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The main purpose of the article is to systemize different approaches to the understanding of the term “stereotype” in the framework of psycholinguistic researches. V.V. Krasnyh gives her vision of the concept “stereotype” and the classification of stereotypes. Y.A. Sorokin reveals the meaning of the term under study in relation to the concepts “stock phrase” and “clichés”. V.A. Ryzhkov analyses the international stereotypes in the framework of the theory of speech activity.E.F. Tarasov gives the definition of social stereotype through the analysis of fragments of language consciousness of Russians and foreigners. N.V. Ufimtseva underlines the role of interethnic communication in the formation of stereotypes. The originality and the relevance of the study are determined by a comprehensive analysis of the concept of “stereotype” in the framework of the interdisciplinary scientific direction.

About the authors

A V Razumkova

The Institute of Linguistics Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

graduate student of Institute of Linguistics RAS

Bolshoi Kislovsky lane, 1, bld. 1, Moscow, Russia, 125009


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