No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 13
- URL:
Endogenous economic growth as a condition of modernization of Russia's economy
Today the most important factors for long-term economic growth is not only labor and large stocks of physical capital but human capital investment, high government spending in infrastructure and basic research, innovation, combined behavioral and institutional parameters. This conclusion is also supported by the modification of the econometric Makarov-Ayvazian model, using which examines the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of Russia as a result of the interaction of endogenous and exogenous factors. Scenario calculations show that even without considering the impact of the current economic crisis, maintaining fixed capital investment at the same level will lead to stagnation and stop growth. At the same time, increasing investment and public spending, but the same pace, while maintaining their low returns, is leading to slower economic growth. To modernize the economy an appropriate institutional environment is necessary, in the presence of which all factors are beginning to generate an endogenous, self-sustaining growth.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):5-13

Persuading efficiency of integrative growth strategy in time of economic crisis
The article deals with issues of posterior evaluation of m&a efficiency. The investigation was focused on strategic investment decisions performed in downturn or crisis conditions.
International methodology of m&as evaluation (event study) was tailored to emerging markets' realities using Russian companies as a frame. Authors estimated the abnormal effect which was gained due to utilizing the integrative growth strategy by Russian companies in the downturn faze of economic crisis in 2007-2008.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):14-21

Information and communicative technologies in the Russian companies
Information and communication technologies are the key changes in the economy as a whole, and in modern companies in particular. The economic development of the country and its competitiveness in recent years more and more dependent on factors related to innovation, information and communication technologies, the use of global computer networks at all levels. The article analyzes the current use of information and communication technologies in the companies of the Russian Federation. Today companies are forced to attend to ICT in order to remain competitive, but still face several challenges.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):22-30

The innovative activity of regional higher educational institutions and some possibilities of its financing
The research represents the attempt to offer the new approaches to the formation of strategy of the Russian institutes. These strategies should provide the fast growth of quality of higher education and reduce risks of private and corporate investors. It will help to increase volumes of off-budget financing. The executed researches and experiments have allowed preparing recommendations which are directed on increase of the competitiveness of regional universities. The creation of «the reserve of the free listeners at universities», development of elite higher education on the basis of the best universities in Russian regions, the increase of objectivity and a transparency of the estimation of knowledge's can advance the decision of problems of higher education.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):31-36

Regional economic security: the essence of the concept and boundaries of application
The article raised questions about the appropriateness of the term «regional economic security». It is proposed an analytical review of the definition of «region» in the normative legal space of Russia and in scientific research. Objects and levels of economic security were refined. Justify the inclusion of multiple levels of the economic security of the country meso-level of the combined economies of the RF subjects. Proposed by regional economic security to consider two levels: the level of economic security of federal entities and meso-level of economic security.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):37-43

Development features of telecommunication market in CIS region
Differences in fixed, mobile and Internet penetration rates in CIS countries shows lack of homogeneity in different telecommunication segments there, that could be explained by differences in social and economic conditions, territorial features of CIS countries. The liberalization processes made mobile and Internet segments are the most developing and perspective for the operators. Legislative policy, anti-trust policy and fair price formation are the key aspects of government regulation, main methods of inferential control of the telecommunication industry.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):44-50

Strategic choice of housing and utilities companies
The article touches upon ways by which housing and utilities companies can reach their strategic competitiveness parting from their real recourse and organizational potential. A matrix of strategic choice for such companies' competitive ability is offered. It integrates their economic and organizational activity with various services in the market due to different stages of the life cycle. The matrix allows to define the main ways of making the work of such companies better. It's done at the expense of equipment renewal, technological processes optimization and increasing of service quality that influences consumer demand and competitive ability.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):51-58

Problems of segmentation of the socially-significant markets
The success of marketing activity of any company, first of all, depends on efficiency of segmentation and goods positioning in the market. Market segmentation is one of the important functions in system of marketing activity and is connected with identification of target groups of consumers with similar requirements, consumer or motivational characteristics.
There is a set of arguments with which prove necessity of market segmentation. However it is necessary to consider as the main argument that fact that segmentation increases competitive advantages of the company.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):59-65

Investment in art-markets in the countries with different levels of economic development: rate of return and risks
Some features of art-markets of the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Australia and Latin America covering the period from the middle of 20-th century to the beginning of the 21-th century are considered in the work. The results of investigations for the market for paintings and statistical data of annual rate of return of different kinds of investments in Turkey are given. The conclusion of the possibility for the diversification of any portfolio by investing to art not only in the developed countries, but also in an environment of high inflation and large macroeconomic volatility is made.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):66-74

Russian chart of accounts and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
This article investigates how to adapt the Russian chart of accounts in the convergence of accounting consolidated groups of international accounting model. The author proposed a draft plan of accounts, further developed management accounting on the basis of accounting this article. The author urges that the basis of analysts in the accounts of the accounting of costs, revenues and profits by proceeds from the main subject of management accounting - the responsibility centers.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):75-80

IX International scientific conference «Countries with developing markets in the process of globalization»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):81-88

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):89-90

For the Authors of vestnik, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2010;(3):91-92