From the Yeisk Fortification to the Yeisk Settlement: Transformation of the Settlement Structure and Features of Land Surveying on the Southern Borders of Russia in the Second Half of the XVIII - First Half of the XIX Century

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The modification of the settlement structure of the Yeisk fortification, which belongs to one of the first Russian settlements on the Azov coast, is analyzed. The foundation of the Yeisk fortification is associated with the struggle of Russia with the Ottoman Empire for access to the southern seas. Subsequently, the Yeisk fortification (Eisk town) was an important stronghold in establishing ad-ministrative boundaries between the Land of the Black Sea Cossack Army, the Land of the Don Army, the Yekaterinoslav Governorate and the Caucasian Viceroyalty. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the transformation of the settlement structure and land surveying in the southern territories of Russia in the process of settlement and development of new territories. It is concluded that the evolution of the settlement from a military fortification to a village demonstrates a model of coexistence of various historical types of settlements in Cossack territories at the end of the XVIII - first half of the XIX centuries. After the General Land Survey at the beginning of the XIX century. Compared to neighboring settlements in the territories of the Rostov district of the Ekaterinoslav province, the Black Sea Cossack Army and the Don Army, the Yeisk fortification found itself in a less advantageous position. It lost many lands and access to fishing. However, the further history of the Yeisk fortification demonstrated its sustainable development. Fishing re-mained the leading economic activity of the settlement's residents. Thanks to the economic devel-opment of new southern territories, trading activity was revived in the Yeisk fortification.

About the authors

Liliya G. Stepanova

Kuban State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3902-1389
SPIN-code: 2312-6960

Dr. Habil in History, Professor of the Department of Russian History


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