No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Explosives Production in USSR in 1930s and Its Lend-Lease Supplies During Great Patriotic War
The article considers the evolution of explosives production in the 30s of the 20 th century. There is also studied its correlation with heavy industry development during industrialization. The author analyzes the reasons of explosives shortage before and during the Great Patriotic War. Based on the archival data there are for the first time clarified some peculiarities of explosives delivery in 1941–1945 by allies. The author also analyzes how this fact influences the fighting efficiency of the Soviet troops during the wartime and the fighting at different stages of the Great Patriotic War.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):5-15

Agricultural Policy of German Fascists Invaders at the Occupied Territory of Central Black Soil Region in 1941-1943
The author analyses the actions taken by the occupational authorities in terms of agriculture at the temporary controlled territories of Voronezh, Kursk and Oryol provinces. The article describes the main goals and tendencies of fascist agricultural policy with the focus on the relationships with the civilians and the results of the fascists’ actions.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):16-30

«Crimean Captives» and their Redemption in the 1650s: On the History of Colonization of Russia’s Steppes Frontier
The author considers the mecanism of state redemption of captives in the 1650s. Particular attention is given to quantitative analysis of the information on social status of the redeemed, their geographic origin, and the circumstances of their capture. Also, the mechanism of redemption, averge ransom prices, and the total amount of money allocated these purposes.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):31-43

Russian War Captivity of 1914-1922: Sociological Dimension (on the Urals` Materials)
The article constitutes an attempt to consider Russian captivity of 1914–1922 from the sociological perspective. The author demonstrates that captive foreigners being at the same time group of inclusion and group of exclusion played both positive and negative part. On the one hand, they contributed to the deformation of established social borders, norms and structures, on the other hand – to their qualitative change. In a direct or indirect ways appropriating strange (moreover, hostile) environment, prisoners of war inevitably failed to become its organic part. In a large measure it was accounted for by the fact that Russian society due to acuteness of its internal contradictions denied foreign soldiers the perspective of successful socialization, depriving itself of a possibility to develop composite identities and respective differently directed social interactions which ensured the stability and success of the modern social entities.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):44-56

Prince Lvoff’s Mission to the USA and Europe in November 1918 – January 1919
The article deals with the problem of the diplomatic mission of prince Lvoff to the USA and Europe on the eve of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The author’s point is that the mission is a distinctive episode in the development of White movement’s foreign policy. In particular, the author investigates the goal of the mission, the deliberations and educes the cause of it’s fail. Special attention is paid to the political views of prince Lvoff.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):57-69

Communal Democracy Traditions in Formation Process and Activities of Rural Soviets in 1920s
The article analyzes the formation process of local self-government of the Russian peasantry in the form of rural Soviets in the 1920s, considers the legal framework and the legislation aspect: the RSFSR Constitutions of 1918 and 1925, the rural Soviets formation, their interrelations with land communities, etc.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):70-79

Society for the Initial Establishment of Travelling Diligences: the First Transport Company in Russia
The article deals with one of the unexplored issues in the national historiography – origination of the first joint-stock companies in Russia. Using the example of the privileged Society for original establishment of travelling coaches, formed in 1820, it shows the formation mechanism, organizational structure and activities of the joint stock companies before the adoption of «The provisions on the Joint-Stock Companies» in 1836.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):80-93

«By Tray, Scraper and Prokhodnushka»: Prospector’s Gold Mining Development in the Magadanskiy Sovnarhoz in 1957–1962s
The author analyzes dynamics of prospector’s gold mining in the Magadanskiy sovnarhoz per 1957–1962s. It has taken the important place in regional structure of gold mining. During 1957–1959 years there was an organizational becoming artels of prospectors. The cost price of prospector’s gold was more cheaply, than on the state extraction. Regional committees of Communist party have rendered very essential support in prospector’s activity in the end of 1950 th. However party bodies have begun the company on restriction of earnings and toughening of the control over prospectors work.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):94-106

To the Question on Biographies of First Russian Typographers
The article is devoted to the study of biographies of pioneers of Russian book-printing: Ivan Fyodorov and Peter Mstislavets. The author analyzed available to date source base of study of the problem and its interpretation. The author offered her view of the problem.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):107-120

Counteraction of Falsification of History in Former USSR: history or politics?
The article deals with the activities of the Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia’s interests in 2009–2012. The author emphasizes the practical significance of the work of such organizations both on federal and regional level. There are pointed out some factors which testify to the necessity of their functioning, such as: public concern about attempts to falsify history; opening in the Baltic states, Georgia, Ukraine and a number of countries of Western Europe of centers and museums which reconsider the place of the Russian empire and the USSR in history, compare «Soviet Stalinism» to German fascism and demand that Russia should repair the damage of the occupation.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):121-130

Falsifications of Russian History – Should We Fight against Them, for Which Purpose and by Which Means?
The article considers the problem of falsifications in historical science, the causes and consequences of falsifications of Russian history both in Russia and abroad. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of purposes, forms and possibilities of the fight against falsifications of history which has been going on in Russia in recent years.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):131-135

Dissertation Council D212.203.03 of Peoples` Friendship University of Russia in the 1 st half of 2012
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):136-140

«That such Russia?» Review on: Linkova E.V. F.I. Tyutchev: Formation of National Conservatism. - Moscow: PFUR Ed., 2010. – 289 p
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):141-143

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2012;(4):144-145