No 3 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Electoral Corruption And Its Birth In Postsoviet Russia
In the article there is given the definition of electoral corruption and its institutional mechanism as abuse of administrative resource of public power. The classification of the types of administrative resource of public power is given in the article as well. On the basis of analysis of the Russian electoral model the author discovered how abuse of different types of administrative resources could influence the results of elections. Corruption began to emerge in Russia in electoral cycles of parliament and presidential elections of 1995-1996 and 1999-2000. The operation “the successor” is taken under serious consideration in the article.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):5-22

Current Problems Of Nonprofit Sector: Communication Approach
This article analyzes the actual problems of the nonprofit sector in the field of communications. It was identified criteria allow to group communication barriers to the development of NGOs. It was analyzed the relevance of this approach to the study of public organizations. The research was based on the different types of sources, including work papers of the All-Russian Civic Forum “Agenda for Russia” held in December 2013.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):23-30

Civic Initiative As a Factor Of The Improvement Of The State And Municipal Management In The Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the characteristics of the interaction between the authorities and civil society’s organizations in the Russian Federation. The role and the place of civic initiatives in the modern system of social and political relations are analyzed as well as the impact of the civic initiatives to the improvement of state and municipal management’s efficiency.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):47-59

The Role Of The Media In The Political Culture Of Russia: The Current Situation
The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics and activities of mass media as an institution of political culture, which should be aimed at raising citizens' awareness and capacity objective to organize information exchange between Government and citizens. Considered social acuteness and urgency of this problem, the main functions of the MASS MEDIA, a trend increase in the role and impact of the MEDIA on the current political situation in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):60-64

The Causes And Consequences Of The Russian Foreign Policy Strategy Failures In Ukraine
This article analyzes Russian foreign policy in Ukraine during the political crisis in 2013-2014 years, which (crisis) led to the military coup against legitimately elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and to the Civil War start. Special attention is paid to the mistakes and miscalculations of Russian foreign policy in Ukraine and its alternative schemes, the use of which would preserve political stability in Ukraine and ensure the successful realization of Russia’s national interests.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):65-77

Some Aspects Of Russian-Kazakhstan Relations (Political Analysis)
The article analyzes the main directions of the Russian-Kazakh cooperation. The analysis of these relations showed that both countries rank them very positively. The results of the study of their bilateral cooperation in political, diplomatic, economic and other spheres allow making conclusions about their future favorable relationship in the future.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):78-84

Typology Of Up-To-Date States Considering The Present Condition Of The Statehood Of The Republic Of South Ossetia
The article gives definitions to such terms as state and statehood, gives classification of types of states, such as a mini-state, a mega-state, a sovereign state and so on. Analyzing different types of states, the author tries to determine the type of the Republic of South Ossetia state
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):85-95

Eurasian Economic Union: Attitude Of The South Caucasus Countries Toward The Project
The Eurasian Economic Union is a project of confederative union of the former Soviet Union countries with a common political, economic, military, customs, humanitarian and cultural space. The project has been widely discussed in the post-Soviet countries, including Armenia. Today it is important how will be future relations of the South Caucasus countries over Eurasian integration look like.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):96-104

Political Crisis In Thailand (2005-2010)
Political status in Thailand is mainly determined by a power race between different ruling elite groups of people in the country, which include the top brass, royal circles, high-ranking bureaucrats and nouveau riches. In the society, such power race has been a major concern of all social class levels, especially the middle class and among youths.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):105-114

The Aspects Of Educational Policy In Russia: Development Of E-learning
Today among the development of education policies in Russia, the most important is the improvement of the quality and accessibility of education, creation of the system of continuous education. One of the trends of the activity is the development and implementation of the e-learning in educational practices. This article is dedicated to the understanding of the legal framework, the stages of development and resources needing for e-learning.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):115-122

The EU: Values For The Future
Today the most important values and challenges for Europe are socio-economic factors. At the level of political leadership and mass consciousness Germany demonstrates direction to European leadership and responsibility. At the same time France is leaning towards national interests. Social-democratic vector of development is prevailing over neoliberal today what gives consensus for deepening of economic, social and political integration of Europe.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):123-127

The Phenomenon Of Peace-Making In The Contemporary System Of International Security
This article reviews peace-making phenomenon in the contemporary system of international security. It is shown, that peace-making as a fact is a larger notion than military or police peace-making missions components. The focus of the article is juridical and practical aspects of peace-making realization at present stage, suggesting of its further development ways.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):128-135

IPSA RC20 Meeting At The 12th Congress Of The French Association Of Political Science: A Brief Overview Of The Event
The article presents an overview of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) Research Committee on Political Finance and Political Corruption (RC20) meeting that was held in Paris on July 9-11, 2013, in the framework of 12 th Congress of the French Association of Political Science. The author focuses his attention on the basic themes of the meeting and presents short commentaries from some of the individual presentations. Special attention is devoted to three keynote papers that contain the most fundamental contentions of the meeting’s participants. The overview also includes information on IPSA.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):136-141

Studying Of Models Of Interaction Between Civil Society And State: Theoretical And Conceptual Aspect
The article is devoted to analysis of issues of interaction between state and civil society. The article examines the theoretical, conceptual and practical aspects of interactions between state and civil society. The material is based on research of well-known authors, as well as own research and findings of the author. Studying of models of interaction between the state and civil society allows us to consider the proper perspective in the functional aspect.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):142-147

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(3):148-149