Specific language of Russian Internet poetry

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The article analyses the linguistic means of modern Internet poetry having millions of readers and actively developing on the Internet. Being a kind of mass literature, the Internet poetry “complicates linguistic reality”, influencing the literary language “by virtue of its mass character” (Solganik, 2010). Therefore, the study of such “alternative” art seems relevant: it can later become the material for a new poetic theory becoming urgent nowadays. The author took as the material for the study poetic websites (“Stihi.ru”, “Izba-Chitalnya”, etc.) and thematic groups in social networks (“Rifmach”, “Filashki”, “Artichoke”, etc.). The purpose of the article is to identify the specificity of the language of the Internet poetry, analyze cases of unconventional use of language means in modern Internet poetry. Undoubtedly, not only Internet authors are looking for new forms and methods, but it is the Internet poets who consciously violate all the norms - the norms of versification, of the language, of text structure in order to reveal the potential of the language. The study revealed a lot of experiments with genres and language tools, for example in the graphic design of the text (for instance, graphic symbols in an unconventional function), in specific features of vocabulary, word formation, morphology and syntax.

About the authors

Julija V Bartosh

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

Author for correspondence.
Email: lulka8bar86@mail.ru

3rd year postgraduate student (speciality 10.02.01 - Russian language), Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus).

33 Moskovskij Prospect, Vitebsk, 210038, Republic of Belarus


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