No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 20
- URL:
Current studies of legal discourse
The article examines different approaches to legal discourse studies in Russian and foreign linguistics, including sociolinguistic, cognitive, and pragmatic ones. The analysis allows to refine the parameters of selection and organization of didactic material to train communicative competence in foreign language usage while law students are concerned.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):5-7

Terminological studies of pharmaceutical discourse: linguodidactic overview
This article presents overview of terminological studies in pharmacy of both russian and foreign authors along with the analysis of current problems in pharmaceutical language and its main trends to develop. It gives generalization and comparison of studies results gained by specialists of pharmacy and philologists. The key focus is on the studies in general pharmaceutical terminology and in specific language, as well as on probable future-forward trends in pharmaceutical terminology research. The comprehensive list of references to works in pharmaceutical termilnology is given.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):24-30

Role of prosodi's means in expression of the highest degree of the category of quality
Article is devoted to the role of prosody's means in expression of the highest degree of a sign and to their place in a complex of the language means used to express their value. A predominating role of prosody's means in this complex is also under analyses.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):31-37

Formation of medical students' professional communicative competence in Russian on the basis of authentic video materials
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional communicative competence of foreign medical students. Role of authentic video data in the process of Russian language education of the foreign students is considered. Methods and means of training to professional dialogue are also analyzed.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):38-44

Can the tests help in optimization of quality of teaching Russian?
In the article validity of tests as means of estimation of communicative and professional competence is under analyses. Questions of alterative methods and means of testing are also analyzed: Student's portfolio, competence tests, on-line tests and others.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):45-49

Intonation synonymy and formation of perceptional intonation standards of foreign students
This article is devoted problems of training of foreign students to adequate perception of Russian sounding speech taking into account possibilities of synonymic use of intonation means of Russian on the basis of system synonymy, relations of variability and as contextual synonyms.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):50-55

Memorization as a dominant of the process of teaching Russian to foreign students
The paper is dedicated to the factors influencing on the process of memorization (those of time, novelty, interest, attention, emotions and others). It describes language means contributing to better memorization and formation of long duration skills in the process of teaching Russian to the foreigners.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):76-82

Computer support of beginner's phonetics and grammar course for foreign students of preparatory faculties
The article presents the history and the modern tendencies of computer tools in studies of the Russian phonetics. This article describes the language study potential of professional acoustic tools, integrated into multimedia complex «Russian with the Computer. Step One». Its features are: two systems of pronunciation setting (by self-control and by automatic system of pronunciation correction); fixation of the articulation moments, connected with movements of vocal mechanism; analysis and assessment of pronounced sounds, their comparison with the model in three ways: graphic, spoken and quantitative.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):83-89

Teaching lexical norms to the foreign students within the «Russian language and language culture» course
The paper addresses the core problems of foreign students' communicative competence and justifies the «language culture» course as mean to build the required skills; the paper also proposes methodology of teaching those skills in the lexical norms study.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):96-102

«Heightened sense of life...»: A.T. Tvardovsky and I.A. Bunin about eternal problems of existence
The article discusses specific points of view of A.T. Tvardovsky and I.A. Bunin on matters of life and death, analyzes the main aspects of their world outlook, which unites them in understanding the meaning of human existence.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):109-115

Two Platonov: who was a member of the writers of revolution community «Pereval»?
The article poses the problem of the methodological description of literary groups of 1920-1930's in Russia. The community «Pereval» membership is specified on the basis of archival materials, it is also proved that Andrey Platonov had never been a member of the community.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):116-120

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2011;(1):121-122