
Issue Title File
No 2 (2013) Features of passing fenophase at annual ornamental plants in the conditions of the urban environment PDF


Yagdarova O.A., Voskresenskaya O.L.
No 3 (2013) Our authors PDF


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No 2 (2013) Valuation of ecological situation on roads taking into account operational norms of fuel expense PDF


Chernishov V.V.
No 4 (2013) The assessment of sdw landfill impact on pcb soil pollution (in terms of ”Zhiroshkino” SDW landfill in Domodedovo district) PDF


Baeva U.I., Ostapenko M.A.
No S5 (2013) Respiratory and meditative exercises in human adaptive processes PDF


Tseng Tian -.
No 1 (2013) About necessity of environmental and health monitoring of vehicular traffic PDF


Zykov V.N., Chernyshov V.V., Chernyshov V.I.
No 3 (2013) Mineral nutrition and biological productivity of main forest forming species in Belarus in ontogenesis PDF


Lebedev E.V.
No S5 (2013) Environmental and socio-economic aspects of the construction and the operation of the Chad-Cameroon PDF


N’zadi N’guiesseu Fromelle Gaelle -., Cernyshov V.I.
No 2 (2013) Hammarbya Paludosa (L.) O. Kuntze (Orchidaceae): a new location of a rare species in the Moscow region PDF


Zhmylev P.Y., Karpukhina E.A., Veryaskina E.V., Terebova A.S.
No 2 (2013) Eco-geomorphologic analysis in substantiation of environmental management in urban conservation areas (case study of “Sparrow Hills” Park, Moscow, Russia) PDF


Samsonova S.Y., Belutina V.S., Baraboshkina T.A., Samarin E.N., Ogorodnikova E.N.
No 4 (2013) Effects of air pollution on the incidence of the urban Primorye PDF


Kolomeytseva O.L.
No S5 (2013) Ways of the assessment and increase of stress resistance level PDF


Pitkevich M.Y.
No 1 (2013) Atmospheric air pollution from the Karaganda coal basin operating mines PDF


Zengina T.Y., Akylbekova I.S.
No 3 (2013) Some adaptive opportunities of the saiga of the european population PDF


Kokshunova L.E., Ostapenko V.A.
No S5 (2013) Modern problems of monitoring space debris PDF


Shpakovich A.V., Konstantinovskaya L.V., Shchemelinina M.S.
No 2 (2013) Some features of biology and breeding of different species of oryxes PDF


Ostapenko V.A.
No 4 (2013) Change strategy breeding in the saiga antelope european populations — adaptation to the environment subspecies PDF


Kokshunova L.E.
No 2 (2013) The synthesis of feed protein from methane of a landfill gas’s PDF


Liubinskaya T.V., Orlova V.S., Lyubinsky V.S.
No 4 (2013) Classification of temporary microreservoirs (puddles) and their ecological significance PDF


Beznosov V.N., Suzdaleva A.L., Mityaeva Y.D.
No S5 (2013) Psychological defense and academic achievement within pupils PDF


Negrii V.A.
No 1 (2013) Change of biogenic nutrient ground and vermicompost production from waste and zeolites PDF


Stepanova L.P., Korenkova E.A., Tarakin A.V., Stepanova E.I., Tihoykina I.M.
No 3 (2013) Influens megapolis on adaptive reaction of first year students PDF


Kirichuk A.A., Chizhov A.Y., Radysh I.V.
No S5 (2013) Analysis of modern radioecological forests Bryansk region PDF


Schemelinina M.S., Shpakovich A.V.
No 2 (2013) Coagulation of blood properties of vegetable nutrition in piglets (in environmental conditions of central Russia) PDF


Parahnevich A.V., Medvedev I.N.
No 4 (2013) Preliminary landscape mapping and analys of ecological features of the island of Vaigach PDF


Aleynikova A.M.
No 2 (2013) Modern methods of training of experts in the field of ecological safety and environmental protection PDF


Miroshnichenko V.M., Kutsenko V.V., Sidorenko S.N., Tshovrebov E.S.
No 4 (2013) The oil spill pollution of the cote d'ivoire coastal zone possibility assessment PDF


Kamagate Sindhu Amado -., Makarova M.G.
No S5 (2013) Features of professional adaptation of the post-graduate student depending on education form PDF


Moiseyeva O.A.
No 1 (2013) The hydrological characteristics and major hydro-technical constructions of the river system Tigris-Euphrates PDF


Jaafar A.X., Yurchenko S.I., Zvolinski V.P.
No 3 (2013) Social and psychological violence in groups with signs of the destructive cult: communicative and physiological aspects PDF


Jolkin V.F., Glebov V.V.
No 4 (2012) The study of the morphological changes in the composition of solid waste in the city Ufa PDF


Vakhitov Y.F., Shamsutdinova L.R., Zvereva T.I., Akbalina Z.F., Belan L.N.
No S5 (2012) Ecology of the megalopolis and influence of risk factors of early disontogenesis on development of schoolboys’ memory PDF


Danacheva M.N.
No S5 (2012) Application of a method of case technologies in the education system at high school on an example of a lesson of ecology PDF


Kurbatova A.I.
No 4 (2012) Productivity of photosynthesis and mineral nutrition of cordate linden at the organism level in ontogeny in the Middle Volga PDF


Lebedev E.V.
No 4 (2012) Ways of improvement of the waste management system in the republic of Ivory Coast PDF


Aka Diby Marie Michele -.
No S5 (2012) Dynamics of information loadings at school and psychofunctional development of children of the capital megalopolis PDF


Nazarov V.A., Glebov V.V., Maryanovskiy A.A.
No S5 (2012) Our authors PDF


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No 4 (2012) Anticoagulation and fibrinolytic activity of blood from healthy pigs vegetable nutrition PDF


Parahnevich A.V., Medvedev I.N.
No 4 (2012) Comparative assessment of air pollution of the two industrial cities of Primorsky krai — Ussuriysk and Spassk-Dalny PDF


Kolomeytseva O.L., Khristoforova N.K.
No S5 (2012) Joint influence of ecological factors on psychophysical development of children preschool age in the capital megalopolis PDF


Ryazantseva M.A.
No 4 (2012) Causes of degredation and prospects for restoration of Mesopotemian marshlands ecosystem PDF


Jaafar A.X., Yurchenko S.I.
No 4 (2012) Stability analysis of natural and techno-gene landscape Black sea coast of Russia to showers to extreme intensity (illustrated shower 6—7.07.2012 g.) PDF


Krylenko V.V., Lipka O.N., Aleynikova A.M.
No S5 (2012) Condition of the younger schoolboys’ psychophysical development in the different districts of the capital megalopolis PDF


Sidelnikova N.Y.
No 4 (2012) Condition adaptable processes school population of the large industrial city PDF


Glebov V.V.
No 4 (2012) The functions of cracks in the summer on soils of steppe zone Kazakhstan PDF


Ryspekhov T.R.
No S5 (2012) Condition of medico-psychological and social adaptation of the person in the conditions of the large city PDF


Laver B.I., Glebov V.V., Glebova E.V.
No 4 (2012) Features of social and psychological adaptation nonresident students to conditions of the capital megalopolis PDF


Kuzmina Y.V.
No 4 (2012) In vitro methods for the assessment of the oral bioaccessibility of selected metals and metalloids in soils: a review PDF


Sedov N.S., Maksimova O.A.
No S5 (2012) Psychoemotional stress and development of cardiovascular dysfunction in workers of the construction complex of the Moscow megalopolis PDF


Sidelnikov A.Y.
No 4 (2012) Condition of adaptation process of the student to training in building university PDF


Sidelnikov A.Y.
No S5 (2012) The psycho-social factors of the environment in professional activity of workers of brainwork PDF


Dmitrieva N.Y.
No 4 (2012) Principles of forming long-run forecast of industrial injuries state PDF


Mikhina T.V.
No S5 (2012) Possibilities use EEG in studying of adaptable processes of the person PDF


Kuryasev I.A.
No 4 (2012) Composed components of the schooboys adaptation in the condition of a big city PDF


Sidelnikova N.Y.
No S5 (2012) Processes of the academic adaptation foreign students to high school formation of Russia PDF


Glebov V.V.
No 4 (2012) Living and demographic situation in Costa Rica and Latin America PDF


Tarko A.M., Montero D.K., Zvolinski V.P.
No S5 (2012) Comparative analysis of ecological competence russian and foreign students PDF


Mudrak S.A.
No 4 (2012) The comparative analysis of cognitive development of schoolboys in various ecological conditions of the capital megalopolis influence of environment factors PDF


Danacheva M.N.
No S5 (2012) Training and adaptable processes of the african students in the russian higher education institution (on example pfur) PDF


Anikina E.V.
No 4 (2012) International conference «Stockholm+40 — partnership forum for sustainable development»: Major outcomes and decisions PDF


Zengina T.Y.
No S5 (2012) The problems of formation mechanism of the environmental insurance in Russia PDF


Menshikova O.V., Menshikov V.V.
No 4 (2012) Experimental researches on the fulfilled zeolites recycling after water treating PDF


Adryshev A.K., Karibaeva M.K.
No S5 (2012) Ecological culture as the basis of the process of adaptation of regional students in the capital city PDF


Kuzmina Y.V.
No 4 (2012) Our authors PDF


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No S5 (2012) System of protected areas of Costa Rica PDF


Montero D.K., Zvolinski V.P., Yurchenko S.I.
No 4 (2012) Experimental study of the energy and environmental efficiency of using the heat of phase transitions steam moisture of the wood in thermal-pump drying chambers PDF


Vasiliev G.P., Burmistrov A.A., Gornov V.F., Kolesova M.V., Dmitriev A.N.
No S5 (2012) Environment’s complex factors and condition of the chinese students adaptation in the conditions of the Moscow higher education institution PDF


Soshnikov E.A.
No S5 (2012) Latin America and the global climate change PDF


Tarko A.M., Montero D.K., Zvolinski V.P., Kurbatova A.I.
No 3 (2012) Major factors of formation of a fish fauna of natural-technogenic and technogenic reservoirs PDF


Kotkin K.S.
No 3 (2012) The method of vegetable restore the balance of ion formula the atmosphere of megacities PDF


Sevostyanov V.A.
No 3 (2012) Effect of copper powders and oxide copper on morphological indicators chemical composition and antioxidant protection of vetch PDF


Fomina M.A., Ivanycheva J.N., Churilov G.I.
No 3 (2012) The moment of the critical fear in defensive behaviour of birds under repellent influence PDF


Enaleev I.R., Arinina A.V.
No 3 (2012) Level of complex adaptation of the young expert building specialities' to professional work in the conditions of the capital megacity PDF


Sidelnikov A.U.
No 3 (2012) Value of the quality of locality of the birch in ecology inonotus obliquus (pers.) pil. PDF


Balandaykin M.E.
No 3 (2012) Dynamics of erythrocyte in children microrheological indicators of pre-school and primary school age without bias in health PDF


Medvedev I.N., Karpova G.G.
No 3 (2012) Lead in soils of Mexico: content, spatial variation, availability for humans PDF


Sedov N.S., Chernykh N.A., Romero F.M., Zamora-Martínez O.
No 3 (2012) Problems of providing safe meals for students in educational institutions PDF


Potkina O.V., Goryunova S.V.
No 3 (2012) Application of the automated system for sample preparation for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by chromato-mass-spectrometry PDF


Belinskaya E.A., Zykova G.V., , Semenov S.Y., Finakov G.G.
No 3 (2012) Interrelation of adaptation level and dynamics of study progress of the chinese students PDF


Soshnikov E.A.
No 3 (2012) The influence of anthropogenic pollution of a ground layer of atmospheric air on the specific structure of lichens-epiphytes in Ryazan city PDF


Gladkova E.A.
No 3 (2012) Сesium-137 migration in non-flowing basins PDF


Vasilenkov S.V.
No 3 (2012) The content of pollutants and eutrophicants in urban puddles PDF


Mityaeva Y.D.
No 3 (2012) Our autHor PDF


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No 3 (2012) Modeling of a global biogeochemical cycle of carbon and nitrogen in system the atmosphere - plants - the soil PDF


Kurbatova A.I., Tarko A.M.
No 3 (2012) The study of pollution and selfcleaning processes in natural-technogenic system of npp cooling-pond PDF


Kuchkina M.A., Beznosov V.N.
No 2 (2012) Microrheology properties of erythrocytes in children 7-8 years with scoliosis on the background therapeutic physical culture, massage and swimming PDF


Zavalishina S.Y., Nagibina E.V.
No 2 (2012) The comparative analysis of adaptation level and psychosomatic health of schoolboys of Moscow and Moscow suburbs at combination influence of environment factors PDF


Nazarov V.A.
No 2 (2012) Chemical elements parasterezis at lower level of the rivers benthic sediments in urban agglomeration: by the example of the Moscow region PDF


Latushkina E.N.
No 2 (2012) Restrictions of the Kyoto protocol and sustainability of biosphere PDF


Kurbatova A.I., Tarko A.M.
No 2 (2012) Attractors of the biological signal field of wolves (canis lupus) in experimental condition PDF


Vanisova E.A., Poyarkov A.D., Nikol'skii A.A.
No 2 (2012) Ecological assessment of influence of use of manure drains of cattle on a state of environment PDF


Stepanova L.P., Ziganok E.N., Korenkova E.A.
No 2 (2012) Relationship of molecular structure and the growth stimulating activity of humic substances from lignin PDF


Bakanova N.G., Kalabin G.A., Podgorsky V.V.
No 2 (2012) Dynamics of landusing Istrinsky area Moscow region for 1985-2008 yy. PDF


Goryachev A.А.
No 2 (2012) The behavior of some wild and domestic ungulates during labor PDF


Kokshunova L.Е.
No 2 (2012) Economic costs of air pollution emissions, boiler houses working on brown coals PDF


Semenov M.A., Hamataev R.V.
No 2 (2012) Suktsessionnye changes of vegetation of the burned down woods from a pisundskaya pine on the western extremity of the Black Sea coast of caucasus (between Tsemessky and Gelendzhiksky bays) PDF


Aleynikova A.M., Krylenko V.V., Lipka O.N.
No 2 (2012) The problems of the accumulation of the spent nuclear fuel in Russia PDF


Khvostova M.S.
No 2 (2012) Analysis of negative effects of recreational procces on forestal phytocenoses of reserve Cabo blanco in Costa Rica PDF


Katchan M.D., Bakulin D.A.
No 2 (2012) Development ways of water supply system in Baghdad city (Iraq) PDF


Dzhaafar Ali X.
No 2 (2012) Culture of health as factor sound lifestyle in condition middle ob PDF


Вagnetova E.A.
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