
Universality vs. cultural specificity of anger metaphors and metonymies in English and Vietnamese idioms
Tran B.
Variety and functional diversity of modern discourse in cognitive perspective
Ebzeeva Y., Solnyshkina M., Pathan H.
Text content variables as a function of comprehension: Propositional discourse analysis
Solnyshkina M., Harkova E., Ebzeeva Y.
Cognitive complexity measures for educational texts: Empirical validation of linguistic parameters
Kupriyanov R., Bukach O., Aleksandrova O.
Lingua-artistic technique of writing and its role in portraying an artist
Kozlova L., Kremneva A.
Modern metaphor research in Russia: Trends, schools and results
Chudinov A., Shustrova E.
In the Circle of Inspiration of Anna Wierzbicka: The Cognitive Definition - 30 Years Later
Bartmiński J.
Picture naming test: Linguistic challenges of the method and ways to solve them
Morkovina O., Gishkaeva L., Sharapkova A.
The faculty of language as the basis of translation activity
Bazhenova I.
Trends in the research of world-modeling from the perspective of Russian linguistics: Paradigmatic framework and conceptual apparatus
Kushneruk S.
Natural language processing and discourse complexity studies
Solnyshkina M., McNamara D., Zamaletdinov R.
Cognitive underpinnings of misperceptions in morphed humor
Ageev S., Pushkarev E., Antonenko N.
Comparing languages and cultures: Parametrization of analytic criteria
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk B.
Frame as representation of knowledge in the cognitive aspect
Ivashkevich I.
Picture of the world of the Russian person against others lingvocultures military concept-sphere amd concept “Sword” in the language
Tretyakova L.
Lexico-semantic peculiarities of the representation of subframe «Achievement of success» in military conflicts (The English language)
Prokhorova O., Mashkova E.
Shakhovskiy V.
On language representation of spacial concepts
Ivashkevich I.
Redefining Neutrality in Language and Discourse
Konurbaev M.
Specific character of emotional state (in terms of French)
Lenko G.
Discourse Motivations of Mental Construal and the Expression of Stance in Speech: A Case Study of English
Khrisonopulo E.
From Function to System: Advances in Choosing a Matrix Structure of the Translation Process
Remkhe I., Nefedova L., Gillespie D.
Peculiarities of representing the concept of space filling
Prokhorova O., Likhacheva V.
Applied translation studies and transdisciplinary action research: Understanding, learning and transforming translation in professional contexts
Massey G.
Precedent Phenomena in Quebecois Linguistic World View
Bolotina K.
Cognitive Dissonance from the Intercultural Communication Perspective
Leontovich O.
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