Rationalizing social technologies
- Authors: Scherbina VV1
- Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 16, No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 141-162
- Section: Sociology of management
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/sociology/article/view/6532
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The article considers the problem of defining the specifics and types of social technologies (hereinafter ST). The author pursues the following objectives: first, to clarify the specific features of social technologies; second, to identify the grounds for classifying the existing types of social technologies; third, to describe the basic characteristics (functions, tasks, tools, the scope and limits of application, and ideological bases) of social technologies; fourth, to identify the basic features of one group of social technologies - the rationalizing social technologies (hereinafter RST); fifth, to define the specifics of one of the most important, but poorly studied subtypes of the rationalizing social technologies, which is associated with the task of rationalizing management activities and is denoted by the author as a subtype of the “goal-providing rationalizing management social technologies” (hereinafter GPRMST). Thus, the article attempts to reduce, at least partially, the scale of the chaos that reigns in the theory of social technologies and is particularly evident in the ambiguity of interpretations of social technologies and vague distinctions between different types of social technologies and their specific functions, etc.
About the authors
V V Scherbina
Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
Email: sherbina.vyacheslav@mail.ru
Center for Sociology of Management and Social Technology
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