No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 14
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The Problem of Reputational Capital and Soft Power of the EU in the Context of European Migration Crisis
At the end of 2015, Europe faced a unique phenomenon in modern history - the explosive nature of migration processes. Mass of internally displaced persons and economic migrants from the Middle East are aggressively trying to become full residents, attracted by the image of Europe as an oasis of prosperity, democracy and human rights. As a result soft power begins to bring Europe not only political advantages but also serious challenges to its economic, social, political and even social-cultural spheres, the consequences of which are unpredictable now. It is hard to predict implications for soft power as well: will Europe remain world authority in the humanitarian field or will it suffer serious reputational loss?

United Europe: the Challenge of Illegal Migration
The article deals with one of the crucial issues of the European policy - illegal migration, its reasons, consequences and collaborative mechanisms of member states in solution of the problem. The author analyzes the structure and main trends in activities of States and involved EU institutes. The author comes to conclusion that the efforts undertaken by the EU countries in struggle with illegal migration are not sufficient and that the mandate of involved EU institutions should be broaden. The author addresses the influence of the consequences of illegal migration on European security and integration as well. The author defines the blind spots of migration policies of the member states that became the reason of existing social and cultural tensions and offers suggestions of improvement the current complex situation.

On some Aspects of the Conceptual Framework of the Integration Policy
In the context of realization the Russian Federation national policy, public discussion demonstrates insufficiency of conceptual apparatus for effective informational support of Russian integration project. In this connection, elaboration of interethnic harmony concept is the urgent question.

Political Development Crisis In The Arab Dimension
The article explores political change detected by the «Arab spring” in the Arab states. Its events and effects are interpreted as an expression of the destabilization of the Arab political systems under the pressure of growing mass expectations accompanied by the weakness of ties between different social groups, and low efficiency, as well as legitimacy, of political institutions. The development crises are studied in the contexts of regime change, formation of new political and cultural civic orientations, and institution building.

The Analysis of George W. Bush and Barack Obama Administrations’ Foreign Policy Documents as a Fundamental Strategic Doctrines of the U.S. Policy in the International Arena
The article concerns comparative analysis of the U.S. National Security Strategies, developed under the administration of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. As the fundamental points of the United States foreign policy agenda there are selected successive and distinctive provisions of the Republican and Democratic doctrines.

Spiritual Values in the Context of Modernity
The problem of moral values in the modern world. is considered in the article. The author makes the emphasis is on the transformation of value tendencies and contemporary socio-political context of the problem through the prism of human values, especially of humanism and justice.

Enlightenment as Critique
This article examines the phenomenon of «Enlightenment” in political, historical and politico-philosophical dimensions. To achieve the objective to identify constitutive features of the analyzed phenomenon, the author focuses on «the critical spirit of the Enlightenment”.

A Critical Survey of the Field of Comparative Politics
The aim of this paper is to sketch an overview of Comparative Politics and discuss the major analytical and conceptual systems under which comparativists conduct their research. It presents some of the basic problems one has to face in attempting to understand evolution of key overarching generalized dichotomies established by problem-solving and critical Comparative Politics (developed-developing and North-South).

Economic Growth as a Factor of Political Stability
The article analyzes actual problems of the impact of economic growth on the political stability of different state. The author shows that despite the undoubted correlation of the level of economic development and political stability, economic growth by itself is not a panacea for destabilization risks because of the effects of inflated expectations and transformations of social consciousness. The author argues that the impact of economic growth on political stability is largely ambivalent. On the basis of “Tocqueville's law” and the range of theories of “relative deprivation”, the author makes a conclusion about the principal limitations of predictive and interpretive capabilities of economic indicators (primarily economic growth) for the analysis of political stability.

Comparative Analysis of the Representations of the Great Patriotic War: Generational Aspects (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)
Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples` (who has been considered fraternal for a long time) representations of the modern world currently due to many factors are subjected to complex processes of transformation. So the importance of the historical period of the Great Patriotic War in the life of all three peoples, the memory of which has an important means of confrontation western propaganda, is certainly true. The article presents the results of the study of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian students’ and their parents’ representations of the Great Patriotic War. The study was being held in Peoples’ friendship University of Russia, immediately after the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Civic Initiative as an Instrument of Dialogue between Government and Civil Society in Russia
The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of civic initiatives in Russia, as well as their role in establishing dialogue between the government and the civil society. By the means of activity approach, the author analyzes trends in the development of civic initiatives, describes the basic sites and platforms for transmission initiatives to the government and municipal authorities, as well as examines the reasons hampering the development of civic activism in modern Russia. The author concludes that there is potential to enhance the role of civic initiatives in development and political decision-making.

Honourable Citizenship in Russian Political History
The appearance of estate of honourable citizenship in Russian Empire in the end of XVII century played an important political role allowing the Russian ruler to solve several urgent tasks. Among these challenges, one can note the removal of social tensions, the problem of integration of new subjects of the various religion and ethnic groups in the Russian state, the allocation of citizens and granting them special privileges, so they could benefit for the benefit of the state. The ranks of eminent citizens were inherited, which made them class groups. The title of honorary citizen was abolished by decree the Central Executive Committee of 11 (24) November 1917 on the destruction of estates and civil ranks. At the moment there is a discussion of the draft law on the introduction of this form of promotion in the Russian Federation. Historically the creation of new titles not only helped to solve different problems of national scale, but also pushed the development of philanthropy, culture, science and the system of state management in the entire Russian economy.

The Institution of the Governorate in a Context of Transformation of the Russian State
The author examines the development of governorate in the Russian Federation. The author traces the transformation of the functions and roles of governorship in different periods of political history of Russia, reveals the features of a modern model of governorship in contemporary Russia.

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