The Influence of Moldavian-Russian Bilingualism on Speech Competence of Students Receiving Training in Russian
- Authors: Lugovskaya E.G.1
- Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko
- Issue: Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 263-268
- URL:
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Pridnestrovian sociocultural and political orientation on the Russian-language world contributes to the development of different types of national-Russian bilingualism. Moldavian-Russian bilingualism in the conditions of the traditional multilingualism and multiculturalism of this region has its own peculiarities, caused both by historical reasons and by the direction of modern language policy.The author designates the influence of a Moldavian-Russian bilingualism of the students going into their Higher Education in Russian on their speech competence. Specific speech errors, the main difficulties experienced by bilingual students in the production of texts in Russian, outlined ways to overcome them are listed, as the ways of their overcoming are planned. The material is based on supervision over students-bilinguals of a faculty of law for which the native language is the Moldavian, and language of training in a High school is Russian.
About the authors
Elena Grigorievna Lugovskaya
Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko
Author for correspondence.
Candidate in Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian and Cross-Cultural Communication at the Faculty of Philology
128, 25 October str., Tiraspol, Moldova, 3300References
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