
Interaction of Central and Local Authorities with the Kazakh Population of the Steppe Region in the Field of Land Use in Late ХIХ - Early ХХ Century
Lysenko Y.A., Omurova Z.O., Gundova O.E.
Virgin Frontier: Features of Virgin Land Development in Orenburg Region
Pakhomova E.V.
The Germans of St. Petersburg from the 1860s to 1914: Number, Distribution, and Economic Activities
Shaidurov V.N., Osipov N.A.
From the Yeisk Fortification to the Yeisk Settlement: Transformation of the Settlement Structure and Features of Land Surveying on the Southern Borders of Russia in the Second Half of the XVIII - First Half of the XIX Century
Stepanova L.G.
Russian City in Manchuria through the Eyes of the Minister of War: A.N. Kuropatkin’s Visit to Harbin in 1903
Avilov R.S.
Diplomat and Reformer S.L. Vladislavich-Raguzinsky: “...Eternal Peace Was Concluded and the Border Was Approved”
Zandanova L.V., Puzynya N.N.
Siberian Bukharans in Russian mission: gathering intelligence in Russia’s south-eastern borderlands, 17th-18th centuries
Puzyrev I.D.
Imperial Acculturation on Russian’s Southeastern Frontier: An International Survey
Lyubichankovskiy S.V.
Ethno-political situation in the Oka estuary region on the eve of the Mongol invasion
Kuznetsov A.A.
Economic Reasons or War Needs: comparative Cost Price of defensive Structures in Mid 17th Century Russia
Nossov K.S.
Governmental Discussion on the Private Capital Participation in the Trans-Caspian Railway Construction in the Late XIX Century
Toktamysov S.Z.
«Crimean Captives» and their Redemption in the 1650s: On the History of Colonization of Russia’s Steppes Frontier
Zhukov V.D.
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