No S5 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 30
- URL:
Stability problems of economic development in the European Union and Russia in the post-crisis period
The article presents the problems of coordination of public policies designed to achieve short-term social and economic goals and the objectives of the medium-and long-term socio-economic development. The author highlighted by the example of Russia and the countries of the European Union that the choice of instruments of public policy used for current problems can build up additional risks in the longer term (such as the threat of a debt crisis as a result of critical financing of anti-crisis programs etc.). In this respect, the article presents an approach aimed at ensuring long-term stability of development on the basis of the analysis of options for short-term public policy with regard to possible future risks.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):7-15

Russia and its entourage: EU and China
The article presents the analysis of the existing international economic and political relations as a result of the entry of China on the world markets. On the basis of statistical data and facts the position of China on the economic and political world stage is shown. The author also considers the economic situation that has changed because of the global financial crisis and explains why China began to overtake the developed countries-leaders.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):16-23

The problems of geosrategic choice of Russia in 21 century. Role and place of the EU
The author analyzes the new economic situation, which formed in the period of the global crisis and affected the interaction between Russia and the EU. The article is about the new role of the EU in the world economy, a number of internal problems in Europe and emerging political and economic relations of Russia with the European countries and China. The author talks about the extent to which these new circumstances may affect the prospects of relations between Russia and the EU.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):24-34

Financial and economic indicators of Russia within BRICS
Article is devoted to the reasons and the potential for economic growth in the BRICS. The author wonders about what is a locomotive of economic growth in BRICS countries in conditions of global instability and highlights the importance of the customer demand, which creates a major part of the GDP of these countries. The article provides a detailed analyses of the macroeconomic indicators, developed in these countries and gives an idea about the place of the BRICS countries in the world economy.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):35-42

BRICS — is the dead birth child or the new vector of international policy: to the question of the work effectiveness
At the least there are four versions of the expert community concerning the meaning and the role of BRICS. The first opinion is the opinion that it is just unable to function political party — the dead birth child. The second one opinion is that it is clearly Chinese project, that is useful for China and is made up only for promotion of Chinese interests. The third one opinion is that this project is aimed against USA, the new tool of the developing countries fight. The forth one opinion is that this is the process of the new word regime creation, the new world architecture. Article is dedicated to the question of BRICS role and the perspective of its development.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):43-49

Debt problems in the European Union and Russia: common features and differences
The paper deals with the problems of the indebtedness in the world economy and describes the evolution of russian public and private debts’ problem, analyzes risks in debt sphere. Common features of Russia and the European Union are detected: they are worsening of the conditions for borrowing on the international market of loan capital, significant level of corporate debt, contingent liabilities of the budgets, high levels of public spending. Specific Russian features are defined as follows: dependence on world prices for energy resources, low credit ratings, rapid growth of domestic borrowing and quasi-sovereign debt.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):50-62

The Cost of Adaptation for Climate Change
During the pre-industrial period the variation of Global Surface Air Temperature on 1 °C change Global Mean Sea Level on 24,79 m (SL < 0) and in the modern time — 7,5 m (SL > 0). For the Global Warming period the rising rate of the Global Mean Sea Level will slowing down in 3,3 times simultaneously increases the Global Surface Air Temperature rate in 3,3 times. In the present time the Global Surface Air Temperature is 0,8 °C higher then pre-industrial level that will lead to the sea-level rise on 6 m. The EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change assume that the global warming must be limited to below 2 °C above pre-industrial level, that within some ages will lead to the sea-level rise on 15 m (15 times grater than for the A1B scenario, with the Sea-level rise up to 1 m). So in the future conditions the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change do not assume rapid climate changes that will significantly increase the economic losses from Sea Level Rise.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):63-72

Health and healthcare in conditions of social and economic reforms. Russia and Europe
The article presents the dynamic trends of medical and demographic variables in relation to the socio-economic changes in the country and determines the factors of preventable loss of health in Russia as a result of mortality. Comparative analysis of health and health care systems in Europe and Russia is given.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):73-80

Russia In Global Education Space
The article shows the main approaches towards global education space understanding and the position of leading countries in international education exchange as well as under the Bologna process. By the author opinion amongst the main reasons which drive the foreign students to choose the university are working language of the curse, country ranking, HEIs reputation, tuition fee and cost of living, competence requirements compatibility. Based on his analyses the author had defined the main natural problems of Russia positioning in the global educational space and has proposed some perspective directions to attract foreign students to Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):81-90

The market nature of social reforms in Russia: a course for commercialization
Continuing the theme of major reforms of public sector in Russia during the last two decades (1), this article presents the analysis of social reforms such as education, healthcare and pension reforms. Numerous attempts to adaptation of social norms and regulations working in the Soviet Union to market realities, as well as the borrowing of market instruments of social reform, are very painful, because they reflect on the living standards of millions of russians.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):91-100

The modern approaches to financing of education
The paper presents global trends associated with changes in approaches to financing higher education system. The author describes the modern mechanisms of state funds allocation, the forms of attracting resources from extra-budgetary sources. The paper describes theadvantages and disadvantages of the traditional model of higher education funding and indirect financing model based on demand. The studyis based on data from the OECD report about the education expenditure in different countries. According to the study the author concludes that the combination of different financing tools is an important condition for the development of higher education in the world.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):101-107

Comparative analysis of developed countries’ practice in the organization of the public procurement
The article presents the analysis of the organization of the public procurement in developed countries such as USA, UK, France, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The author highlighted positive aspects of the organization of the public procurement in these countries, which can be used in Russia stage by stage: planning, placing, assessment and implementation control. Some conclusions and recommendations are formed for raising the economic efficiency of the public procurement sector in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):118-127

Social reforms of the public sector in EU on the health care
This article provides an overview of health care systems in the EU countries and the main directions of reform. We study the influence of the crisis on health financing, as well as analyse the main items of expenditure in the health sector, trends and allocation of costs in private and public sectors. In conclusion, we assess the system of financing health care in the EU and analyze conducted reforms in European countries in the short and long term.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):128-136

Government programs as a tool of budget planning and forecasting
This article describes the government program of the development and implementation and analyses the government program components (Departmental Target Programme). The main purpose of the program is to concentrate resources to achieve specific goals and objectives of state police issues. This article examines Federal Target Programmes in key areas and the amount of budget allocation for them as well as the dynamics of funding government programs.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):137-144

Entrepreneurship development: problems and solutions
The article presents the problem of improving the efficiency of state regulation of entrepreneurship on the example of the Russian Federation, Europe and other countries. The author highlighted the factors influencing the development of the small and medium-sized businesses, as the basis of raising the economic security.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):145-152

Russian banking system: the management of credit risk mitigation
In the article we considered the problems of the origin and ways of minimizing the negative impact of banking credit risks on the national economy. The global financial crisis made it necessary to consolidate the actions of the international banking community and making a collective strategy to resolve the problem of the stability of the banking sector. Making an effective system for reducing the negative impact of the credit risks in the economy of the country is addressed at all levels of the national credit structure.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):161-168

The future of Russian regions: «raw-exports role» or innovative territorial cluster?
The description of intellectualization of modern economy is given through the example of the Siberian Federal District regions. The content of trend change from economy of knowledge to innovations in oil and gas sector of economy is concretized. The instruments of financing the innovative activity within the framework of the «Strategies of socio-economic development of Siberia till 2020» are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):169-179

The future of advertising market in Russia in the context of globalization
The article deals with the modern situation and main trends of Russian advertising in the context of globalization The author applied for the analysis of universal indicators of advertisement activity such as market volume, per capita advertisement spending etc. for comparative analysis of fundamental national markets including the Russian market. The author aims at revealing the correlation between the advertisement evolving rates and the general development of economy. The advertisement ‘pies’ showing the shares of different types of media in total advertisement spending characterize the marketing sphere, as well as the economic and social spheres of society. The article also explores distinctive trends in various kinds of advertising medium, such as TV, Internet, OOH. Indoor etc. in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):180-187

Public-private partnership funding prospects in Russia at the present stage
The article reveals the economic content of the “public-private partnerships” (PPP) and its role in ensuring the competitiveness of state in the international scene. The author cites widespread PPP forms, methods and instruments of PPP projects financing. The paper contains examination of key factors constraining the development of public-private partnership in Russia at present. The article identifies the major areas of public-private partnership environment modernization. The development of these areas will attract new sources of funding for Russian PPP projects.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):188-195

Economic evaluation of investment attractiveness of the mineral resource base of quartz sand (for example, the fields of the Central Federal District of Russia)
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of existing and potential criteria for determining the investment attractiveness of the mineral sites and selection on this basis, the recommended settings, the foundation of computational and analytical tools assess the effectiveness and efficiency of investment in the development of mineral resources of solid minerals. The author proposed an integrated approach to the analysis of key technical and economic (quantitative-qualitative, price, mining, engineering, technology and infrastructure) indicators of mineral-raw-material objects, in their consideration at the regional level, taking into account the achievement of the final goals of the investment.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):196-204

«Turn towards Asia: global strategy of the United States?
In the world has developed a completely new situation in 1991 as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since then, a strategic priority for US is to prevent the emergence of a new rival endangering them comparable to the threat posed by the Soviet Union during the period from 1945 to 1991. Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union and defining the structuring element of the international relations was the strategy of the Obama administration, which is called “the turn toward Asia”, combining economic, financial, trade, military and diplomatic aspects. It can be viewed from two standpoints: first, the “official”, takes into account primarily the economic aspects of this strategy, which corresponds to absolute priority re-employment in the United States by new industrialization of the country, which was determined by the Obama administration. For a second, highly geopolitical point of view, the basis of this strategy are the relations between the US and China, this does not prevent the further reduction of the role of both: the European Union and Russia.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):205-213

European integration and the Dutch disease: Portugal and Spain
Portuguese and Spanish economies received large sums from the European structural funds and used the significant reduction in interest rates on loans after joining the EU. The cumulative effect of these two factors led to the emergence of an effect comparable to the so-called «Dutch disease». In this case the inflow of funds can be considered as a kind of curse. The article presentsthe presence of Dutch disease in the Portuguese economy and its absence in Spanish. After a descriptive analysis of some of the variablesthe author considered the totality of the necessary equations for the calculation, which took into account the direct and indirect effects of the inflow of funds from the structural funds and the financial costs to the economy. The article revealed that the impact of these factors on the real exchange rate played a fundamental role.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):214-222

The approaches of Russia and Algeria to deliveries of the liquefied natural gas to European markets
Статья посвящена анализу отличительных особенностей подходов России и Алжира к поставкам сжиженного природного газа на европейские рынки. Авторами проведена работа по анализу основных статистических данных по запасам СПГ по странам, сферам использования СПГ, самым крупным производителям и потребителям. В статье авторы также дали оценку ситуации на европейском рынке СПГ, определили основных поставщиков ЕС и основные характеристики подходов России и Алжира к поставкам СПГ.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):223-233

Formation of the financial market in the conditions of single economic space of the EurAsEC
The article highlights the issue of equalizing conditions of development of legislative provision, infrastructure and professional participants of Russia and Kazakhstan and to lay the basis for the formation of the single financial market of the two countries — members of the EurAsEC. A comparative analysis of the development of financial markets of Russia and Kazakhstan and directions of their convergence, as well as the conditions necessary for the organization of the treatment of national securities exchanges of the two countries.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):234-242

Russia and EU — joint future in electroenergetics
The article deals with Russiaand EU’s collaboration in electroenergetics. The article gives characteristic of this branch in Russia focusing on main indicators such as types of power plants, energy output, labor productivity in the branch, energy intensity, capitalization and investments amounts. Problem topics are divided on technological and institutional with the further ranking of all problems of the branch in these two groups. Perspectives for development of the branch are analyzedfocusing on Russia and EU’s collaboration in electroenergy sphere.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):243-253

Prospects for the development of nuclear energy within the energy cooperation, Russia — European Union
This article is devoted to the issues of improving the safety of nuclear power in Russia and prospects of its development. It presents the number of nuclear reactors and their energy, and also the ways of possible cooperation in this area between Russia and the European Union.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):254-261

Russia and the EU countries trade relations specificity in and around exchange of high-technology products (by example the space industry): the main problems and their solutions
The article is concerned to trade relations specificity between Russia and the EU countries in and around exchange of high-technology products, by example the space industry in point of view of the current legislation. The current situation in trade relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation is characterized. Arguments for the possibility of considering the space industry as a key high-tech is given. The specificity of international trade in goods and services for space purposes is revealed. The examples of the implementation of space projects between Russia and the EU is considered. The main problems in the implementation of future cooperation between the EU and Russia in space projects and the ways of their possible solutions is sorted out.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):262-273

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2013;(S5):273-275