Russian terminology of the digital society: grammatical features in the focus of neology and neography


The relevance of the research is in the need of observation and analysis of new phenomena in the Russian language, as well as the representation of grammatical information in terminological dictionary that contains nominations of the new subject area. The aim of the study is to identify the grammatical features of the Digital Society terminology in the Russian language of the XXI century. The research material consists of over 500 terms identified with a continuous sampling from official documents and news on the website of the Ministry of Digitalization of the Russian Federation and from media and scientific texts. The research method of empirical material is based on the traditional comprehensive analysis of a new linguistic unit: semantic, morphological, syntactic, word-formation. To confirm the variation of some terms, the author conducted a poll, and a survey of social networks and other new media with the help of parsing. Summarizing the results, the author follows the idea of linguocognitive correlation of linguistic phenomena and changes. The study revealed the terms used mostly in the plural form, so this form became the initial one; new cases and types of grammatical variation of terms in relation to the category of animate/inanimate ( otklyuchit' golosovogo pomoshchnika/golosovoi pomoshchnik ) are described; the causes and types of formal variation of compound terms ( neironnaya set’ - neiroset’ ) are described. The results of the research prove that it is advisable to reflect the grammatical features of a term in lexicographic description of forming terminology at its early stage. The prospects of the study are seen in research of the Digital Society terminology from the point of view of wordformation features and their connection with the grammatical and semantic characteristics of terms, as well as in studying the influence of the “graphics factor” (writing the term in Latin) on the grammatical “behavior” of the term.

About the authors

Elena V. Marinova

Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3860-5606
SPIN-code: 9498-9911

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Teaching Russian as a Native and Foreign Language

31a Minina St , Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation


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