The SWOT-Analysis Sociological Measurement in Business
- Authors: Zagorodnikov AN1
- The Finance University, RF Government
- Issue: No 3 (2012)
- Pages: 94-103
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article examines the conditions for companies' successful development, combining strategic PR-planning and marketing tactics based on sociological measurements. For this purpose the author studies the environment by estimating the activities of the competitors, suppliers and consumers, and analyzes the current position and opportunities of the enterprise itself, with its technical, technological, financial, raw material and other resources. The author shows the mechanism of applying the SWOT-analysis as a matrix of primary strategic analysis. This method allows to carry out an integrated research of various aspects of the external and internal environment and to choose an optimal marketing strategy.
About the authors
A N Zagorodnikov
The Finance University, RF Government
Author for correspondence.
Кафедра политологии; Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ; The Finance University, RF Government
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