130-138

Energy efficiency — factor of economic development of the Russian Federation. Trends in world and Russian economies
Energy consumption increases all the time worldwide, the essential part by industry. At the same time anthropogenic stress grows and influences environment and human beings. The urgent question is how to maintain present economic growth using less resources and decrease the influence on environment. To increase energy efficiency is a strategic mechanism which allows to achieve goals of stable development. Meanwhile the potential of energy efficiency in different countries differs from each other. Therefore it is interesting to analyze current situation with energy efficiency in Russia, determine the potential and prospects of development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):139-153

Global financial and economic crisis and its impact on strategic approaches to sustainable economic development
The article clarifies the scope and main features of the current world crisis. It opens interrelations of this crisis with an aggravation of energy-environmental problems in the world. The author estimates approaches to the decision of energy-environmental problems in developed and developing countries. He examines three possible scenarios for sustainable economic development in the world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):154-163

Modern theory of economics: demonstrations of crisis and movement to humanistic economics
This article poses a problem of crisis in modern economic science, the article also analyses demonstrations of crisis in economic theory. The main problems in the sphere of monopolization of economic theory by «non-classical vector» are drafted, the stress on the interdisciplinary’s shortage and fragmentariness researches is put, mathemisation of economic and social knowledge, presence of variety of separate theories and concepts which hamper researches of socio-economic systems, methodological errors of retrofit processes in Russia. This article analyses the ways of scientific researches based on methodology of socialization and humanisation of economics and labor activity.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):164-174

The issues of financial economics in modern research studies through the perspective of the world crisis
Author’s methodology on research of interconnections between investments, personnel costs and innovations is offered in the article from the perspective of institutional approach. The results of the research conducted with the help of nonparametric methods on the types of economic activity taking Russian regions as examples are presented in the article. The author comes to the conclusion that there is a direct connection between the features. Qualitative characteristic of the closeness of this connection varies from moderate to high.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):175-181

Priorities for sustainable economic system
The article is substantiated approach to the analysis of the economic system of Russia on the basis of institutional theory, proposed main priorities are to ensure the transition of the economy to a new level and ensure at this level of its sustainable development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):182-188

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):189-190

For the authors of «Vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(S5):191-193