- Authors: Kudryavtseva E.L.1, Bubekova L.B.2
- International laboratories with the distributed participation at the Yelabuga instituteof the Kazan federal university - the Udmurt state university - the Aktyubinsk university of S. Baishev, Guestro (Germany)
- Yelabuga institute of the Kazan federal university
- Issue: Vol 14, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 18-27
- Section: ARSENAL
- URL:
- DOI:
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The concept “cultures” lost a clear boundary today: only in the sphere of studying and teaching foreign languages it is possible to speak about the standard of speech - verbal and nonverbal aspect; to culture of behavior, culture of clothes, etc.; and, ethnic and social and defined norms adapt to various to situational contexts. For this reason and because of inter-object approach [1. P. 2] to studying of cross-cultural communication - borders of “cross-cultural communication” become more and more indistinct. It can take place between representatives of various cultures on one geographical space (i.e. in one polycultural society) and terms of uniform single-crop community, but consisting of representatives of various floors, generations, professions or social groups. From here need of more detailed approach to expansion of cross-cultural communication results including at learning of foreign languages; and to orientation of the post-integration work (directed on voluntary deep integration with self-identification preservation) - by use of online tandems with carriers of target languages and ethnocultures as native.
About the authors
Ekaterina Lvovna Kudryavtseva
International laboratories with the distributed participation at the Yelabuga instituteof the Kazan federal university - the Udmurt state university - the Aktyubinsk university of S. Baishev, Guestro (Germany)
Author for correspondence.
the candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD), the research supervisor of the International laboratories with the distributed participation at the Yelabuga institute of the Kazan federal university - the Udmurt state university - the Aktyubinsk university of S. Baishev, Guestro (Germany)
18276, Hägerfelder Weg 4, Gutow, GermanyLarisa Borisovna Bubekova
Yelabuga institute of the Kazan federal university
the candidate of Philology, the associate professor, managing the International laboratory with the distributed participation “Innovations in the polycultural educational environment” at the Yelabuga institute of the Kazan federal university, Yelabuga (Russia)
423600, Kazanskaja str., 89, Elabuga, RussiaReferences
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