Increasing motivation to learn Russian of children of compatriots abroad
- Authors: Drozdova O.E.1
- Moscow Pedagogical State University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 195-208
- Section: Methods of Teaching Russian as a Native and Foreign Language
- URL:
- DOI:
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Various aspects of teaching children of compatriots abroad are considered. These aspects can increase motivation to learn the Russian language and maintain their interest in the future. The relevance of the article is connected both with the needs of Russian-speaking compatriots and with a social request from the Russian Federation. The purpose of this study is to identify and summarize relevant and effective practices for teaching children the Russian language in the near and far abroad. The authors used the following research methods: analysis of scientific literature, observation and generalization of pedagogical experience. The theoretical significance of the study consists in analyzing facts from scientific sources and formulating some conceptual conclusions: for teachers and educators working abroad, it is necessary to form their students’ value-based attitude to the Russian language and a desire not only to communicate, but also to learn the world in the Russian language (simultaneously with learning the world in the language of the country of residence). The author also briefly presents the conceptual provisions of the developed new direction in the methodology - meta-subject teaching of the Russian language, gives recommendations on implementing this kind of training while teaching children of compatriots abroad. The analysis of specific types and forms of training aimed at increasing motivation for teaching the Russian language (including specific examples of working with teachers from Italy, Switzerland and Malta, kindergarten teachers from Oregon, USA) is of practical importance. The study proves the expediency of using the author’s recommendations to increase motivation for learning the Russian language: mastering the language in the process of learning different subjects and design and research linguistic activities in different areas of life.
About the authors
Olga E. Drozdova
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Pedagogy, Chair of Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Philological Projects in Education, Associate Professor of Department of Teaching Methodology of the Russian Language
1 Malaya Pirogovskaya St, bldg. 1, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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