No 2 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Long way to economic education for sustainable development
In the present article the contradiction between the well-known principles of the sustainable development and the current model of the economic education is presented. The author argued the necessity of the humanization of the economics and proposed the basic components to reform the economic education for sustainable development. The author gives consideration to the ideological evolution of the sustainable development concept and the to the basic stages of the greening of the economics.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):5-17

Power machine building in Russia: current state and perspectives of modernization
The current state of the power engineering field of the Russian Federation is analyzed in the article. After the dawn of the Soviet Union the power machine building industry has been continuously fading due to several factors. The Russian power machine building has been experiencing growth lately. The article tends to find out whether this growth is perspective and what factors may affect it in the nearest future.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):18-28

Internationalization peculiarities of the company's activities in the sector of professional business services
There are representatives from all countries at the international service market. This article analyses the peculiarities of the service sector functioning at the globalization stage of the world economy development. The internationalization features of the auditing company's activities leading in the professional business service sector are presented. Peculiarities and perspectives of auditing company's activities in Russia are also shown. It is shown that the growth of the world service export is about 30% during the last 5 years. Europe and Norht America are The regions-leaders in service export and the Asian-Pacific Region is dynamically developing but the specialization of different countries for definite kinds of services is observed. The companies of «big 4» came to market of all countries, where the exigency of professional business services are presented. They are conduct successful business in Russia too.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):29-38

The international experience of pharmaceutical products price regulation (on example of Europe)
This article analyzes the international experience of pharmaceutical products price regulation on example of European countries. Setting prices methods for medicines are considered. This article analyzes and gives description of the effectiveness of current methods of pharmaceutical products price regulation used in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe. Depending on their characteristics, the methods are classified into direct and indirect methods of regulation. This article analyzes conditions under which price controls on certain products and the general price level is effective.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):39-46

Supranational regulation of the strategic raw materials markets in the European Union
The article deals with the supranational regulation of the strategic mineral resources markets in the European Union under current deficit. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the raw material for the development of EU high-tech production. The conclusions can have practical importance for the regulation of the strategic mineral resources market in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):47-55

US retail corporations' liquidity in 2000-2010: dynamics before and during the crisis
In his article on the basis of a statistical data set collected from more than 170 Annual reports the author performs a comprehensive analysis of the main liquidity ratios for the largest US retail trade corporations in 2000-2010. The positions of retail leaders are compared; conclusions on the most robust business models are made. The author outlines some features of liquidity dynamics (namely the working capital to sales ratio) that can be used as indicators for general economic forecasting. The practical value of the research is stressed by its universal character - the large scope of Russian retail companies to which a similar approach can be applied.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):56-64

Russian model of financial market: contradictions and prospects for development
The Article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian model of the financial market, there the contradictions which have arisen in the course of its formation, and also development prospects are considered. The questions of formation in Russia the international financial center as necessary condition of development of the financial market providing increase of efficiency of the Russian economy are analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):65-72

The peculiarities of mortgage market in Russia in the uncertain time
In the article the author analyzes the key indicators of the mortgage market in Russia. The author determines the factors and directions of further development of the mortgage market. Particular attention is paid to the role of government in the process of mortgage market's development. The role of large banks and their influence on the mortgage market is also revealed in the article. Also author analyses the main lacks of mortgage lending in Russia and suggests additional measures aimed to stimulate mortgage lending.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):73-78

Innovative potential of CIS countries: global trends and factors of competitiveness
This article treats the actual issues of innovative potential of CIS members in frames of today's global trends. The analysis of main factors of CIS members' competitiveness is made measuring the innovative potential level and dynamics. Main periods of evolution are detected: period of growing lag (1990-2005); period of institutional reforms (2004-2008) and the period of pursuing development (2008 - present time).
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):79-88

Comparative research of innovation investment efficiency by example of electric energy companies of the GAZPROM group
The results of energy companies development in Russia in 2005-2009 are studied using the proposed efficiency model based on DEA analysis theory statements. The model lets estimate the efficiency of usage of own and attracted investment aimed at innovative development of companies. It is proposed to research efficiency of energy companies using the parameter of total investment used for several years for supporting the company activity, development and introduction of innovative technologies. The model was used for comparison of productive efficiency of companies belonging to JSC Gazprom and detection of differences in the usage rate of own and attracted investment resources applied for development and supporting the working state of facilities.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):89-97

Exceptions management in project-oriented company
This article is devoted to actual problem - exceptions management. Article exposes the essence of the term exceptions, which means not only deviations between actual and forecasted project parameters, but also key reasons for these deviations and methods and technologies (exceptions management) which allow to cope with aforementioned situations with minimum losses. The idea of the article is to show that exceptions management includes not only risk management, but also problem management and changes management. The author outlined the priority of problems solving based on the priority matrix, classified the changes in the project (based on the difficultness level of such changes) and main strategies of changes management and overall effective exceptions management.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):98-107

Drifts of investment projects efficiency analysis in view of the influence of ecological factors
In calculations of investment projects efficiency, a great deal of attention should be paid to the ecological factors. In this article, the methods of investment projects efficiency analysis in view of the influence of ecological factors are developed on the two drifts: evaluation of the environmental pollution level and production resources economy analysis. The following ecological indicators are recommended to be applied in work: the amount of damage caused by environmental pollution, the amount of prevented damage, volume of payments for natural resources, and some other.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):108-114

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):115-116

For the authors of «vestnik», series «Economics»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2012;(2):117-119