No 2 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Bilingualism or diglossia in the linguistic behavior of Paraguayans
The article addresses the issue regarding the nature of bilingualism in Paraguay, where the Métis population speaks Guarani and Castilian. The expansion of Spanish is not related to the displacement of Guarani, but to the expansion of communication needs of the population, brought by the new lifestyle.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):5-8

To the problem of the borrowings and their functioning in the modern English language (on the example of Gallicisms and Latinisms)
The article provides a brief analysis of some borrowings in English from French and Latin. As a result of such assimilation the whole group of duplicating synonyms has become quite an expressive stylistic device in the modern English language.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):17-20

Character's stream of consciousness as a specific literature technique in novella The Expelled by S. Beckett
The article is devoted to the analysis of Samuel Beckett's creative activity. The uniqueness of stylistics and poetics of the avant-garde writer has been described. The article focuses both on the main features of Beckett's short prose and the innovative character of his works. The subject of our investigation is novella «The Expelled» included in the book «First Love and Other Novellas», and the semantic-syntactic organization of the text in particular.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):27-32

Russian mystery of Eugene Onegin in modern translations: Russian, German and Spanish parallels
The article deals with the research of the universal category of symmetry in the aspect of literary translation. The study of symmetry relations between the original text and its translation implies the determination of the symmetrical elements of different levels which are the units of translation. The modern translations of Eugene Onegin into some European languages provide the material for the analysis.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):33-41

The forms «Ты/Вы» of address in the French corporative etiquette in comparison with Russian language

English in the German educational model for elders as exemplified by a people's High School (VHS) of Nord Rhein - Westfalia
The authors focus on the phenomenon of People's Higher Schools (People's Universities), or VHS, in Germany as a kind of unique institutions of lifelong education for elder (grown-up) students. These educational centres are based on a long historical tradition of civil initiatives, aiming at fostering personal and civil values irrespective of the students' age and financial status. The authors have visited the VHS der Stadt Bielefeld, whose curricula, in particular those in foreign language teaching, they analyse in the light of the current challenges of European integration.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):54-62

Selecting a condition autonomous learning in the classroom home reading (the material of Italian as a second specialty)
The author considers the acute problems in national pedagogy of the question of self-education and the ability to self-cognitive activity of graduates. The conditions for the formation of independent cognitive activity of the student and linguist. The author analyzes the choice, such as the motives, goals, needs, and goal-setting mechanism when making assignments.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):63-71

Our authors
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2012;(2):84-85