Stages of development of digital linguodidactics of Russian as a foreign language

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The digital transformation of education, the emergence of new digital technologies that expand the linguodidactic base of Russian as a foreign language (RFL), modern conditions for education implementation have become an occasion to study teaching methods in the aspect of digital didactics. The aim of the research is to highlight the stages of development of digital linguodidactics of RFL and to determine the key characteristics of each of them. The material for the study was scientific papers on organizing the learning process with the help of computer technology, the methodological justification for using digital educational resources in teaching RFL, as well as the authors' long-term observations on the formation and development of digital linguodidactics. To achieve this aim, methods of general scientific knowledge were used - analysis, synthesis, induction; linguistic methods of comparative analysis, component and complex analysis of digital educational resources; empirical methods of observation of the development of digital language didactics of RFL over the past decades, comparison of the achievements of each stage in terms of creating digital educational resources and their consolidation and relevance in teaching. The terms “digital competence of the teacher”, “digital didactics”, “digital linguodidactics” are considered. The key concept in the development of the methodology of teaching RFL over the past decades under the influence of the digitalization in the economy and society - the digital competencies of the teacher - has been determined. As a result of the study, four stages in the development of digital linguodidactics of RFL were identified in the article: 1 - late 1980s-1999; 2 - 2000-2010; 3 - 2010-2020; 4 - 2020 - present. For each period, key characteristics were revealed: interactivity and multimedia - stage 1; distance education and visualization - stage 2; digitalization of educational content and mentoring - stage 3; system transformation and rethinking - stage 4. Identifying stages of development of digital linguodidactics of RFL seems promising both for the scientific, educational and methodological base of teaching methods, and for future studies on the process of digital transformation of teaching RFL.

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Today, the competitiveness, attractiveness, and value of Russian higher education in the world are determined by professional competencies of graduates, which imply the ability to develop, create and promote high-tech products, form new socio-economic models, and manage business processes. The competences determine the demand for them in digital economy conditions. The quality of such competences in foreign graduates of Russian universities under the conditions of exporting Russian education is directly related to the language training of applicants and students, since it is RFL proficiency that lays the foundation for successful mastering their profession. In this context, the training of teachers capable of organizing the process of teaching Russian language to foreign students under the conditions of digitalization of the educational process, as well as the process of Russian language teaching itself, which meets modern concepts and the requirements of digital linguodidactics, attracts particular attention.

The main priorities in modern society development are the formation of a digital economy and digital society, which is fixed in federal strategic documents (the National Programme “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” approved by the minutes of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects of 4 June 2019 No 71;1 Presidential Decree of 9 May 2017 No 203 “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017‒2030”2). These documents adapt the Russian higher education system to the challenges of the digital economy and define the vectors of digital transformation of education, which poses new challenges to didactics.

Scientists' reflections on the concept of “digital didactics” are outlined in several modern scientific works, where the content of the term is specified, different interpretations are given, and the main provisions are formulated3 (Bilenko et al., 2019; Chikova, 2020; Solovova et al., 2020; Ibrahimov et al., 2021). In the present article, following the above-mentioned researchers of the process of digital transformation of education, we adhere to the definition of “digital didactics” as a field of pedagogy, a scientific direction whose subject matter is “organization of learning process under the conditions of digital society” (Bilenko et al., 2019: 78). The scientists emphasize that “the term 'digital didactics' is conditional and should not be understood literally, since the subject of digital didactics is the activity of a person (learner, trainee) rather than the functioning of digital educational tools” (Bilenko et al., 2019: 9). Accordingly, “digital linguodidactics” is understood as a scientific discipline that considers the general theory of teaching and learning a foreign language under the conditions of digital transformation of the educational process.

The technological breakthrough of the recent decades changed the subject of research in several sciences, which emphasizes the relevance of studying the development of the methodology of teaching Russian to foreign speakers and calls for a systematic consideration of the periodization of RFL linguodidactics under the influence of digitalization of society and science.

The digital transformation of the economy and society could not but affect the process of Russian language teaching under the new conditions, as evidenced by contemporary methodologists (Dunaeva et al., 2020; Strelchuk, 2021; Pashkovskaya et al., 2021; Dyakova et al., 2021; 2022; Maryanchik, Popova, 2022; Veselova, 2022; Khamrayeva, 2022; Kozhevnikova et al., 2021; Lebedeva, 2022). The conclusions of the authors reflect the trends in the development of RFL teaching in the aspect of digital didactics, as well as emphasize the promise of the ongoing transformation of the learning process. We should note that it is particularly important to consider the issues of organising the process of RFL teaching both from the perspective of teacher training and from the perspective of learners.

The aim of the research is to outline the stages of development of digital linguodidactics of RFL and to identify the key characteristics of each of them.

Materials and methods

The material for the study consists of scientific papers on the organization of the process of teaching RFL with the help of computer technology, the methodological rationale for digital learning resources in teaching RFL, as well as the authors' long-term observations on the formation and development of digital linguodidactics (Derzhavin Tambov State University, 2010‒2023).

The following methods were used to achieve the aim of the article:

‒ methods of general scientific cognition: analysis, synthesis of the results of scientific works of leading scientists and research carried out under their guidance, induction, which allowed us to highlight the stages of development of digital linguodidactics of RFL;

‒ linguistic methods: comparative analysis, component analysis and integrated analysis of digital educational resources created in recent decades and used in the practice of teaching RFL, which allowed to qualitatively characterize the stages highlighted in the form of key definitions;

‒ empirical methods: observation of the progress of digital language teaching in the last decades, comparing the achievements of each stage in terms of the creation of digital educational resources and their consolidation and relevance in teaching practice.


The key concept “digital competences” in developing RFL teaching methodology under the influence of digitalization of economy and society in the last three decades was defined. It is, on the one hand, an obligatory requirement for the modern teacher's professiogram, on the other hand, a secondary skill compared to the need for mastering theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching RFL.

We have distinguished four stages in the development of digital language teaching which allow us to trace its evolution from the appearance of the first personal computers on the Russian market to the present day:

Stage 1 ‒ late 1980s to 1999. The beginning of the formation of digital didactics for RFL, assessment of the methodological potential of new electronic linguodidactic tools in teaching. The key characteristics of the present stage were interactivity and multimedia.

Stage 2 ‒ 2000‒2010. It included the first experiences of synchronous online learning, the introduction of computer technology in the educational process, the creation of presentations, software tools for teaching RFL, simulators, handbooks, applications, electronic tutorials on certain media and in the form of websites. Awareness of the development vector of the RFL teaching process in the direction of active use of information and communication technologies (ICT), providing visual, training, and controlling functions; creation of the theory and the beginning of computer-based linguodidactics as a scientific discipline. The key characteristics of this stage were distance education and visualization.

Stage 3 ‒ 2010‒2020. The beginning of this stage, as well as its further development are connected with the active spreading of Web-2.0 technologies in the sphere of teaching the Russian language. The stage saw the emergence of new linguodidactic tools: dynamic presentations, word clouds, infographics, mental maps, interactive tasks, interactive learning video content, virtual whiteboards for collaborative work, the use of social communication services in teaching, video conferencing tools. The key features of the stage were digitalisation of learning content and mentoring.

Stage 4 ‒ 2020 ‒ up to present. Systemic transformation focusing on qualitative shifts: inclusion of digital didactics in educational programmes as a subject and as an independent educational programme, creation of digital preparatory departments, intensification of publishing, research and educational activities in the field of Russian language teaching to foreign speakers in a digital environment, cataloguing digital educational resources in RFL, erasing the boundaries between online and offline (hybrid form), high level of digital competence of teachers. The key characteristics of the present period are systemic transformation and rethinking.


The modern stage in the development of RFL teaching methodology is determined by the external conditions and development vectors of modern society. In this regard, close attention is paid not only to the process of teaching Russian to non-native speakers in the context of digitalization, but also to the training of teachers who are able to carry out educational activities under these conditions. In this study both processes are considered in their interconnection and interdependence. The digital competence of teachers comes to the forefront. The competence include: “1) digital skills; 2) the ability to methodologically use digital technologies in teaching; 3) the ability to critically evaluate digital technologies; 4) the motivation to participate in a digital culture” (Ustin et al., 2020: 217).

Digital competences of educators and learners are now seen not as a special value, but as a matter of course. The ability to create digital educational content, to apply it methodologically in the learning process in different learning environments and forms, to simulate and implement the learning process in a digital environment, to organize students' feedback, to evaluate knowledge and skills are integral components of the professiogram of RFL teachers and make them competitive at the labour market. Students' ability and skills to adequately perceive digital learning content, handle digital learning resources, organise independent work, present the results of creative project activities with digital technologies, give feedback to the teacher reflect the portrait of the modern learner in general. Modern international students are representatives of the digital generation, they easily navigate in the digital environment, have no difficulty in mastering new linguodidactic tools, which, indeed, become tools for mastering a foreign language.

At present, we see a divergence in the level of teachers' digital competence. On the one hand, we see a golden galaxy of teachers who stood at the origins of theoretical and teaching-methodological provisions and left us a rich heritage in the form of the linguodidactic base of teaching RFL, but who due to their age cannot adapt to new technologies. On the other hand, we have a new young generation of teachers who are just entering the profession, most often through practice, are confident in digital technology, have a type of thinking similar to that of students, but have no or little knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the methodology of teaching Russian to foreign speakers and, at best, try to fill the gap during their pedagogical activities.

Analyzing the current stage in the development of the methodology of teaching the Russian language, we can see a similar situation with the teaching and methodological support of the process. Remarkable textbooks and manuals, most often published in university publishing houses, are not colourful, do not have modern layout, full colour, but consider the leading didactic and methodological principles of teaching, systematic presentation of material, availability of exercises to form speech skills, gradual formation of educational activities. Traditional manuals are opposed to new manuals, which proclaim colourfulness, an abundance of creolized texts, communicative ability as special values, but lack of consistency and sequence, violation of the principle of one difficulty raises the question of their effectiveness.

We believe that the digital transformation of education is aimed not only at saturating the educational process with new linguodidactic means, digital educational products without understanding their value and significance in the formation of a secondary linguistic personality, but also at adapting the provisions of classical RFL teaching methodology to the conditions of digital educational environment, modernizing and supplementing them with visualization, interactivity, including new methods and ways of presenting the educational material, digital linguodidactic means of training and control. Digital technologies offer us only new linguodidactic means, but the process of language personality formation itself, depending on the psychological and pedagogical conditions, remains the same, since it is based on the same psychological mechanisms.

Teaching RFL in the modern era, in our opinion, is based on the provisions and achievements of classical methods, which are expanded with an arsenal of digital educational resources and teaching tools that are subject to learning process rules and the psychological and pedagogical conditions of learning.

In L.V. Lapidus' matrix of digital economy evolution, we see that along with the characteristic of each individual five-year period, there is an increase in the turbulence of the digital environment under the influence of the rapid formation of new socio-economic models of the digital economy (Lapidus, 2021). Regarding the digital transformation of RFL learning, it is appropriate, in our opinion,  to consider in more detail the stages outlined earlier.

At stage 1 (late 1980s ‒ 1999) of the development and introduction of computer technologies in RFL teaching, according to the observations of the authors of a collective monograph (Kurylenko, Rudenko-Morgun, 2019), new terms “hypertex”, “interactivity”, “multimedia” appear. The key features of this stage are the appearance of the first personal computers on the Russian market, the development of the first electronic manuals on RFL,4 the evaluation of the methodological potential of new electronic linguodidactic tools in teaching RFL by leading Russian scientists (E.G. Azimov, O.I. Rudenko-Morgun,  E.A. Vlasov, T.V. Vasilyeva, M.A. Bovtenko, V.S. Fadeev), the creation of the first interactive multimedia system for visualizing Russian grammar VisuGramm at the Department of Natural Science and Technical Russian Language at Hannover University (Germany).5

A certain indicator of the end of this period and the beginning of a new one is, in our opinion, the appearance in 1999‒2000 of the State Educational Standards for Russian as a Foreign Language,6 based on the level system of proficiency in foreign languages and communicative and speech comprehension.

The main electronic linguodidactic means of this period is a computer simulator.

At stage 2 (2000‒2010) the first experiments in synchronous online learning are being conducted, as well as the introduction of computer technology into the learning process, the creation of presentations, software tools for teaching RFL, simulators, reference books, applications, electronic tutorials on separate media and in the form of websites. The RFL learning process in the direction of the active use of information and communication technologies with visual, training and controlling functions is developed. The first Internet resources on the Russian language (e.g. “Russian on-line”, “Time to speak Russian!”, “Learn Russian”, “Russian For Everyone”, etc.7) are emerged, the efforts of modelling virtual educational environment, distance learning are taken. The formation of distance learning in the Russian language is considered in the dissertation paper of A.N. Bogomolov (Bogomolov, 2008). Certain culturological means in Russian (songs, movies), images of Russian realities, forms of speech etiquette in order to further integrate them into the learning process are cataloguing.

This stage is characterized by the creation of a theory of computer linguodidactics, including scientific analysis of the trends in information technology development, typology of computer learning tools (Bovtenko, 2002), “the formation of computer linguodidactics as a scientific discipline” (Gartsov, 2007: 41).

The leading electronic linguodidactic means in the practice of teaching RFL is presentation.

Methodological aspects of integrating computer and pedagogical technologies in teaching the Russian language, peculiar for the third stage (2010‒2020), are outlined in the monograph by A.V. Tryapelnikov (Tryapelnikov, 2014). Justifying the digital (information) format, the author distinguishes three types of  revolutions that took place before our eyes. Informational, communicational, and virtual revolutions were determined by the formation and technological breakthrough of multimedia, information and communication technologies. The virtual revolution generated new forms of educational interaction and new types of tasks in RFL methodology.

New technologies of teaching RFL and linguodidactic tools (e.g. blended learning technology, flipped classroom model, gamification, cloud technologies functioning on users' smart devices, animated characters) are methodologically justified in the collective monograph edited by V.B. Kurylenko and O.I. Rudenko-Morgun (Kurylenko, Rudenko-Morgun, 2019).

The main distinctive feature of this stage is the creation in 2015 of the portal “Education in Russian” (A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language),8 which was the first experience in popularization and promotion of the Russian language and education in the world in the digital environment by means of distance technologies.

As a key feature of this stage, we should note the cataloguing of digital educational resources on the Russian language and culture. The linguistic and pedagogical base of the catalogues of the Institute of Russian Language and Culture, Lomonosov Moscow State University9 are growing. The results of the digitalization of the RFL teaching sphere at this stage L.A. Dunaeva, G.M. Levina, A.N. Bogomolov, and T.V. Vasilyeva consider projects “on creating open structured banks of online learning resources” (Dunaeva et al., 2020: 5), the first steps in organizing distance learning of the Russian language, the transformation of paper textbooks under the influence of smart technologies, new research directions in developing and implementing innovative forms, teaching tools and learning instruments. Scientists note the transition of all types of content from analogue to digital forms, the spread of promising technologies (“virtualization, augmented reality, cloud services, mobile Internet, miniature devices, artificial intelligence” (Dunaeva et al., 2020: 6)) and the completion of the informatization phase in the field of RFL teaching, development and implementation of information technology (Dunaeva et al., 2020).

Educational platforms host the first mass open online courses (MOOCs) on RFL, educational video content on RFL is presented on educational video hosting channels on YouTube, a new format of educational Internet resource appears ‒  an online application to the printed textbooks (“About Russia in Russian”).10 There is a chaotic diffusion of digital educational products, a “digital fever” (Lapidus, 2021). In terms of developing digital competence of Russian language teachers, along with the spread of professional development courses in the form of MOOCs a sign of this stage is mentoring as a way of self-education and self-development.

Scientific events of this stage include conference sections on the use of information and communication technologies in teaching RFL and teaching in a digital environment. Teaching and learning activities and conference materials contain recommendations on operating with different cloud-based digital technology services in order to create linguistic and didactic material, their effectiveness is noted, but minimal attention is paid to the methodology of applying these digital educational products. We emphasize that comments such as “can be used here or there for this or that” is not methodologically correct and meaningful, because it does not give teachers the opportunity to get a full idea of the stages of work with a certain resource or tool, methods of its integration into traditional teaching methods, its value and effectiveness.

The catalyst for digital transformation was the COVID-19 pandemic, which had some advantages. Teachers, actively developing in the direction of digitalization, had the opportunity to test and adjust their own developments in distance learning, analyse them, assess their value and importance not situationally within a single lesson, but within the whole series, to draw conclusions on delayed testing of knowledge and the level of skills in all types of speech activity.

A significant linguodidactic means of this period is an interactive task.

The beginning of the stage 4 (2020) is caused by the pandemic and is associated with the need to move to distance learning. There happened a systemic transformation with a focus on qualitative shifts. The beginning of the new stage is analysed and described in detail in the review paper by V.A. Maryanchik “Russian as a foreign language in the framework of online education: approaches and opinions (based on scientific publications of 2021)”. The article presents “systematization of the scientific discourse clustering around the problems of teaching RFL in the distance format” (Maryanchik, Popova, 2022: 8), which became part of the digital transformation of the university educational ecosystem. The authors consider 2021 to be “the beginning of the next stage in the development of the theory and methodology of distance learning of RFL” (Maryanchik, Popova, 2022: 8) ‒ the stage of scientific generalization and the creation of a coherent theory of RFL distance learning methodology, which began in the early 20th century.

This stage in the development of the methodology of teaching RFL under the influence of the digitalization of the economy is just beginning, and it is still impossible to give it a full characteristic, but there are already trends that determine the vectors of development. Let us outline some of them.

Digital didactics as an independent discipline is included in the curricula of the main educational programs of higher education and as an independent educational program in higher and additional education, including RFL. V.I. Glizburg considers digital didactics “a paradigm of educational process development, which contributes to the formation of necessary competencies and implementation of students' readiness for their professional activities taking into account the relevant risks of digitalization generated by technogenic processes in the educational environment” (Glizburg, 2021: 187).

The Digital Preparatory Faculty of the RUDN University was launched in 2020.11

Since 2021, an electronic pedagogical journal “Digital Didactics”12 has been published. In 2021, at the initiative of the Moscow City University, the Digital Didactics Consortium was created, whose task is to search for technological solutions for the educational process, improving the quality of online education. Profile scientific events have become annual: All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Didactics of Professional Education and Training”,13 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Professional Competencies of Teachers in the Context of Digital Transformation of Education” (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration),14 International Conference “Modern {digital} Didactics” (Moscow City University),15 Interregional Scientific Seminar “Innovations in the Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in the aspect of Digital Humanities” (Derzhavin Tambov State University).16 This also indicates a systemic digital transformation of education.

The content of courses, master classes, webinars include not just lists of existing digital technologies, cloud services and an overview of digital educational resources with a brief indication of their usefulness, but a detailed explanation at what levels of learning RFL, for which practical tasks these digital linguistic tools may be applicable. The authors offer options for staged work, ways of using the tools in various forms of educational interaction. Educational activities are aimed at forming teachers' abilities not only to apply ready-made educational content in teaching, but also to create their own.

The present stage of digitalization is characterized by the blurring of the boundaries between online and offline teaching. This conclusion is based on observing the organization and conduct of scientific events: forums, conferences, seminars, etc., and educational and methodological events: master classes, open classes, schools, courses. The modern hybrid form of scientific-methodological interaction has become universal and allowed to expand the territorial boundaries of events, to activate and involve teachers, methodologists, and students from different countries in real time, and to keep affiliation in relation to the educational institution. An example of this is the International Kostomarov Forum.

Trying to find some advantages and make conclusions from the forced transition to distance learning during the pandemic, we note that RFL teachers have learned to organize the learning process in the context of digital educational environment with confidence and efficiency. RFL teachers have become more flexible in conditions and forms of learning. Here we mean not only distance learning, but also a mixed form of educational interaction ‒ offline form with the active use of online digital learning resources and linguodidactic tools. Thus, the needs of teachers for methodologically competent and consistent integration of various cloud-based linguodidactic tools in the educational process gave rise to a new form of organization of virtual learning space ‒ an educational longread (for example, the digital educational environment “Russian Language. Beginning” (Dyakova et al., 2021).17

We should note that teachers have transferred the best and most effective tools and techniques from distance to offline learning, the didactic base has expanded, and digital technologies are more often included in teaching, both in the classroom and in students' independent work. In our opinion, the digital competence of the modern RFL teacher and the status of the digital transformation of RFL teaching today fully meet the challenges of the digital economy and digital society. Digital environment, technologies of virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, in our opinion, are designed to complement the learning process, to make it exciting, effective, and high-quality.

We believe that a qualitative characteristic of the current stage of development of RFL digital linguodidactics should be a systematic rethinking of the classical theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language in the aspect of digital didactics. Today we have manuals aimed at improving teachers' professional competencies in teaching RFL in a digital educational environment18 (Lovina, 2022). So we have to draw the attention of young teachers to the significance and importance of studying the theoretical foundations of teaching RFL, P.Ya. Galperin's theory of planned-stage formation of mental actions and concepts, N.I. Zhinkin's speech mechanisms, the need to compare opportunities and methodological value when using digital technologies, resources, and tools in the learning process.

We assume that if teachers possess the linguodidactic base, the basic provisions of methodological theory, they will be able to competently integrate digital linguodidactic tools into the learning process. Conversely, the value of digital linguodidactic tools significantly reduces if the teacher does not know how to handle them, to extract their methodological value. A methodologically literate teacher who does not know how to create digital educational content can use ready-made content, which is now available on the Internet, and the teacher who creates digital learning content, but does not know how to integrate it into teaching, here loses.

A feature of the current stage is also the emergence of new professions related to the digitalization of education: online course methodologist, designer of digital educational content, pedagogical designer, etc.

How to form the methodological values among the future teachers of the Russian language in relation to digital technologies and digital educational products? The practice of implementation of the master's educational program “Theory and Practice of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in the Aspect of Digital Humanities Knowledge” in Derzhavin Tambov State University shows that the future teacher needs regular systematic interaction with those digital technologies to which we want to accustom him, develop a skill in handling them, so he could “pass them through himself” and evaluate their methodological importance during his studies. For example, the results of master's students’ own teaching and research activities can be effectively presented with the help of digital technologies that allow systematization and visualization of data, ensure collaborative work (Miro, MindMeister, Padlet, Scrumlr, etc.), form the skill of handling digital tools, rather than an abstract idea of their availability. Subsequently, graduate students are very creative in using these services to organize learning, for example, to visualize the content of a training text in the form of a mental map or infographics in order to develop speech skills through compression and decompression. Modelling of the training text, cognitive visualization have been effective methods of forming speech competence of foreign students for many years, and digital technologies only allow visualizing the content of the text at a qualitatively new level. Here we see a direct correlation between the formation of a future teacher’s personal information and educational environment and the organization of learning in a digital environment.

Speaking about the leading role of a certain linguistic and didactic tool of this stage, we give particular importance to the educational longread, which integrates educational content of third-party websites, services, hosting, and other possibilities of the digital environment.


Thus, this study attempts to identify and describe the key characteristics of the stages of development of digital linguodidactics of Russian as a foreign language.

Highlighting the stages of development of digital linguodidactics of RFL and determining their key characteristics are essential both for understanding the vector of development of RFL teaching methodology under digitalization, and for the further development of teaching theory and methodology.

The presented data may be significant for determining further tasks of studying the digital transformation of RFL teaching process, and the scientific and digital teaching and learning base.

The material of this study can be fruitful for further research on the current state of the methodology of teaching RFL and its theoretical and linguodidactic basis, as well as for practical use in the lecture course on the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language in basic and additional educational programs.


1 National Programme “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects of 4 June 2019 No 71. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from

2 Presidential Decree “On the Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017‒2030", 9 May 2017, No 203. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from

3 Solovova, N.V., Dmitriyev, D.S., Sukhankina, N.V., & Dmitriyeva, D.S. (2020). Digital pedagogy: Technologies and methods: Textbook. Samara: Samara University. (In Russ.)

4 Zhuravlev, A.P., Grigorov, O.N., Davidson, D., Popov, V.A., & Fokina, N.A. (1989).  100 computer exercises in the Russian language. Computer simulator for vocabulary and grammar the Russian language for the intermediate and advanced stages of learning. Мoscow: Russky Yazyk Publ. (In Russ.); Rudenko-Morgun, O.I., Vasilyeva, T.V., & Vlasov, E.A. (1991). The case detective. Langsoft LTD, Inbound Trade, INC; Rudenko-Morgun, O.I., & Vasilyeva, T.V. (1991). ABC. The Russian alphabet in exercises. Мoscow: Langsoft. (In Russ.); Rudenko-Morgun, O.I., & Vasilyeva, T.V. (1991). Listen, read, look ‒ speak! Мoscow: Langsoft. (In Russ.)

5 Wenzel, F. (1996). Visualisierung von Grammatik und Wortschatz im Unterricht. Grammatik visuell: Plakat zum Vortrag. Universität Hannover.

6 Vladimirova, T.E., Nakhabina, M.M., & Soboleva, N.I. (1999). State Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. Elementary level. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ.; Nakhabina, M.M., Soboleva, N.I., Starodub, V.V., Stepanenko, V.A., Andryushina, N.P., Antonova, V.E., Danilina, O.V., Zhorova, A.V., & Palitskaya, E.V. (1999). The State Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. Basic level. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ. (In Russ.); Andryushina, N.P., Bitekhtina, G.A., Ivanova, A.S., Klobukova, L.P., Krasilnikova, L.V., Nakhabina, M.M., Noreiko, L.N., Soboleva, N.T., Starodub, V.V., Stepanenko, V.A., & Suchkova, G.A. (1999). The State Educational Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. The first level. General proficiency. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ. (In Russ.); Andryushina, N.P., Vladimirova, T.E., Klobukova, L.P., Krasilnikova, L.V., Ivanova, A.S., Nakhabina, M.M., Soboleva, N.I., Starodub, V.V., Stepanenko, V.A., Antonova, V.E., Palitskaya, E.V., Sheveleva, N.B., Chugunova, I.S., Afanaseva, I.N., Baryshnikova, E.N., Gapochka, I.K., Kirilenko, N.P., Martynenko, E.V., Nesterskaya, L.A., Kirilenko, V.B., Yatsenko, I.I., Noreiko, L.N., & Prokhorova, I.O. (2000). State Educational Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. Professional modules. First level. The second level. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ. (In Russ.); Ivanova, T.A., Popova, T.I., Rogova, K.A., & Yurkov, E.E. (1999). State Educational Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. The second level. General proficiency. Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ. (In Russ.); State Educational Standard for Russian as a Foreign Language. The third certification level. Professional module “Philology”. (1999). Moscow, St. Petersburg: Zlatoust Publ. (In Russ.)

7 Russian on-line. Retrieved from; Time to speak Russian! Retrieved from; Learn Russian. Retrieved from; Russian For Everyone. Retrieved from

8 Education in Russian. Retrieved from

9 The Network Text Library of the Center for International Education of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Retrieved from

10 Online application to the textbook “About Russia in Russian”. Retrieved from

11 Digital Preparatory Faculty of the RUDN University. Retrieved from

12 Digital Didactics. Retrieved from https://цифроваядидактика.net/

13 All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital Didactics of Professional Education and Training”. Retrieved from

14 International Scientific and Practical Conference “Professional Competencies of Teachers in the Digital Transformation of Education”. Retrieved from

15 International Conference on Modern {digital} Didactics. Retrieved from

16 Interregional scientific seminar “Innovations in the Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in the Aspect of Digital Humanities”. Retrieved from

17 Digital educational environment “Russian Language. Beginning”. Retrieved from

18 Kholodkova, M.V., Dronova, O.A., Dyakova, T.A., & Zherebtsova, Zh.I. (2022). Practical principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a digital educational environment: educational and methodical manual. Tambov: TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin. (In Russ.)


About the authors

Zhanna I. Feyzer

Derzhavin Tambov State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3831-2937

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language

33 Internatsionalnaya St, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation

Tatyana A. Dyakova

Derzhavin Tambov State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1032-5573

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Russian Language Department

33 Internatsionalnaya St, Tambov, 392000, Russian Federation


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