- Authors: Chumakov PI1, Marchenko LA1, Kravchenko IV1
- Stavropol’ State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 272-278
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/medicine/article/view/19672
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-0245-2018-22-3-272-278
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Every fourth patient at the age of 50 years, every third patient at the age of 60 years, every second man at the age of 70 years and almost everyone (90%) older than 80 years have Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Lower urinary tract symptoms developing against the background of BPH are often connected both with manifestations of the hyperplasia of a prostate, and with the age androgenic deficiency (AAD). Aim: To determine the frequency of emergence of age androgenic deficiency of patients with Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Materials and Methods: 180 patients with clinical signs of Benign prostatic hyperplasia have been examined. All patients were conducted with standard clinical examination: survey, measurement of International prostate symptom score (IPSS), assessment of quality of life (QOL). The research of the androgenic status of patients included clinical assessment of deficiency of androgens with the use of the standard international questionnaire: “The questionnaire of Aging Males’ Symptoms” (AMS) and hormonal blood test with determination of level of the general testosterone, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Results: There were 118 patients with the low level of the general testosterone (Tgen) (67,7%) of all people. An average level of Tgen was 8,74 ± 0,9 nmol/l. In group of patients with low testosterone the GPA (grade point average) on a scale of AMS was 47,3 ± 9,1. Patients with BPH and AAD frequently have the accompanying pathology which is generally presented in such diseases as arterial hypertension, a metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, diabetes of the II type, anurolithic disease. Conclusions: Monitoring of the Tgen level is necessary for patients with BPH. Considering the high risk of a combination of BPH with the deficiency of testosterone it is necessary to include in the standard scheme of inspection the hormonal blood test with determination of the Tgen level.
About the authors
P I Chumakov
Stavropol’ State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: p-chumakov@mail.ru
L A Marchenko
Stavropol’ State Medical University
Email: p-chumakov@mail.ru
I V Kravchenko
Stavropol’ State Medical University
Email: p-chumakov@mail.ru
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