The Results of International Educational Expeditions Aimed at the Russian Language, Literature, Culture and Russian Education Spread in the Near and Far-abroad Countries
- Authors: Mishina N.Y.1, Antonov E.A.1
- Limited Liability Company Joint Venture “Sodruzhestvo”
- Issue: Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 261-270
- Section: Presentation
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article considers the main approaches to expanding international cultural and humanitarian cooperation, ensuring educational, scientific and informational interaction between the Russian Federation and European countries through international educational expeditions. These events were held in 9 European countries for leaders, teachers and learning organizations engaged in educational activities under the main and (or) additional general educational programs, media representatives of the countries running the events. The article was prepared on the results of work under the project “Conducting international educational expeditions aimed at the Russian language, literature, culture and Russian education popularization”, implemented by the LLC JV Sodruzhestvo with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The article describes the formats of events proposed in the framework of the educational expeditions project, including the features of an integrated approach to their development and implementation, which allowed to ensure high interest of the target audience, easy and effective uptake of content presented for them.
About the authors
Natalya Yu. Mishina
Limited Liability Company Joint Venture “Sodruzhestvo”
Author for correspondence.
Educational Project Manager of Limited Liability Company Joint Venture “Sodruzhestvo”
4, Programmists St., building 2, office 134, Dubna, 141983, Moscow region, Russian FederationEvgeniy A. Antonov
Limited Liability Company Joint Venture “Sodruzhestvo”
Head of Communications and Educational Projects, Limited Liability Company Joint Venture “Sodruzhestvo”
4, Programmists St., building 2, office 134, Dubna, 141983, Moscow region, Russian FederationReferences
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