Values of the Future Elites in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation: A Comparative Study of Values of University Students in the Two Countries
- Authors: Tuchek M1
- Charles University
- Issue: No 4 (2011)
- Pages: 37-47
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article presents the results of a comparative sociological study carried out by a group of sociologists of the Department of social sciences in Karl University, Prague and the Department of Sociology of People's Friendship University in Moscow, Russia. The research focuses on examining value orientations of university students in Prague and Moscow. The data collected are of special significance, for it is the students in metropolitan universities who make up the part of the youth in both countries with a fair chance of replenishing the ranks of their national elites and affecting the evolution of society.
About the authors
M Tuchek
Charles University
Author for correspondence.
Кафедра социологии Института социологических исследованийфакультета социальных наук; Карлов университет в Праге; Charles University
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