The problems of linguoculturology discussed on the pages of the “Russian Language Studies” journal
- Authors: Guzman Tirado R.1
- University of Granada (Universidad de Granada)
- Issue: Vol 16, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 380-397
- Section: Review Article
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents a review of linguocultural materials published in recent years in the scientific journal “Russian Language Studies” (in the past it was called “The Bulletin of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Russian and Foreign Languages Research and Teaching”). The author concentrates on the concept of “linguoculturology”, its origin, development and the main approaches to its study. The analysis of the materials published in the journal makes it possible to focus on the articles dealing with the comparative, cognitive, applied linguoculturology, linguoculturology of ethnos and subethnos. The author underlines the importance of the linguocultural approach to the analysis of the significance of the cultural code, and the specific features of the national verbalization related to the vision of the world around the linguistic personality. A number of publications deal with applied linguoculturology that is somehow connected with the culture-oriented linguistics. The author believes that it is reasonable to use a linguocultural approach in the process of writing textbooks for bilingual students and in the study of linguistic units of different levels. Additionally, this approach can help researchers identify the place and role of the Russian language in linguoculturology. The author argues that the materials presented in the journal cover a wide range of linguocultural studies and enrich linguoculturology from the point of view of theory and practice.
About the authors
Rafael Guzman Tirado
University of Granada (Universidad de Granada)
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Greek and Slavic Philology of the University of Granada. He is a member of MAPRYAL Presidium (International Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (Spain). He supervises the research group “Slavic Studies, Caucasus Studies and Typology of Languages”
Spain, Granada, 18010, Av. del HospicioReferences
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