Transcultural Linguo-Conceptual Model of Globalization in a Regional Context
- Authors: Lugovskaya E.G.1
- Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko
- Issue: Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 214-225
- Section: Languages in contact
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article proposes the approval of the term ‘transcultural’ purposiveness in the terminological definition ‘transcultural linguoconceptual globalization outline (construct)’. This terminological definition refers to the linguocultural socio-emergent formed in the conditions of multilingualism and multiculturalism (in particular Pridnestrovian region). The characteristic of this outline (construct) is presented, the main ways of its description are outlined; some methodological conditions for its analysis are indicated. The terminological difference between the terms ‘intercultural’, ‘cross-cultural’ and ‘transcultural’ reflects the direction of the millennium globalization processes. This difference is determined by the terminological specificity of those scientific knowledge spheres in which these terms are using as a general thing. Despite this, the author shows that the essence of globalization processes can be expressed through the construction of the regional (we mean the multilingual and multicultural regions) transcultural theoretical outline from the linguoconceptual point of view. This is possible if cognitivediscursive patterning operates. When describing the aimed transcultural linguoconceptual outline (construct), the author proposes to point up the interpretation of transculturation as a process of cultural convergence and confluence and an opposite one to ‘acculturation’ or ‘enculturation’. It has an assume prominence in assessing the suggested outline’s effectiveness in a pragmatic measurement and can point the cognitive-discursive sphere’s problem issues. A particular question relating to the issue of a pragmatic estimate of this outline implementation - the appraisal of the second and subsequent languages acquisition by aboriginal persons of multilingual regions - is considered to exemplify this thesis. The author notes that the functional-pragmatic and cognitive-communicative approaches came out of the linguistics anthropocentric paradigm. These approaches are in contrast to ethnic-oriented one. They accentuate the functioning of the language and configures itself as an instrument for transcultural communication in the transcultural world. These approaches allow bilingual to be an active participant in the intercultural communication and socialization.
About the authors
Elena G. Lugovskaya
Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko
Author for correspondence.
Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian and Cross-Cultural Communication at the Faculty of Philology, Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko
128, 25 October St., Tiraspol, 3300, Republic of MoldovaReferences
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