No 2 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 20
- URL:
Millitary Settlement in Context of Liberal Reforms of Alexandrthe First
In the article the military settlement in Russia analyses in context of liberal projects and undertakings during the reign of Alexandr the First. The author makes an attempt to consider institute of military settlement not as reactionary measure, that was characteristically for the former historiography tradition, but as one of significant modernization measure, witch was including in liberal reformation of the age.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):5-17

Grand Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich about Address of MoscowNobility in 1865: the Question of Nobility Opposition to «Great Reforms»
The article is devoted to the large social oppositional statement of «Age of Great Reforms» - to address of Moscow nobility 1865 and to reaction to it from supremacy and Grand Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich. Grand Prince was a leader of moderate-liberal wing of governmental camp. Discussion around address of Moscow nobility promoted to political separation of different social forces and making new projects of people's representation.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):18-23

Dress-code for Russian Parliamentarians of the Beginning of the 20th Century
The process of democratization of Russian political elite's dress standards taking place in the beginning of the 20th century is examined by the example of the State Duma members. It was a coat that had become one of exterior symbols of public politics instead of a traditional bureaucracy uniform.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):24-30

«Sale of Shame» or «Houses of Delight»: Brothels In the social Service Sphere in Cities of Zabaikalie in the beginning of 20th Century
In the article on the base of regulative documents and some archives materials which did not published before, the prostitution as the specific structure unit of social-service sphere in the cities of Zabaikalie in the beginning of 20th is considered.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):38-52

Maintenance of foreign Prisoners of War in Territory of Russia within the First world war
In clause it is analyzed conditions of the maintenance of foreign prisoners of war in Russia during the First world war. The author has shown with what difficulties the reasons of high death rate of prisoners of war and the ambiguous attitude from authorities to prisoners of war, having slavic an origin and prisoners of war other nationalities collided foreign prisoners of war, got in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):53-61

«Izvrascheniya», «Lzhekolkhozy» and «Relations with Clergy through Trotskyism»: «Dekulakization» in Southern Ural (1930-1934)
This paper is based on the unpublished materials taken from local, regional and central Russian archives and contains an analysis of motives and reasoning behind 'dekulakization' ('raskulachivanie') of the Southern Ural peasants given in the testimonials as the arguments for the eviction. The state of Southern Ural peasants in the village and the steps the Soviet state took to fight with the peasants are also considered.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):62-75

Economic Reasons or War Needs: comparative Cost Price of defensive Structures in Mid 17th Century Russia
The object of the article is the cost price of defensive structures of different construction: palisade, log-made and stone-made. The analysis is based on written sources of the 17th century. A calculation of the cost of labour and material as well as man-hours has been made. It is shown that the cost of defensive walls increased from palisade to log walls in the tarassy style and to stone walls. Stone walls cost about 30 times more than log ones. And yet, in spite of high costs, the Russian State often preferred stone fortifications to wooden ones and roskaty to towers.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):76-84

«The Anti-sabotage Protection» of Negligence and Thriftlessness: NKVD on the USSR industrial Enterprises during the Great patriotic war
The anti-sabotage protection of Soviet economic infrastructure during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 had been a critical component of the all-national system of economic security. This function was assigned to the state security apparatus. Correspondingly, Soviet security officers had made every effort to ensure the continuous logistical provision of front army units.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):85-94

«It is the Time for Catholics to Take Vengeance on Orthodoxies...»: Paradoxes of Application of the Decree of April, 17 1905 «About Believe Toleration» in the Territory of Northwest Edge
The article is devoted to the problems of law enforcement of the Decree on April, 17, 1905 «About Toleration» in Northwest edge of Russian empire. Author gives the special attention to the reactions to the Decree of three interested sides, - to administration of edge and two leading faiths - Orthodox and Catholic. The author analyzes the reasons of occurrence of new receptions of missionary work of Catholic Church and anatomy of the interconfessional conflicts which have arisen in conditions of becoming of religious freedom.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):95-110

The Evolution in the Area of the Church-State Relations in the West Republics of the USSR in the Period of Perestroika
In the article are researched the changes in the church-state relations that took place in the west republics of the USSR in the 1988-1991. The author analyses the evolution of the republican governments` position concerning the religion and the church. In the article it is noticed that when the distance between the republican government and the Union centre becomes wider, then the change of the republican leadership's politics in the religious question becomes evident, especially concerning the «national» confessions.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):111-120

Modern Religious Traditsionalizm: Personification of Holiness in the old Believers Churches
The paper proposed the method for study of religious communities in Russia. An indicator of religious culture are processes to the category sacral. As a factual base elected sources on the history of modern Old Believers churches. We have the right to formulate a prediction: in a globalizing personification sacral retain their value to the followers of conservative religious communities.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):121-126

«Pshishku», «Tkhamate» and «Tlfekotly»: special Features of Superior Power in Traditional Management System in Cherkessia in the Beginning of 19th Century
In the article traditional managerial institutes and process of legal culture functioning in managerial process are analyzed. The conclusions about factors of forming of horizontal and vertical links for make the Cherkess Society more organized and stabile are made.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):127-136

Image of Napoleon on «the Son of Fatherland» Magazine Pages during the Patriotic War of 1812
In the centre of research of the article - an image of Napoleon during Patriotic War of 1812 as it is presented by authors of one of the most authoritative magazines of that time - «The Son of Fatherland». Opinions of authors are investigated through a prism of two basic approaches to Antinapoleonic subject - liberal and conservative. Also publicistic and literary techniques are analyzed by means of which the main goals of publishers - to excite hatred to the leader of the French army and to inspire Russian society on struggle against the enemy have been achieved.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):137-143

French-German War Countries-Participants Image in Russian Publicist Writings
The article is devoted to the problem of constructing the French-German war countries-participants image in Russian publicist writings. The author discusses the cause of war interpretations, reveals the tendencies which drew countries-competitors in conflict, attempts to define the influence of war on the intelligence' mood. He is interested in the question of relations between Russian government and press and the influence of the latter on the course of foreign policy.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):144-152

Forming of Social Memory and Patriotism in the Studying of Curse «Russian History»: Experience and Problems
The experience of realization of state programme «Patriotic education of citizens of Russian Federation in 2006-2010» during the curse «Russian History» at faculties of Sciences in Peoples Friendship University of Russia is analyzed in the article. There are presented some proposals for improving of educational process in Russian high school.
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):153-158

Principal Scientific Publications of the Russian History Department of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in 2008
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):159-163

Pedagogue of Talent and Real Colonel: 65th Anniversary of S.S. Sinyutin
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):164-165

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):166-167

Trebovaniya k rukopisyam,predstavlyaemym v redaktsionnuyu kollegiyuperiodicheskogo izdaniya (nauchnogo zhurnala)«VESTNIK ROSSIYSKOGO UNIVERSITETADRUZhBY NARODOV. Seriya „ISTORIYa ROSSII»
RUDN Journal of Russian History. 2009;(2):168-170