Functional paradigm in Russian studies: from the functioning of units to the regulatory concept of language
- Authors: Dorofeev Y.V.1, Zhuravleva E.A.2
- Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
- L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 1 (2023): Functional description of the modern Russian language
- Pages: 49-63
- Section: Key Issues of Russian Language Research
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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Today the Russian language has gone beyond Russia and forms the planetary Russian-speaking world, so Russian language studies, whose subject matter is traditionally considered the literary form of the language, seeks to reach a new level of comprehension of both the language and individual facts. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that at the present stage ideas of synthesis come to the fore in linguistics, there are tendencies to develop a theory of language integrating the latest achievements of different areas of linguistics on a single basis. In accordance with this, the aim of the research is to compare the regulative concept of language in the works of A.N. Rudyakov with the works of other linguists in order to establish the key features and principles of a new linguistic paradigm and define language as a regulatory system based on linguistic functionalism. Deductive, analytical-theoretical and modeling methods describe the current state of the scientific linguistic paradigm and general linguistic problems associated with the concepts under study. The key features of the modern scientific linguistic paradigm are established, since without defining theoretical guidelines, modern language science loses its practical value. As a result, the authors substantiated that the new paradigm is not only an appeal to new material and new research methods, but the creation of a fundamentally new theory that will take into account the role of language in society, its ontological, functional essence. Based on the definition of the key features of the functional approach to the language and its units, the authors demonstrate that linguistics not only borders on other sciences, but is in some way an integral part of them, the basis of the human Universe. In the future, the presented material allows us to see that the change of the scientific paradigm, despite the objective difficulties, today is a prerequisite for the further development of linguistics. It also outlines a range of theoretical and practical tasks that modern linguistics faces and which can be solved within the framework of a new paradigm.
About the authors
Yury V. Dorofeev
Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3925-090X
Doctor of Philology, Docent, Vice-Rector for Research, Professor of the Department of Philology
15 Lenina St, Simferopol, 295000, Russian FederationEvgenia A. Zhuravleva
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9566-8481
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
2 Satpayev St, Astana, 010008, Republic of KazakhstanReferences
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