Postmodernism in the Literature of the North Caucasus: Based on Dina Damian’s Novel “In your World I am a Passer-by”

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The Russian academician G.D. Gachev in the middle of the 20th century put forward the theory of “accelerated development”, according to which the literary systems of minority peoples, which for a number of different reasons were delayed in their development, are able at one moment to join in a single world process and in a short time to catch up and overtake highly developed literature. In the presented article, the legitimacy of the Gachev theory is proved on the example of the North Caucasian postmodern literature, which has developed into a single school. Based on the novel by Dina Damian (a pseudonym of Madina Tlostanova) “I am a passer-by in your world”, it is shown how one “stormy genius” in the person of a Kabardian writer performs a dual task: it raises regional postmodernism to an unprecedented height, and at the same time enriches world literature with innovative poetics and a whole series of original philosophical ideas. The novel solves a number of other tasks related to clarifying the philosophical, historical, social, and aesthetic roots of postmodernism.

About the authors

Armine Vladimirovna Kasparova

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4717-7244

Postgraduate Student, Assistant of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature

173, Str. Chernyshevskyi, Nalchik, 360004, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russian Federation


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