Trends of compressive word formation in modern Russian language
- Authors: Nikolina N.A.1
- Moscow State Pedagogical University
- Pages: 392-405
- Section: Actual Problems of Russian Language Studies
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The study deals with the ways of compressive word formation, which are active in the modern Russian language, and reveals their dynamic processes. The aim of the study is to determine the leading trends in the development of compressive word formation in the modern Russian language. The relevance of the work is conditioned by the necessity of multidimensional study of active processes in the modern Russian language. Contexts extracted from modern fiction texts, records of oral speech, examples of compressives in the media and the Internet are used as material. The study describes and compares such ways of compression word formation as truncation, addition, abbreviation, and nominalization. Especially high productivity of truncation and univerbation in modern Russian speech is noted. It is shown that compressive word formation is currently characterized by new tendencies: active borrowing, expansion of compressives of different types and spheres of their use in modern Russian speech, formation of new ways of compressive wordformation, spread of truncation on words of different parts of speech. The increasing frequency of contaminated formations in modern Russian speech is revealed. Studies of trends of compressive word formation in the modern Russian language show the correlation of ways of word formation in synchronicity and detailed analysis of derivational processes taking into account the principle of linguistic economy.
About the authors
Natalia A. Nikolina
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4980-2229
SPIN-code: 9505-3868
Candidate of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Russian Language Department
1a Malaya Pirogovskaya St, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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