No 4 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 12
- URL:
Ukraine in Geopolitical Dimension of the Contemporary World System and Return of Russian Leadership
The article provides analysis of geopolitical situation around Ukraine in 2013-2014. The author demonstrates that confrontation between the US and Russia contains not only threats and challenges to the national security of Russia but also new possibilities and prospects to boost the political role of Russia in the world politics.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):5-20

The Origins of Contemporary Ukrainian Nationalism
The article idedicated to formation and development of Ukrainian nationalism after Ukraine’s independence. The author analyzes fundamental reasons of raise of influence of Ukrainian nationalism. Theoretical foundations of contemporary Ukrainian nationalism are analyzed. In addition, the author evaluates the possible role of nationalism in the future development of Ukraine.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):21-36

Electoral Differentiation in Ukraine: Presidential Elections in 2014
The article investigates the electoral statistics of Ukrainian Presidential Elections 25 May 2014. Conventional division of Ukraine into three parts - the eastern, central and western - shows significant differences both political preferences and voting activity. The correlation between these two indicators exclude the possibility of a study by the Sobyanin-Soukhovolsky criterium. However, in separate parts of Ukraine there is more uniformity. Distribution of election commissions on turnout for Ukraine as a whole and for most regions indicates the absence of “ballot stuffing”.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):37-44

German Economic Expansion under the Conditions of the European Debt Crisis and Military-Political Conflict in Ukraine
The German economic expansion in the EU is examined in the article. Berlin is using the European debt crisis and the political instability in Ukraine to strengthen its positions in the world. Interests of weak countries of the Eurozone are being ignored. Chancellor A. Merkel is striving for a gradual revision of European legislation in Germany’s favor. Today’s Berlin is supporting Ukrainian nationalists, hoping to hinder the growth of Russian influence in Eastern Europe with their help. The aggravation of international competition does not allow Germany to pursue a different European policy.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):45-49

Socio-Political Transformation in Russia: Conceptual Approaches to Modernization and the Perspectives of the Religious Factor
The paper research the current conceptual parameters study peculiarities of social and political transformations, new meaning to the concept of “modernization”, the variability of its models, updating the value component. The emphasis is on forms of expression and interpretation of the religious factor in the contemporary conditions in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):50-58

Agent-Based Modelling of the Evolution of the Russian Party System Based on Pareto and Hotelling Distributions
The given article contains research of the evolution of the Russian party system. The chosen methodology is based on the heuristic potential of agent-based modelling. The author analyzes various scenarios of parties’ competition (applying Pareto distribution) in connection with recent increase of the number of political parties. In addition, the author predicts the level of ideological diversity of the parties’ platforms (applying the principles of Hotelling distribution) in order to evaluate their potential competitiveness in the struggle for voters.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):59-77

XXIII World Congress of International Political Science Association in Canada: «Challenges Of Contemporary Governance»
The article analyze the results of the work of XXIII World Congress of International Political Science Association «Challenges of Contemporary Governance», held in Canada, Montreal 20 to 25 July 2014. The author describes the key problems and thesis, which were presented during the Montreal’s Congress: challenges of contemporary governance, globalization and governance, public police, quality of governance, federalization. The author analyzes the role of Russian political scientists it the congress work.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):78-89

Sovereign Wealth Funds as Global Economic and Political Actors: Defining of Notions
The article devoted to consideration of sovereign wealth funds (SWF) as economic and political actors as well as analysis of different forms of their activity in the contemporary global economics and politics. The author comes to the conclusion, that sovereign wealth funds play not only the role of providers of interests of the national states, but being the special purpose vehicles (SPV), designated to fulfill the different tasks, turn out to be the new type of global actors.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):90-100

The Territorial Integrity of the State as the Criterion of Viability of the Political Regime
The author responds to the challenges of the multipolar world. Serious geopolitical changes of the last years put on the agenda not only relevant aspects of territorial delimitation of subjects of international law, but also the development of criteria of efficiency/inefficiency of state structures and governance models.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):101-108

The Political Aspects of Municipal Management
This article provides an overview of the Municipal management in the public administration of a democratic state is the basis of democracy. At the present stage, it is necessary to consider the optimization of interaction of state power and local authorities of local government. This interaction should be effective use of material and financial resources at all levels of the financial system of the state to meet the needs of the local population with his active participation and direct control over the activities of the authorities.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):109-117

«Islamic State» Phenomenon: Ideology, Political Purpose and Key to Success
The Middle East Region is at the forefront of contemporary world politics. During the XX th century, it was the region of tension and instability, because of conflicting interests of the Great Powers, which frequently led to their intervention into states’ internal conflicts, which, in turn, created hotbeds of terrorist activity. This article deals with the phenomenon of the most successful modern terrorist organization called «Islamic State» in the context of violence escalating in the Middle East, especially in Iraq and Syria. Analysis of preconditions for creating the «Islamic State», its ideological roots, as well as the focus on its main political purpose provides further identify factors of its fast influence growth in the region.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):118-129

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2014;(4):130-131