No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 18
- URL:
National cultural specificity of the language units «cat» and «dog» in the Russian, English and German languages
The national cultural specificity of the language units «cat» and «dog» in the Russian, English and German languages is examined in this article. The universal and national specific features of semantics of the present units in the three languages are revealed in the work
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):5-12

Cyberspangish: summary of terminological discussion
The article addresses the problem of Anglicisms in the computer terminology of contemporary Spanish; its evolution that led to the rise of a new linguistic phenomenon in hispanic studies - cyberspanglish. A summary of the discussions about the evolving terminology, as well as the comparative analysis of the vocabulary of common usage and computer vocabulary related to the problem.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):26-31

French «New Novel» of the 1950-s. Tentative of a diachronical poetry typologization
The article is dedicated to the characterizing of the striking tendency in French literature of the second half of the XXth century called «New Novel». The author paid much attention to the literary works of the 1950-s, the basic material of which has been used to make an attempt to form a diachronical poetry typologization of the New Novel perio.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):41-48

On the cross-cultural competence of a specialist in conference diplomacy
The article focuses on the system of factors motivating, determining and regulating the communicative behavior of the representatives of different linguistic communities, subjects to international conferences. The cross-cultural knowledge and skills a specialist in conference diplomacy must possess to interact efficiently in English in multicultural context are determined.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):63-69

Stress stability: the problem of notion
The article is devoted to the problem of stress in modern society. This problem is very actual nowadays. The reason of a close attention on this problem is connected with developing of an informational society, growing scientific and technical progress.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):82-87

The essence of integrated teaching of the English and Kazakh languages in the context of open education
In the given work we suggested the definition of the integrated teaching, explained the necessity of integration in education and opened the essence of integrated teaching of the English and Kazakh languages in the context of open education.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):88-95

A regional component as a part of communicative competence formation at foreighn students
This article is devoted to the actual problem of a regional component including to Russian as a foreign language studies in the regional university and further elaboration of linguistic and didactic problems, connected with communicative competence formation of foreign students.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):96-104

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2010;(2):110-111