Issue Title File
No 1 (2016) Theoretical Approaches to Studying Political Actors’ Career Trajectories by the Example of the Fifth and Sixth State Duma Deputies from the «Just Russia» Party PDF


Zarankin I.A.
No 3 (2016) The Concept “Trans-Regional Political Institution” PDF


Gurinovich D.F.
No 4 (2016) Religion as the Main Projection Channel of the Power Interests on Civil Society during the Election Campaign in the USA PDF


Frolova O.A.
No 2 (2016) Russia and Israel in Syrian Crisis PDF


Vasetsova E.S.
No 3 (2016) Iranian Religious and Political Influence in Persian Gulf Countries (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait) PDF


Ilyina Y.I.
No 1 (2016) Political-philosophical Analysis of Power in Russian Political Thought of the Second Half of XIX - First Third of XX Centuries PDF


Skachko M.V.
No 3 (2016) Memory of the War and War on Memory: Historical Lessons of the Past and Political Challenges of the Present. The Papers of the “Round Table” of the Lecturers and Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia PDF


Kazarinova D.B., Khlebnikov I.E., Taisheva V.V., Yagodka N.N., Dzhivanyan D.A.
No 4 (2016) “Potential Soft Power” as a Resource of Political Influence PDF


Ivanov V.G.
No 2 (2016) Security Problems in the Caspian Region in the Context of the New Geopolitical Situation PDF


Abdullaev I.A.
No 3 (2016) The Role of Russia in the International Anti-terrorism Cooperation PDF


Uraniyan A.A.
No 4 (2015) On some Aspects of the Conceptual Framework of the Integration Policy PDF


Dmitrieva T.N.
No 3 (2015) Russian Political Accents of Contemporary Religious and Secular Relations PDF


Mchedlova M.M., Kudryashova M.S.
No 1 (2015) After the Referendum: “Rule, Britannia” or “Scotland the Brave”? PDF


Gamper A.
No 4 (2015) On Our Authors PDF


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No 3 (2015) On Our Authors PDF


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No 4 (2015) Political Development Crisis In The Arab Dimension PDF


Kudryashova I.V.
No 3 (2015) Public Projects of Roman Catholic Church in Russia PDF


Chistyakov K.D.
No 2 (2015) Russia’s Policy In The Arctic Continent: Contemporary Challenges PDF


Zhiltsov S.S., Zonn I.S.
No 1 (2015) The Jean Monnet Programme as a Tool to Reinforce the Role of the EU as a Regional and Global Actor PDF


De Martino M.
No 4 (2015) The Analysis of George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations’ Foreign Policy Documents as a Fundamental Strategic Doctrines of the U.S. Policy in the International Arena PDF


Frolova O.A.
No 3 (2015) Autocephalous Trends in Ukrainian Church: Historical-Political View PDF


Olenchak Y.L.
No 2 (2015) The Problem Of Influence Of The Relations Between Afghanistan And Iran On The Political Situation In The Region And A Way To Improve It PDF


Chikhrinova A.I.
No 1 (2015) Ukraine: the Radical Solution of the Nation-Building’s Problem PDF


Kosmachev M.V.
No 4 (2015) Spiritual Values in the Context of Modernity PDF


Kudryashova M.S.
No 3 (2015) The Political Activity in the Network Environment PDF


Pavlyutenkova M.Y.
No 2 (2015) «Charts Power» - International Ratings As An Economic Weapon And A Tool Of Soft Power. Part I PDF


Ivanov V.G., Ivanova M.G.
No 1 (2015) Civil Society and the Theory of Democracy: a View From Intellectual Heritage of the XX-th Century PDF


Gutorov V.A.
No 4 (2015) Enlightenment as Critique PDF


Kapustin B.G.
No 3 (2015) Measurements of Communication Links of Modern Political Communication in Internet PDF


Opanasenko N.V.
No 2 (2015) Turkish Soft Power: The Phenomenon Of “Soap Power” As A Tool Of Cultural Diplomacy PDF


Zubkova A.I.
No 1 (2015) Public-Private Partnership in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. The Papers of the “Round-Table” Conference of the Lecturers and Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia PDF


Kinyakin A.A., Teplov A.V., Ivanova M.G., Lutsenko E.A., Khlebnikov I.E., Kaganovich A.A., Bondarenkov E.A., Khlov Vodalen -.
No 4 (2015) A Critical Survey of the Field of Comparative Politics PDF


Kuteleva A.V.
No 3 (2015) Armenia: Nation-Building, Imperial Practices and Ethnic Nationalism as Means of Survival PDF


Kosmachev M.V.
No 2 (2015) Rethinking The Category Of Revolution PDF


Ilinskaya S.G.
No 1 (2015) On Our Authors PDF


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No 4 (2015) Economic Growth as a Factor of Political Stability PDF


Yaroslavtseva A.O.
No 3 (2015) Perspectives of Armenia in Eurasian Economic Union PDF


Jivanyan D.A.
No 2 (2015) The Structure Of The Political Elites In Polyethnic Republics Of The North Caucasus PDF


Salgiriev A.R.
No 4 (2015) Comparative Analysis of the Representations of the Great Patriotic War: Generational Aspects (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) PDF


Filippov V.M., Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I.
No 3 (2015) Foreign Policy of The United States Against the Global Powers and Regional Actors: Case Study “Russian Federation” and “The Islamic Republic of Iran” PDF


Hedayati Shahidani M.
No 2 (2015) The Concept Of Policy Networks: The Transition To A Study Of Qualitative Characteristics And Its Value For Political Theory And Practice In Russia PDF


Osipov V.A.
No 4 (2015) Civic Initiative as an Instrument of Dialogue between Government and Civil Society in Russia PDF


Yagodka N.N.
No 3 (2015) Salafis in Political Life of Egypt PDF


Fahime Saberi -.
No 2 (2015) The Peculiarities Of Formation Of The Institution Of The Presidency In Ukraine PDF


Il’inova K.G.
No 4 (2015) The Problem of Reputational Capital and Soft Power of the EU in the Context of European Migration Crisis PDF


Kazarinova D.B.
No 3 (2015) «Charts Power» - International Ratings as an Economic Weapon and a Tool of Soft Power. Part II PDF


Ivanov V.G., Ivanova M.G.
No 4 (2015) Honourable Citizenship in Russian Political History PDF


Akulenko I.V.
No 3 (2015) The Competition State Today: from the National to the Global Interests PDF


Lagutina E.S.
No 2 (2015) On Our Authors PDF


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No 4 (2015) United Europe: the Challenge of Illegal Migration PDF


Krutikov Y.O.
No 3 (2015) The Problems and Prospects of Rating Assessment of Political Stability PDF


Belousova I.A.
No 1 (2015) Agent-Based Modelling of the Evolution of the Russian Party System Based on Pareto and Hotelling Distributions. Part II PDF


Ivanov V.G.
No 4 (2015) The Institution of the Governorate in a Context of Transformation of the Russian State PDF


Soloviev D.S.
No 3 (2015) The State of Research of Political Culture in China PDF


Wang Beibei -.
No 2 (2014) Palestinian Problem: Peace Resistance or Cyclic Return to Deadlock PDF


Khalayla T.M.
No 3 (2014) Current Problems Of Nonprofit Sector: Communication Approach PDF


Belousova S.V.
No 1 (2014) Political Significance of Islamic Fundamentalism in the Postmodern Era PDF


Pochta Y.M., Oberemko T.V.
No 4 (2014) Socio-Political Transformation in Russia: Conceptual Approaches to Modernization and the Perspectives of the Religious Factor PDF


Mchedlova M.M.
No 3 (2014) The Phenomenon Of Peace-Making In The Contemporary System Of International Security PDF


Kornilenko A.V.
No 1 (2014) The Image of Europe in Political Perceptions of Moscow Students PDF


Movsisyan A.A.
No 2 (2014) An Artist and Power PDF


Nisnevich Y.A., Orlov I.B.
No 3 (2014) Local Government In Russian Metropolis PDF


Agafonov R.A.
No 1 (2014) US Policy Toward Ukraine (1991—2012) PDF


Zhiltsov S.S., Ilyinova E.G.
No 4 (2014) Agent-Based Modelling of the Evolution of the Russian Party System Based on Pareto and Hotelling Distributions PDF


Ivanov V.G.
No 3 (2014) IPSA RC20 Meeting At The 12th Congress Of The French Association Of Political Science: A Brief Overview Of The Event PDF


Batygin K.V.
No 1 (2014) New media in the modern politics. The works of the round table PDF


Kazarinova D.B., Kopalkina E.A., Pozharnitskaya T.A., Zor'kina K.V., Bizhanov A.Z., Gubanov S.S.
No 2 (2014) Moscow Megapolis in the Modern Russian and World Political Space PDF


Anokhin M.G., Chumakov D.S.
No 2 (2014) Issues of Teaching Politology at Higher Educational Institutions PDF


Medvedev N.P.
No 3 (2014) Civic Initiative As a Factor Of The Improvement Of The State And Municipal Management In The Russian Federation PDF


Yagodka N.N.
No 1 (2014) Ethnic Segmentation of African Society at the Beginning of the XXI Century PDF


Nigusie Cassaye W.M., Saulyak V.E.
No 4 (2014) XXIII World Congress of International Political Science Association in Canada: «Challenges Of Contemporary Governance» PDF


Irhin Y.V.
No 3 (2014) Studying Of Models Of Interaction Between Civil Society And State: Theoretical And Conceptual Aspect PDF


Chymakov D.D.
No 1 (2014) On Our Authors PDF


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No 2 (2014) Expanding the Borders of Moscow: an Analysis of Alternative Projects and Ways of Its Implementation PDF


Grachev M.N., Popov S.I.
No 2 (2014) Institutional Aspect of Local Authorities on Ireland and Russia: Comparative Analysis PDF


Kushnir V.V.
No 3 (2014) The Role Of The Media In The Political Culture Of Russia: The Current Situation PDF


Cochurova A.L.
No 1 (2014) The Reasons for Activisation of Separatism Movements in Xinjiang Later in XX and XXI Centuries PDF


Mavlonova A.S.
No 4 (2014) Sovereign Wealth Funds as Global Economic and Political Actors: Defining of Notions PDF


Kinyakin A.A.
No 3 (2014) On Our Authors PDF


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No 2 (2014) The Features of Political Crowdfunding in the Russian Political Practice PDF


Sokolov A.V.
No 2 (2014) Conceptual Basis of E-Democracy Study PDF


Kopalkina E.A., Yukhanov N.S.
No 3 (2014) The Causes And Consequences Of The Russian Foreign Policy Strategy Failures In Ukraine PDF


Barov S.A.
No 1 (2014) Rethinking Eurasianism: the Eurasian Union Project of N.A. Nazarbaev PDF


Egorov D.V.
No 4 (2014) The Territorial Integrity of the State as the Criterion of Viability of the Political Regime PDF


Kolomin K.D.
No 2 (2014) Voter’s Turnout Evolution in Russian Overmillion Citizen Cities PDF


Buzin A.Y.
No 2 (2014) Electoral Basis of Nazis on 1928-1932’s Elections in Germany PDF


Shults E.E.
No 3 (2014) Some Aspects Of Russian-Kazakhstan Relations (Political Analysis) PDF


Sagindikov P.E.
No 1 (2014) Humanitarian Intervention and the New Dimensions of the Concept of State Sovereignty PDF


Baranin J.
No 4 (2014) The Political Aspects of Municipal Management PDF


Zubarev Y.A., Teplov A.V.
No 2 (2014) Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation as a Tool for Interaction Between Society and Authority: the Approaches to Appraisal of Performance Assessment’s Efficiency PDF


Puzanova Z.V., Zakharyan D.A.
No 2 (2014) On Our Authors PDF


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No 3 (2014) Typology Of Up-To-Date States Considering The Present Condition Of The Statehood Of The Republic Of South Ossetia PDF


Pliev S.M.
No 1 (2014) The Policy of National Reconciliation in Afghanistan PDF


Chikhrinova A.I.
No 4 (2014) «Islamic State» Phenomenon: Ideology, Political Purpose and Key to Success PDF


Ilminskaya M.F.
No 2 (2014) The Analysis of Ethnic and Confessional Relations in the North Caucasus PDF


Abazalieva L.R.
No 4 (2014) Ukraine in Geopolitical Dimension of the Contemporary World System and Return of Russian Leadership PDF


Kalamanov V.A.
No 3 (2014) Eurasian Economic Union: Attitude Of The South Caucasus Countries Toward The Project PDF


Paronyan H.L.
No 1 (2014) IPSA RC20 Meeting at the 12th Congress of the French Association of Political Science: a Brief Overview of the Event PDF


Batygin K.V.
No 4 (2014) On Our Authors PDF


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No 2 (2014) The Role of State Policy in Personnel Management on the Example of State and Municipal Authorities PDF


Teplov A.V., Kolokol’chikova E.V.
101 - 200 of 502 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 > >> 

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