- Year: 2024
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/russian-history/issue/view/1753
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8674-2024-23-1
Full Issue
Diasporas of Ethnic Minorities in the Towns of Tobolsk Governorate in the Late XIX - Early XX Century: Demographic and Social Features
The authors present a comparative description, some socio-demographic features and migration processes of the ethnic groups of the Tobolsk Governorate in order to assess the level of the formation of ethno-confessional communities and diasporas there, to determine strategies for their adaptation and/or integration with local urban society at the turn of the XX century. Special attention is paid to representatives of the Jewish, Polish and German populations. The sources of the study are both the published results of the 1897 First General Census of the Russian Empire for the Tobolsk Governorate and census forms. Using the comprehensive analysis of personal data, there was obtained a sample based on the criterion of native language (Polish, Jewish, German) which included 308 Germans, 1840 Poles and 1876 Jews. The authors come to the conclusion that the number of local natives, the registered population, the structure of their families, and the religious buildings indicate the presence of Jewish and Polish diasporas in Tobolsk, a Jewish community in Yalutorovsk, and a Polish community in Ishim. At the same time, it was established that the German population in the towns was sparse; the Jewish community was the most closed one; mixed marriages were more common in the Polish and German communities and they were actively replenished by immigrants from the Kingdom of Poland and Baltic provinces.

World War I and Identity Crisis of Russian Germans
The authors consider the position of Russian Germans in the empire, who during World War I became victims of the foreign policy circumstance. There is analyzed the process of the transformation of the state-ethnic identity of the Germans through the identification of factors that had a psychological impact on them and contributed to the formation of a “negative” identity in their environment. The sources for the study are the letters of military doctor F.O. Krause and Russian Germans who served on the Caucasian front, as well as German colonists from various provinces of the Russian Empire; decrees and orders of the military and civil administration, periodical materials; office correspon- dence between ministries and other materials stored in the central and regional archives of the Russian Federation. The study shows that the rise in nationalist sentiments in Russian society and the implementation of anti-German policy in the country exerted significant psychological pressure on Russian Germans. Due to this, during World War I they found themselves in a “new reality.” The authors come to the conclusions that influenced by numerous factors, Russian Germans had to choose various ways to preserve their identity: changing the name, emigrating, completely immersing themselves in their professional activities.

Soviet Federal Project and the Collisions of Nation Building in the 1920-1930s
The author examines the collisions of the Soviet nation-building which are actively debated in modern historiography. The source base for the research is the published materials, as well as the archival documents of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History and the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are analyzed some specific historical subjects and the contribution of modern historiography to the understanding of the current problems and the formulation of new ideas and approaches to the analysis of the designated set of issues including the tools of Soviet socio-political engineering, the role and significance of ethnopolitical elites in the creation of the USSR as a complex hierarchical structure. It is concluded that the contradictions in the implementation of ethnonational policy were directly related to the formation of the Soviet federation, which became a concession to the ethnopolitical movements of the early XX century; and managing diversity was the central task of the state as an alternative to previous political systems for culturally complex societies.

Organization of Social Assistance to Indigenous Minorities in the Turukhansk Region in 1920-1925
The authors consider the issues of involvement of native minorities of the Russian North in the Soviet construction in the first half of the 1920s. The problem is illustrated through the example of Turukhansk region (until 1930 it united the peoples that populated the North of Yeniseysk Governorate). The source base includes the documents from the fund of the State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is noted that during the early Soviet period the national policy towards the indigenous peoples of the North was characterized by flexibility and search for balance between the interests of the government and the northern peoples. This policy was mostly founded on socio-economical tasks, rather than political ones. At this stage the government assumed the administration management, provision of economic aid to the native minorities of the North, preservation of the life-sustaining system for using natural resources, all that determined their traditional lifestyle. There began the creation of institutions of self-government (clan councils), trade services, medical care and school education. It was the Northern instructors that acted as conductors of Soviet policy among indigenous peoples. It was intended, on the one hand, to streamline the activities of Soviet institutions among the indigenous peoples of the North, and on the other hand, to help the latter adapt to the new socio-economic conditions. The authors determine the specifics and role of Northern inspectors (from 1924 - instructors in foreign affairs) through the nature of interaction between state, local administrative and clan institutions in the process of developing and implementing support for indigenous peoples of the Yenisey North; their general catastrophic situation could entail irreversible processes of the extinction of these peoples.

Jewish Community of Irkutsk in 1917 - the Late 1930s
The authors examine the history of the early Soviet period (1917 - late 1930s) of the Jewish community of Irkutsk, which by the beginning of the 20th century was the largest Jewish community in Siberia. The fate of the main choral synagogue, three houses of worship and rabbis. The source base for the study consisted of documents from the State Archives of the Russian Federation and the State Archives of the Irkutsk Region. The study also contains an analysis of legislative acts of the Soviet government, materials from periodicals published in Irkutsk. The authors came to the conclusion that the policy of the Soviet state in the field of religion led to fundamental changes in the situation of the Jewish community of Irkutsk. Its existence in the early Soviet period was fraught with numerous difficulties. It was at this time that the Jewish community of Irkutsk lost all movable and immovable property that previously belonged to it. At the same time, all Jewish organizations in the city were liquidated, and in 1939 the community finally ceased to exist.

Kasimov Tatars during the Years of the Cultural Revolution in the USSR: On Materials of Regional Press of the 1920-1930s
The authors analyze the cultural component of the social life of the Kasimov Tatars in the interwar period, the essence of which was the implementation of the Cultural Revolution. Along with the industrialization of the country and the collectivization of agriculture in the mid-1920s, it was declared an important part of the three-tier program of socialist construction. The purpose is to establish the peculiarities of the behavioral pattern of the Kasimov Tatars in the period under review. The source base is the materials from periodicals and ego-documents. The study shows the conditions and realities of the “reforging of consciousness,” the struggle against the remnants of the past which boiled down to the attempts to eradicate the religious cults and customs of the Kasimov Tatars. There is revealed the level of development, continuity, and specificity of local transformation in the most important segment of the cultural sphere - education. The authors come to the conclusion that at the sharp turn of history in the 1920s the Kasimov Tatars showed energy and freedom in order to become “equal among equal” peoples, as declared at the official level. Trying to preserve their own identity, they also showed etatism peculiar to them accepting and actively participating in the transformations as part of the implementation of the Cultural Revolution tasks.

Forced Migration of the Roma to Western Siberia in 1933 as an Element of State Policy of the North Development
The history of the forced migration of Roma in 1933 from Moscow and the Moscow region to Western Siberia and their life in the conditions of a labor settlement was reconstructed. The study was carried out on the basis of correlating the published archival sources identified by the author with memories and testimonies of eyewitnesses and participants in the events recorded in the 1990s - early 2000s. It is shown that the deportation of the Roma to Western Siberia in 1933, despite its ethnic nature, does not fit into the typology of forced ethnic migrations, the “core and defining elements” of which are the total migrations of the “punished peoples.” It is also incorrect to consider that the reason for the deportation of the Roma to Siberia was the recognition of them as a socially harmful and intolerant ethnic group due to their nomadic lifestyle, closed nature, uncontrollability and criminality. It is concluded that the deportation of the Roma to Western Siberia in 1933 should be considered not as a targeted anti-Roma action, but as a failed attempt at forced settlement in the context of general state actions aimed at developing the northern and eastern regions of the country.

Tuvan Family Photo Album: Social Practices of Creation and Storage
The authors analyze the social practices of creating and storing a Tuvan family photo album throughout the XX - early XXI century. The sources of the study are the materials of narrative biographical interviews with ten respondents - indigenous residents of Tuva of different ages which were recorded by the authors in April - May 2023. The appearance of photo albums, the features of their creation and storage reflect the general history of photo albums in the Soviet state, and now in Russia. The authors point out that in the history of photo albums there appear the Tuvan traditions, for example, in photo frames inside the yurt there are photographs of relatives, domestic animals (horses), and elements of national cuisine. But due to the events of the XX century, the issue of loss and theft of photographs and photo albums became relevant for Tuvans. In the XXI century, Tuvans have a wide variety of photo albums on different media, and today family photo albums also represent the ethnicity of people.

Russia, Mexico and the USA in the struggle for California in the 1820-1840s
The authors analyze the process of interaction between Russia, Mexico and the United States in the context of the struggle for Alta California. The essence of this process was the diplomatic, military-political and economic activity of these powers aimed at occupying lands in California and legalizing them by some of them. The purpose of the study is to establish the reasons for the unsuccessful actions of Spain and Russia in Alta California which led to the subordination of this territory to the United States of America. The source base is the office, diplomatic and memoir sources published in various collections and periodicals. The study shows the struggle between Russia, Mexico and the United States for the possession of lands in Alta California. It was established that Russia acted through the Russian-American company which controlled the Russian colonies in America. At the same time, the Russian government adhered to the principle of legitimism which restrained the company’s initiatives to expand its influence. The authors conclude that the United States was more active in the region and used its economic and trade superiority to increase its influence. Russia was unable to compete with the United States and missed a good opportunity to conclude an agreement with Mexico to confront the Americans and legalize its possessions in California, Fort Ross and other territories.

Governmental Discussion on the Private Capital Participation in the Trans-Caspian Railway Construction in the Late XIX Century
The ambivalence of the approaches of Russian ministries at the end of the XIX century is demonstrated, in relation to public-private partnership in the framework of the implementation of the railway project in the Trans-Caspian General Government.There is presented a system of arguments in support of this approach and against it; the author clarifies the reason for the government’s rejection of the idea of public-private partnership in the construction of the Trans-Caspian railway. The source base of the study is the protocols of the meeting of the government commission, letters from government officials, statistical information on the turnover of commodities with Persia and other materials stored in the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire and in the Central State Archive of Moscow. The author concludes that the formal basis for rejecting the application of entrepreneurs for the implementation of this railway was the ineffectiveness of the financial model of their participation in the framework of this project. The real reason for this decision was the position of the officials of the government departments that opposed attracting private investors to the implementation of this transport project in the Central Asian region due to the military-strategic and geopolitical aspects.