No 4 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 16
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Politological Analysis of Interaction of Authority and Education
In the article is presented the politological analysis of the interaction of authority and education in Russian society to identify the understanding of relations among authority structures and education in the system of state regulation. This interaction is defined as a scientific definition and as a mechanism for the practical implementation of modern upgrades in the field of education in Russia. This approach allowed us to form a fairly complete representation of the possible forms and methods of the Russian authority influence on the educational process in the context of a comprehensive modernization of society.

Formation of the Institute of Youth Political Elite in the Context of Political Transformation in the Russian Federation
The article discusses the features of the formation of the institute of youth political elite in the Russian Federation. The author proved that the formation of youth political elites directly dependent on the fulfillment of opportunities and professional development of representatives of the youth community and requires a systematic campaign in the formation of the young man and his political socialization. Revealed aspects in the context of which it is necessary to consider the formation of the institute of youth political elite: the socio-economic, political, cognitive. Proposed key methods and forms of interaction between state institutions with the younger generation. The conditions, the implementation of which is necessary for the formation of the institute of youth political elites in Russia: the current administrative and managerial elite has to be aware of the need to create such an elite institution for young people; the existence of regulatory and organizational methods of the activities of youth leaders; a reflection of the youth leader action together communicative interactions; subject-object position of the individual in the current political process of socialization; foster civic political culture, "foundation" which are the concepts of citizenship and patriotism. In conclusion, it is concluded that the development of the political system of education and the building of the Institute of Youth elites should be based on scientific and sociological studies of actual data, reflecting the dynamics of the youth mentality and preferences. A special attention on the part of government actors should be given new urgency to inclusion of young people in the processes of formation of state policy.

Peculiarities of the Political Culture of Citizens in the Middle and Big Cities of Russia (the Republic of Bashkortostan’s Case)
The article focuses on peculiarities of the political culture of habitants of middle and big cities in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Economic distinctions of the region, its multyethnicity and religious diversity allows to apply conclusions on the state as a whole. Based on sociological data and historical analysis the authors revealed the genesis of the subjective type of political culture in the middle and big cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The authors also examine such peculiarities of the culture of townsmen as low protest potential, political indifference, alienating type of behavior, absence of critical attitude to information. The authors analyze the principal problems that city’s habitants faced in the conditions of economic and political transformation and how the subjective type of culture impedes to resolve these problems in a positive way. Such problems of the cities are pointed out as deindustrialization, depopulation, the ageing of the population and decline in living standards. Despite the worsening economic and social situation of residents of the big and average cities of Bashkortostan, growth of protest moods among them it is not observed, and most of citizens as show data of sociological polls, keep loyalty to the government at the regional and federal level. The authors' point of view is that the type of the political culture of the habitants causes the loyalty. In the conclusion, the authors show the perspective of the cities, the contradiction in state policy that initiates the civic engagement on the one hand but demands on the political loyalty on the other hand.

Research Model of the Concept “Reputation of the Regional Power”
Reforming of the Russian system of public administration is connected with orientation to reapprochement of authorities and the population. Activities for forming of positive reputation of authorities, institute of public service become priority for the goal of achievement of creation of an effective management system by society, successful implementation of a state policy. Studying of reputation allows deepening understanding of regularities of the political choice, forming of trust and mistrust to subjects of power, efficiency evaluation of the power and its reliability. The problem of reputation of the power acquires special relevance at the regional level where there is the closest interrelation of state bodies with the population. The author's approach to studying of reputation of the power at the level of the region is introduced in the article. The author analyzes the concept and research model of the ideological and semantic concept “reputation of the regional power” which is the most important element of creation of reputation management system. Characteristic features of the concept are determined by its structural components: information, figurative, interpretative. The following stages of research model of the concept “reputation of the regional power” are divided in the article: studying of reputation of the regional power from the perspective of the two main subjects of its forming (the population and the power) according to the three components of the concept; identification of unity in understanding of the concept “reputation of the regional power”.

Peace-Building and NATO Defense Policy Issues at the Present Stage
The article assesses the defence policy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in general and peace building actions aspects in particular. Distinctive feature of article can be considered the analysis of military expenses of state members of alliance submitted by the author. A special focus is made on NATO normative legal framework formation, its aims, principles of its actions, peace building policy and interaction with the Russian Federation. It is shown that the peacekeeping activity which is carried out by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an important component of the general system of the purposes of defensive policy of the NATO alliance.

The Influence of Political System, Political Regime, Party System on Political Participation of ASEAN Member States’ People
This article examines the influence of political system, political regime, party system on political participation of ASEAN member states. The ten ASEAN member states have unique political background. To understand how the political systems, political regimes and party systems influence the political participation, this article divides the ten ASEAN member states into 3 groups of political regime; democracy, authoritarianism, and communism. Although each ten ASEAN member states have different political regimes, they could unite as an association intended to form a framework for regional cooperation with the implementation of three main objectives: to promote economic development, social progress and cultural development in the region through collaboration; to strengthen peace and security in Southeast Asia; the development of cooperation and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific and administrative fields. The article applies the comparative analysis methodology by comparing political system, political regime, party system which have influences on political participation of ASEAN member states’ people.

Are All Socialists Anti-religious? Anti-religiosity and the Socialist Left in 21 Western European Countries (1990-2008)
The political situation in the Soviet Union during the twentieth century has led some to suggest that socialism is some kind of secular religion as opposed to ‘normal’ religion. In modern Europe, however, there have been vibrant Christian socialist movements. This article looks into the different attitudes of socialists towards religion and answers the question whether it is pressure of religious activity or pressure of religious identity that makes socialists resist religion. The results from a multilevel analysis of three waves of the European Values Study (1990-2008) in 21 Western European countries specifically point to an increase in anti-religiosity by socialists in countries marked by Catholic and Orthodox religious identities.

Maximalist and Minimalist Approach to Islam in Iranian Religious-Political Thought of Second Half of the 20th Century
This article focuses on evolution of Iranian religious political thought of the second half of the 20th century. The author uses philosophic notions of “minimalist” and “maximalist” approach to the role of religion in social and political processes with the aim to classify different ideological conceptions that were born at that time and exist nowadays.

Religion as the Main Projection Channel of the Power Interests on Civil Society during the Election Campaign in the USA
Article considers the interrelation of political and religious interests in the USA during the current presidential campaign. In particular, the author considers such aspects as mentality and culture of the American society. In material, the religious preferences of the US population based on the last social researches. The author comes to conclusion that commitment of the American society to mass demand of goods consumption and services - an integral part of mentality and culture including religious. This characteristic of society formed the basis of “market nature” of spirituality to which candidates for president often appeal.

“Potential Soft Power” as a Resource of Political Influence
The author introduces the concept of “potential soft power”, indicating the potential (real or imaginary) of “soft power” influence of political actors, which they do not plan to use directly in a situation of political confrontation, but seek to capitalize on in order to influence the behavior of the opponent. The main objectives of “potential soft power” are deterrence, demoralization and reducing of the space of possible behavior of other parties (both opponents and allies). Certain propositions and statements of the concept of potential power of the economist and mathematician T. Schelling are applied to the perspective of “soft power” in world politics.

Russia and Egypt in Russian Literature of the End of XX - beginning of XXI Century
The paper views how Russian historiography reflects the Middle Eastern policy of the USSR and modern Russia. Egypt is taken as an example due to its crucial role for the Soviet and - later on - Russian interests in the region. We reveal the spheres of Russian interaction with Egypt, which received the greatest attention of the scholars, as well as a number of lacunae that require further research to improve our understanding on the image of Russia in the regions, the most promising directions of cooperation, as well as the potential risks and means of their prevention.

Electronic Government as a Vector of Innovative State Transformations in Russia
This article considered conceptual and administrative aspects of the e-government, traces the evolution of the interpretation of the term “the using of information technologies in functioning of public administration” to “collaborative public governance”. It is shown that in Russia, which is in conditions of an economic crisis and a difficult foreign policy situation, strengthened by the sanctions imposed against it, the decisions of “the electronic government” can become essential part of strategy of innovative public administration.

The Problem of Complexity in the Modern Migration: «Power in Networks» or «Power of Networks»
This article aims at the modern immigration problems through the concept of complexity. The paper includes the case study of social network analysis of illegal migration in Greece made and visualized in UCINET program v. 6.205 (Net-draw v. 2.097). The specific character of modern immigration reflects the number of problems and features of the modern world as well as political processes. Due to this the article touches upon crucial questions such as what is a place and role of a state in conditions of Instability and nonlinearity on supranational and domestic levels; are the mechanisms of political system able to maintain homeostatic balance and what is the role of the rapid and widespread network types of relations and structures; and others.

Constructing Political Space in the Tsar Residences of the 17th Century: an Essay on Its Theoretical Analysis
The transition to Modernity was characterized by the emergence and development of the culture of sovereigns’ residences. The constructivist approach to the study of the political space of the tsar country residences of the 17th century allow to establish that the sovereign was interested 1) in a hierarchic representation of all social groups, 2) in totalizing a hierarchical structure, underlining its coherence, unity and integrity, 3) that only tsar was endowed by political subjectivity. The success of the construction of political space was depended not only by the use of legal, social, spatial and other ways of organizing interaction, but also by the formation of political space (in the absence of the sovereign) that simulates a real political space and specifies all the positions within the hierarchical structure, including the tsar.

Liberals of the “Russian Bulletin” in the Late 1860s - Early 1880s: the Formation of Public-Political Program
The article analyzes the process of сonstruction of the ideological platform of the newspaper “Russian bulletin”. The newspaper “Russian bulletin” wasknown in the community as an independent and liberal. The author examines the personal composition of the editorial board and analyzes the political program of the newspaper. The initial program of the newspaper did not have a liberal character. Editor Skvortsov gave the newspaper liberal program. The intellectual newspaper team includes well-known economists - A.I. Chuprov and A.S. Postnikov. Scientists analyzed important questions of post-reform Russia. They did not copy the Western social model, but suggested a national path of development.

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