
Social representations of covid-19 in the unstable information environment (a mid-2021 study)
Nazarov M.M., Ivanov V.N., Kublitskaya E.A.
Network youth communities in the social-cultural space of the northern region: methodological and empirical aspects of the study
Chizhova L.A., Tutygin A.G., Stirmanova R.S.
Social media as an instrument for organizing mass riots in the United Kingdom in August 2011
Katkina A.N.
Social issues in the development and application of artificial intelligence
Tsvyk V.A., Tsvyk I.V.
Digital detox of the youth (on the example of social networks)
Efimova G.Z., Semenov M.Y.
Adaptation and immersion in the life trajectories of women engaged in prostitution
Rusakova M.M.
Gender identity construction in virtual political communication: Discourse strategies and self-representation practices in social networks
Maximova O.B.
Factors for attracting educational migrants (on the example of Siberian universities)
Bulatowa T.A., Glukhov A.P.
The social dimension of modern media space and its content
Mouzykant V.L., Mouzykant P.V.
Code-switching in the computer-mediated communication
Darginavičienė I., Ignotaitė I.
Danilov A.N., Rotman D.G., Postalovsky A.V., Buzovsky I.I.
Actualization of the intercultural dialogue in the Internet
Lipatova M.E., Bogatyreva A.A.
Education and social networking: Between connectivism and the critical social philosophy of the new media
De Martino M., Kovalenko S.A., Tkach G.F., Isidori E.
Corporate professional unity under the unstable labor market in the industrial region
Ogorodov A.S., Saranchuk S.Y., Chevtaeva N.G.
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