Vol 18, No 3 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1467
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2021-18-3
Full Issue
Language in System
Logic of Determinative Analysis of Agglutinative and Inflectional Languages (Part 2)
The goal that the authors of the article set for themselves is to specify causal relationships between the systemic determinant of a linguistic type and its particular specific features at the levels of phonetics, morphology and syntax. The object of study is the agglutinative and inflectional types of languages that lie between the limiting manifestations of proximity and remoteness of individual consciousnesses. In their work, the authors rely on the systemic methodology of determinant typological analysis, developed in the 1960s - 70s by the founder of modern systems linguistics, Professor Gennady P. Melnikov.

Language Processes
Design of ASR Software for Recognition of the Russian Language Variants
The article first touches on the problem of speech recognition of Russian language variants. With the development and growing (ASR) popularity of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, more and more attention is now being paid to the problems related to the incompatibility of modern applications to work with non-standard language varieties. This question is especially relevant for Russian, as it is, contrary to the conservative statement about its homogeneity, represented by many forms that differ from the standard one, which generally have a wide distribution in various regions of Russia and throughout the world. The study of various aspects of the interaction of ACER algorithms with non-standard varieties of the Russian language, as well as existing approaches to creating an ASR product that can process such idioms, today seems to be an urgent direction. The aim of the work is to analyze in detail the methods for developing ASR systems capable of performing the task of recognizing and processing speech samples of speakers of Russian language forms different from the standard, which may contribute to further research on this topic. The research material is based on the software interface of the SOVA ASR application for automatic speech recognition, as well as a selection of audio recordings of speech of native speakers of the Central Asian and Ukrainian versions of Russian, and the corresponding transcription texts. The research methods such as the study and analysis of specialized literature, data collection for subsequent software processing, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and experimental data are used.

The Buryat Intellectual Migration to Western Europe from the Perspective of Friendship Connections and Foreign Languages Competencies
The article examines the Russian ‘ethnic’ migration on the example of Buryat migrants in Western Europe. It is noted that this topic is poorly studied and that the group under investigation belongs to intellectual migration. The subject of the study is foreign language competence, peculiarities of the functioning of foreign languages in post-migration life, as well as the relationship between languages and the social communication circle of Buryat migrants. Based on the materials of interviews and ethnographic observations, a conclusion is made about the change in the nature of modern migration towards increased mobility and transmigration, the blurring of the boundaries between temporary, circular and other types of migration. This primarily affects young people, leading to the weakening of group identification strategies, including ethnic ones, and to the strengthening of individual as well as cosmopolitan tendencies. In communication with friends and partners a wide repertoire of Western and Eastern foreign languages is used, among which English certainly dominates. Multilingual linguistic competencies by Buryat migrants are closely related to their high level of education and are used as a symbolic resource to achieve professional and personal goals. Language strategies and practices vary widely, depending on migrants’ life plans, family status, and a number of other external and internal factors.

“Imam, don’t go to Groznaya”: on the fundamental idea of the historical novel “The Wild Terek“ by Hadji-Murat Muguev
Hadji-Murat Muguev (1893-1968) was a prominent representative of Soviet literature, an Ossetian by origin who wrote in Russian. As a veteran of three wars (WWI, the Civil War, and WWII), Hadji-Murat Muguev devoted most of his works to military topics. The Wild Terek (1937-1968), a historical novel about the Caucasian War of the 19th century, is considered his magnum opus. The topic proposed herein is of interest due to, first, the desirability of a new reading of the text of Soviet literature, especially as regards its historical concept; secondly, a vivid ethno-cultural character of the material; thirdly, a peculiar poetic manner of translingual (written in Russian) literature of peoples of the Russian Caucasus. It is noteworthy that the novel has not received due consideration by contemporary literary criticism; as for the Soviet period, the then critics were carried away with the major ideological issues provoked by its contents and thus disregarded its imaginary characters, internal framework and particular motifs that worked for the fundamental idea. In this article, by relying on a number of key factors, we intend to highlight some ideologic discourses of Muguev’s text referring to the author’s humanistic system and signs of forthcoming peace between the peoples of the Caucasus and Russia.

Transcultural and Literary Measurements of Evolution of Feminism: La Jouissance Versus Κάθαρση
The relevance of the topic is due to the radicalization of the feminist movement in the global multicultural world, which is reflected in philosophical and literary reflection. The aim of the study is to reveal the socio-cultural and literary dimensions of feminist discourse through the prism of transcultural and decolonization projects. Research materials: original English-language texts of cultural and social studies, ancient sacred texts in Sanskrit in English translations, Russian-language philosophical, sociological, political science, psychoanalytic, philological and cultural studies. Research methods: dialectical, concrete-historical, phenomenological-hermeneutic, semiotic, comparative, structuralistic, psychoanalytic, deconstructivistic. Research results: demonstration of the evolution of feminism from class (Marxist) to culturalist (neoliberal) through its three historical waves with literary examples. The conclusion of the study is the shift of feminist ideals from the pattern of cathartic emancipation through gender equality to the pattern of pragmatic pleasure through gender superiority based on the theory of difference and privilege and the politics of protectionism and identity.

Diversity of Genre in Post-Colonial Literature
The main aim of this article is to outline main tendencies in the development of post-colonial literature in the face of Jean Rhys and her novel Wide Sargasso Sea as a vivid example of starting attempt to break a white-domineering view of Asian countries and build up a new identity. Research attempts to refer to a wider scope of literary texts, including the ones that outline issues and problems related to the so-called “invasion narratives”. The term “invasion narratives” is seen as referring to a number of different texts, including English Patient by Michael Ondaatje or the Reader by Bernhard Schlink. One of numerous possibilities of analyzing post-colonial literature is the analysis of the novels by Zadie Smith White Teeth and on Beauty, the latter being a good example of a return to “realism” and actualizing what is called coined as “the meanwhile”. Special attention is given to meta-modernism and its function on the contemporary cultural and literary scene, above all with its attempt to start a neo-romantic “direct” kind of prose, or verse, simple in its form, yet aiming to construct new identities. This kind of prose incorporates the narratives exploring different traumas, including trans-generational traumas.

Moscow Hodonyms: Representation of Linguo-Cultural Information in the Toponymy Training Database
On the example of three semantic fields identified in the corpus of historical Moscow hodonyms (“Daily Life”, “Color” and “Occupation”), it is demonstrated how the description of hodonyms by groups of features can contribute to the formation of toponymic images that approach the Russian toponymic picture of the world. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the reconstruction of the toponymic image based on the identification of semantic fields of toponyms contributes to the formation of the secondary linguistic personality with a great potential for adaptation to the foreign geocultural space.

Russian as a Foreign Language Teaching in a Higher Educational Establishment of the Republic of Belarus in Conditions of Closely Related Bilingualism
The study relevance is caused by the special language situation in Belarus which is in close attention of modern linguists for several decades. Russian-Belarusian languages interaction is a special type of bilingualism which has specific features due to the common fate of the Belarusian and Russian people, genetic relationship, and language systems kinship. In Belarus the processes of generation and perception of the text in Russian language take place against a special psychological background of the Belarusian language system which creates the effect of the so-called unbalanced bilingualism. As a result one language system comes into contact with another causing interference. A serious problem in Belarus is the spontaneously russified version of the Belarusian language - Trasyanka. The goal of author is to identify the main problems of foreign students’ language adaptation in conditions of Belarusian-Russian bilingualism. Studying Russian in Belarus foreign students have to deal with texts in the Belarusian language, with colloquial speech and, of course, use words, terms, names in the Belarusian language. The author comes to the conclusion that foreign students do not experience any special communication difficulties from the Belarusian language unfamiliarity. The teacher of Russian as a foreign language, however, has a different, special task - to ensure a harmony among the culture of the language being studied (Russian), the culture of the host country (Belarus) and the national culture of the student.
