Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/polylinguality/issue/view/1448
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2618-897X-2021-18-2
Full Issue
Language in System
Logic of Determinative Analysis of Agglutinative and Inflectional Languages (part 1)
A clear understanding of the systemic differences between interacting languages is necessary to study the interaction of languages in the mind of a bilingual (multilingual) personality and improve the practice of teaching languages in a transcultural environment. If such languages belong to different morphological types, the method of determinant analysis can be proposed as an effective tool for methodological forecasting of negative interference. The goal set by the authors of the article is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the systemic determinant of the language type and its particular specific features at the levels of phonetics, morphology and syntax. The object of the research is the agglutinative and inflectional types of languages that lie between the extreme manifestations of proximity and remoteness of individual minds. In their work, the authors rely on the systemic methodology of determinant typological analysis, developed in the 1960s-70s by the founder of modern systemic linguistics, Professor Gennady Prokopyevich Melnikov.

Language Processes
Insult of the Language as a Phenomenon of the Modern Bilingual Communication Space in Belarus
In Belarus the Belarusian-Russian bilingualism is legalized constitutionally and the existing language legal framework has a long-standing basis for civil agreement on the use and functioning of both state languages. However, in recent years there have appeared a number of negative phenomena aroused by certain shifts in the structure of the communicative interactions. This refers, in particular, to a recently defined offence of insult of the language. This phenomenon is new to the Belarusian linguistic-legal discourse and the interest in it predetermined the purpose of this research, namely, to study the phenomenon of insult of the language from the standpoint of modern Belarusian linguistic legal expertise. Materials and methods. The research is based on records of administrative offences that violate the language regulations. The methodological basis comprises the method of parameterization and the logical-linguistic, comparative and lexical-semantic analyzes. Results. The research carries out both the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of insult of the language from the standpoint of linguistic expertise and the practical analysis of conflict-prone texts. Unlike personal insults, where the defining parameters are factfulness, attributiveness and non-normativity, insults of the language are only defined in legal practice by the parameter of attributiveness, i.e. by the presence of words in the remark that derogate the language and demean its status. The obtained results indicate that the Belarusian legislation system treats the language with a special regard. Firstly, acknowledgement of the fact that the language can suffer an insult proves its special role among other cultural artifacts. Secondly, the legal practice demonstrates respect for the language and regards it as a super entity that stands above the category of personality.

Verbalization of the Concept of “Kysh” (Winter) in the Karachay-Balkar Language Picture of the World
This article discusses the concept of “kysh” (winter), which is one of the main elements of the concept sphere of the Karachay-Balkar language picture of the world. The national and cultural specificity of the concept under study is revealed on the basis of various works of art, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, as well as dictionary definitions. The paper presents the semantics of the lexical units that make up this concept, reveals its conceptual features based on various associations of native speakers, analyzes the linguistic representation and cognitive characteristics of this concept in the Karachay-Balkar language picture of the world, and therefore considers paremiological units that represent the ethno-cultural specifics of the Karachay-Balkar language, features of the ethnic worldview and world perception. The main distinguishing features of winter, attributes, and accompanying factors are considered.

Russian Classics in the USA Transcultural Canon
The issue of the canon (the most studied and taught classics) is one of the most important in the world literature system. The paper briefly outlines the formation of the USA literary canon since the middle of the 19th century and details the formation of the Russian segment in the transcultural canon since the late 20th century. In the history of the USA canon formation, the institutional or sociological model (Jonathan Culler, Stanley Fish, Paul Lauter), which argues that social institutions respond to ideological demands, and the aesthetic model embodied by Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare-centered “Western Canon” stand out. An up-to-date approach to the canon assumes taking both models into account, as well as the perception of the canon as cultural memory. Anthologies are most important sources of documenting the canon. For the 20th century American literature researchers distinguish three phases formed by the leading literary trends: historiographic (1919-1946), new critical (1947-1967) and multicultural (1967- present). Based on the analysis of Norton and Longman anthologies, as well as a popular textbook The Bedford Introduction to Literature since the late 20th century to the present, the paper highlights the Russian core in the USA transcultural canon, which became the source of creative reinterpretation in contemporary literature. The present research is to be continued through the study of the Russian literature canon in specialized editions to outline a comprehensive history of the Russian-American cultural transfer.

“The Image of the World in the Word Appeared...” (Based on the Creative Work of the Bilingual Poet Bakhyt Kairbekov)
The purpose of this article is to show that the image of the world of the Kazakh poet, represented by the Russian language, differs both from the Russian image of the world and from the Kazakh, i.e. a foreign language is capable to transform the national image of the world. On the basis of the creative work of the Kazakh poet, translator Bakhyt Kairbekov, the possibility of forming a transnational consciousness through universal and national images is shown. The appeal to his work is due not only to his outstanding talent, but also to the fact that we almost do not know what a modern Kazakh is like, what the world of his ancient homeland is like, nevertheless we live side by side. It was achieved using the method of lingua-cultural interpretation, with the help of which, firstly, the discrepancy between the images of the Kazakh and Russian ethno cultures was revealed, and, secondly, the transformation of the national image of the world was recorded. All the main problems raised in the poetry of Bakhyt Kairbekov draw images of Kazakh culture, the Motherland for him has become one of the main chords of creativity, but in his work there are almost no direct nominations (fatherland, country, etc.), the homeland appears through conjugated images of a horse, heath , freedom, rivers, water, mountains, sky, stars, etc. His poetic image is not a photographic copy of the real world of a Kazakh (heath, mountains, etc.), it contains the attitude of the depicted person to the aesthetic, moral and intellectual values of his people.

Buryat Crossroads: Poetry and Mythological Thinking
The authors give a literary assessment of the monograph by I.V. Bulgutova «Buryat philosophical lyrics: mythopoetic foundations and traditions» with the involvement of some of her other works. A set of questions is studied related to the Buryat mythological school, the mythogenicity index of the Buryat professional literature, various types of mythological thinking, zoonymous mythical plots, the shamanistic cycle, the mythologization of history, and ethno-poetic constants. The practical part of the monograph under review is a mytho-ontological analysis of representative philosophical poetic texts by D. Ulzytuev, L. Tapkhaev, B. Syrenov, G. Radnaeva, R. Shoymardanova. Much attention is paid to the features of the Buryat Russian-language poetry, represented by the works of N. Nimbuev and B. Dugarov.

Functions of Borrowed Vocabulary in Literary Texts by a Bilingual Author
The article is devoted to understanding the functional range of borrowed vocabulary in the Russian-language literary text of a bilingual author. In modern science, there is an opinion that this range is limited to a specific nominative function. Moreover, there is a research position that the fact of borrowing vocabulary from an ethnic language is an indicator of interference, that is, in a broad sense, it indicates an unconscious, often erroneous, inclusion of a foreign language word in a literary text. Based on modern research in the field of literary bilingualism, we refute this thesis and strive to show that the functional load of borrowings in works of verbal creativity is very significant: lexical units with a national-cultural component play an important role in text and plot formation, have conceptual, archetypal, symbolic content, act as significators of onto-linguistic being and perform an aesthetic function.

The Mission of Teaching: to the 100th Anniversary of R.B. Nurtazina
The article analyzes the role and significance of R.B. Nurtazina in the development of modern Kazakhstani linguodidactics. The reason for writing the article was the First International Pedagogical Readings “School - Teacher - Innovations in the Modern World”, held at Pavlodar Pedagogical University from March 1 to March 9, 2021. The co-organizers were Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (RK, Almaty), L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (RK, Nur-Sultan), Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RF, Moscow), Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of the Russian Language and Literature (KAZPRYAL), Kazakhstan Public Association “Graduates of Russian Universities”, Academy of Children’s Books “ALTAIR” and a team of scientific educational project “Epoch and Personality”.

Cōgitō, ergo sum: Interview with Eduard Mizhit