Variation in Translation of Ossetian Sacral Onyms by Means of the Russian and English Languages
- Authors: Bekoeva I.D.1
- South Ossetia State University named after A.A. Tibilov
- Pages: 334-341
- URL:
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One of the most important tasks facing the translator is adequacy of the translation. The relevance and topicality of the present study is due to the need of: 1) developing a unified approach to the choice of translation strategies and methods of transferring ethnospecifically coloured sacral onyms by means of the Russian and English languages; 2) describing and analyzing the methods of interptetation of Ossetian precedent sacral onyms. The subject of the research is presented by the semantic, structural and functional characteristics of sacral onyms, as well as extra-linguistic factors of interlingual communication that influence the choice of translation correspondences by means of the target languages. The sources of the illustrative material of the study are presented by text fragments taken from Internet resources and reflecting the representativeness of the analyzed precedent onyms in social communication. The methodological basis of the research is the synchronous principle of linguistic description, which contributes to identifying the peculiarities of the formation of translation correspondences in the context of modern ideas about the strategies of translation of the onymic segment of vocabulary. The complex nature of the research has led to the use of a diverse set of research methods (the method of description, classification and systematization of linguistic material according to certain criteria for processing research materials; comparative analysis of the correspondent texts in different languages; component analysis).The results of the research consist in the systematization of the methods of finding translation correspondences, in order to determine the algorithm for solving the problems facing the translator.
About the authors
Irina Davidovna Bekoeva
South Ossetia State University named after A.A. Tibilov
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4579-1590
Associate Professor, English Chair
8, Putin st., 100001, Tskhinval, Republic of South OssetiaReferences
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