No 3 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 16
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Politics of Central Asia: Water and Energy Aspect
This article analyzes the situation regarding the water resources of the transboundary rivers that developed in Central Asia after the collapse of the Soviet Union when the previous mechanism of mutual account of the interests of all the Central Asian republics broke down. Particular attention is given to the factors that have an impact on the formation and implementation of Central Asian politics regarding water use. A comparison is made of the international legal base that regulates conflicts involving the water resources of transboundary rivers and the legal documents of the Central Asian states. The paper analyzes the reasons for the failure to create a multisided mechanism for resolving the disputes that arise among the Central Asian countries with respect to water use of the transboundary rivers.

Military and Political Integration of Russia and Kazakhstan as a Factor of Strengthening Bilateral Cooperation
The article deals with the modern stage of military and political relations between Russia and Kazakhstan. The role of Organization of the Collective Security Treaty and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the fight against international terrorism is emphasized in the article. The article contains a profound analysis of main agreements between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan and therefore defines areas of bilateral cooperation. It is concluded that the main areas of cooperation are the fight against international terrorism, strengthening of military capabilities, and the joint exploration of outer space.

Problems of Integration of North and South Yemen in the Context of Regional Political Processes
The authors of the article attempt the analysis of multilateral political and historical reasons for the opposition of North and South Yemen and the complete as well as the probable consequences of further escalation of the conflict on the Arabian Peninsula and the entire Middle East region.

Iranian Religious and Political Influence in Persian Gulf Countries (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait)
This article is focuses on evolution of Iranian political influence in Persian Gulf countries. It examines theological and political aspects of such influence and its consequences for the region. The author analyses origins of the transnational Shia movements such as “Harakat ar-Risala” and “ad-Dawa” linked with traditional Shia institutions at Najaf and Kerbela, and its ambiguous relationships with post-revolution Iranian elite. In the same way, not all of Shias of Persian Gulf was “fascinated” by “Islamic revolution” in Iran and became admirers of R. Khomeini’s conception of “vilayat-e-faqih”. In addition, the author traces history of local political Shia movements, that are, in fact, more influential on domestic politics of Gulf countries that mythical “Iran’s hand”.

The Role of Russia in the International Anti-terrorism Cooperation
This article examines the role of Russia in the international anti-terrorism cooperation. The author analyzes Russian anti-terrorist activities since the war in Chechnya in 1990s till nowadays. The article notes that the state performs regularly with useful profile initiatives on the world arena and operates within the framework of the international law in the decision making process and during the operations. Particular attention is paid to the events that occurred in 2015, when Russia began a struggle against terrorism in Syria, becoming the only state that carries out anti-terrorist actions according to the official handling of the legitimate president of Syria: the author evaluates the data of events and makes forecast on the development of the situation in the foreseeable future.

“Silk Road Economic Belt” in the Context of Relations Between China and Russia
The establishment of “Silk Road Economic Belt” in China, the task to revive the historic trade route between Europe and Asia. In the process of this project, China and Russia have a broad space for cooperation. For example, in the field of trade and economic cooperation, cross-border infrastructure development and expansion of bilateral trade and investment, deepen financial cooperation, promote high-technology cooperation in the field of education, strengthen the Sino-Russian energy cooperation, expansion of industrial and agricultural cooperation. At the same time both sides consider the Russian integration project - the Eurasian Economic Union and Chinese - “The economic belt of the new Silk Road” are not rival, but complementary structures.

European Civil Society or Civil Society of the European Countries?
This article is devoted to the study of civil society in the European Union. It shows the existence of two terms - “European civil society” and “civil society in Europe”. There is a vagueness of the term “European civil society” because it does not disclose the principle of belonging to a “European civil society” - a socio-cultural or geographical. There is a doubt about the possibility of the application of the civil society concept developed to describe the realities at the level of the nation-state, to the description of the phenomenon at a transnational level, for example, in the case of the European Union. The article shows three periods of civil society participation in the European integration process. The article concludes that is premature to consider the European civil society as an autonomous social sphere, opposing the state.

Conflict of Interests of the Council of Europe, EU and Russia in the Sphere of Protection of Human Rights and Promotion of Democracy
The article considers the interaction of the Council of Europe, EU and Russia in the sphere of the protection of human rights and the promotion of democracy. The author uses an institutional method, soft power method and the open method of coordination (OMC). Based on research in the framework of the institutional approach the author found a direct competition between the EU and the Council of Europe, taking place in the areas of human rights and democracy building. In the author's view, the use of soft power and the spread of Russian values with respect to human rights and democracy in Europe could be a solution of the problem. In order to solve the global challenges in Europe, the Council of Europe, EU and the Russian Federation can use the open method of coordination, if not in the short term, then in the long term.

Transport Policy of France in the Context of Ecological Problems
This article has the objective of studying the French transport policy in the wave of the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference. This article describes the link between transport and climate, and try to determinate the changes in terms of security after the 13/11 attacks.

Development of the Russian Model of Federalism: Relationships of Center and Regions in 2007-2016
This article was written by Yuriy Pochta for the Council of Europe and was published in the spring of 2016 in the collection: Regionalisation trends in European countries 2007-2015. A study by members of the Group of Independent Experts of the European Charter of Local Self-Government / Editor: Prof. Francesco Merloni. Strasburg, 2016. Yuriy Pochta is a member of a group of independent experts of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, which is the pan-European political assembly representing local and regional authorities from the forty-seven member states of the Council of Europe. The Congress entrusted the Group of Independent Experts on the European Charter of Local Self-Government with the task of producing a comparative academic study. This study is based on information from Council of Europe member States affected by the regionalisation process and on recent regionalisation developments in Europe. The intention is to review the situation regarding regionalisation since the 2007 report of the European Committee on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR). Following on from this, the idea is to achieve a broader understanding of the phenomenon from both the legal and institutional angles. The main aim of this study is to evaluate regionalisation trends, towards both more and less regionalisation, in individual countries and consequently in Europe as a whole. At the same time it seeks to determine whether the various countries considered actually have regional institutions as defined by the 2009 Council of Europe Reference Framework for Regional Democracy. In preparing his section on Russia, Yuriy Pochta proceeded from the fact that the modern Russian state emerged relatively recently - at the turn of 1980-90-s. of the 20th century and its formation, including its federal structure continues. It is shown that since 2007 the process of regionalization of the Russian Federation is developing successfully. Having opted for the creation of a democratic society, post-Soviet Russian Federation borrowed Western model, adapting it to its own circumstances. The impact of these conditions leads to the fact that it is quite difficult to relate the existing Russian federal system to the classic Western model. On this occasion Russian and Western scholars participate in a lively debate about the nature of Russian federalism - whether it is real or a simulation, whether it is in the crisis. But in 2014, in connection with the entry of the Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, Russian federalism issues become even more urgent, raising a number of questions about the evolution of Russian federalism, the possibility of the organic integration of the two new subjects in the federation in a situation of sharp complication of Russia's relations with the West, led by the United States, caused by the political and socio-economic crisis in the Republic of Ukraine.

Problems of Values Orientations Actualization in Hybrid Democracies: Russian Case
This article discusses the problems of democratic values implementation in the Russian hybrid regime. In particular, the article analyzes the impact of the political leadership various aspects on the democratization process, shows the data of representative sample of public opinion regarding the value patterns. With the help of discourse analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that there is a negative impact of state control over the public sphere in the process of a democratic regime formation, as well as there is a need of active inclusion of civil society, including the scientific community, in the process of formulating the democratic values’ orientations.

The Role of the Expert’s Ratings in Political Activity in Modern Russia
The article is the short review of the ratings, which are carried out by expert structures and their influence both on image of the countries, and on image of political leaders (leaders of political parties and heads of regions of the Russian Federation). The attention is paid to influence from any expert consultants regarding preparation and maintenance of election campaigns, connection of expert ratings with adoption of political decisions by public authorities is shown.

Desovereignization and the Loss of Political Subjectivity by the State
The article discusses the interconnection of desovereignization processes and state’s loss of political subjectivity. The author points out the need to introduce a special approach to the identification and to the analysis of state sovereignty, as well as offers to consider facts of limitation of sovereignty in terms of desovereignization processes. This specialization of study helps to search to detect and to establish allowable state restrictions of state sovereignty in which its supreme power retains the ability to quickly and effectively respond to threats promotion policy of national interests. Restriction of sovereignty, according to the author, is acceptable only when it does not lead to a loss of political subjectivity of the state.

The Concept “Trans-Regional Political Institution”
Considered in the paper transregional Institute, they are a new political format in the development of the multidimensionality of the conditions of contemporary globalization. The BRICS is increasingly developing global opportunities for effective, intensive and equitable international cooperation not only in the interests of the participating countries, but also ensure a maximum level of stability, security and progress of the world system, its progressive and steady development. The study of various aspects of TRANS-regional development of modern political institution, represented by the BRICS, is caused by the fact that the mechanism of its development depends not only on economic interests but also on political stability and regional cooperation of its member countries.

Memory of the War and War on Memory: Historical Lessons of the Past and Political Challenges of the Present. The Papers of the “Round Table” of the Lecturers and Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
On 7 May of 2015 the Department of Comparative Politics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia held a “Round-table” Conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War under the title: “Memory of the war and war on memory: historical lessons of the past and political challenges of the present”.

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