Conceptual and methodological aspects of the assessment of the organization’s readiness to innovations
- Authors: Neverov AV1, Dudnik AS1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: Vol 16, No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 623-636
- Section: Sociology of management
- URL:
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Nowadays Russian organizations feel the need to create innovative products and high technologies and to implement management innovations. The significance of changes for social system cannot be overestimated; however, for Russia innovative development becomes not only a major socio-economic challenge, but also an objective of paramount importance that needs to be solved as soon as possible. Such significance and urgency are determined by the following factors: first, the sanctions proved the high demand for the independent development of many types of technologies; second, the introduction of innovations is necessary for national economy modernization and improvement of Russian companies efficiency; third, without permanent development of science and education (which is impossible without innovations) there is social and cultural stagnation of the state; fourth, the global trend of changes and improvement of production determines the emergence of new forms of economic cooperation with the dominance of high-tech, innovative and converging technologies; fifth, the priorities of our country for the next few years are a high-tech capacity building and an access to major international markets of innovations. Thus, many Russian companies will have to introduce innovations more actively. The success of introducing innovations depends largely on the organization’s readiness to them, which determines the importance of the assessment of the readiness of organization social environment for introducing innovations for social aspects have a significance impact on innovations management. For the complex assessment of the readiness of organization social environment to innovations, we need relevant methodical approaches. The article considers conceptual approaches to innovations management and the techniques for assessing the readiness of organization social environment to innovations.
About the authors
A V Neverov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia
A S Dudnik
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Moscow, Russia
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