Stabilization consciousness in the changing Russian society


In recent decades, the growing dynamics of social processes requires a new theoretical-methodological approach to the analysis of the mass consciousness reaction to these changes. In what cases are such changes determined by expectations or requests for change, and in what cases do changes determine a reaction to stabilize the social system? How does public opinion strive to maintain or restore stability in the changing world? The complex structure of society as a system predetermines the dynamics of social sentiments, setting the logic of change and highlighting the dominant functions of different spheres of social life in different historical periods. Russian society has entered the political phase of its development - when changes caused by political goal setting affect all other spheres: political involvement, politicization of various aspects of society and of public opinion are increasing. Changes affect the life of the common man, forcing him to choose strategies for the future. However, at the same time, the mass consciousness, conservative by nature, inevitably hopes for quick stabilization. The article is based on the data of the opinion polls conducted by the Center for Comprehensive Social Studies of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2016-2023 and analyzes the dynamics of public consciousness through its expectations and requests for change and stability. The author emphasizes the contradictory nature of changes in the Russian society, since the public consciousness was not ready for such a type, depth and pace of changes. There is a clear social segmentation - those who have already accepted changes and those who still try to distance themselves from changes. Stabilization consciousness plays a dual role by appealing to both the past and the future.

About the authors

S. D. Savin

Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS

Author for correspondence.
Krzhizhanovskogo St., 24/35-5, Moscow, 117218, Russia


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