Features of passing fenophase at annual ornamental plants in the conditions of the urban environment

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In annual ornamental plants in the urban environment, were built phenological spectrum. The studies were conducted in the city of Yoshkar-Ola in areas of different anthropogenic load: conditionally clean area, an area with a low level of pollution, the area with the average level of pollution. As objects of research were studied annual ornamental plants commonly used in landscaping the urban environment. To construct phenological spectrums we have identified the following phases: the vegetation, budding, flowering and fruiting. As a result of researches it was shown that the studied species of ornamental plants growing in various on anthropogenous loading districts of the city, differ features of passing and duration separate phenophases. For marigold (stable species) growing in the residential and industrial areas of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, a longer growing season characterized, slow development, the later and less long blooming. China aster (unstable form) is characterized by a more rapid passage of all phases of development, in the early transition and longer generative stage (flowering). Thus, the studied species of ornamental plants have a high sensitivity to the environment protection and development, depending on weather conditions and anthropogenic pressure, varied in a wide range.

About the authors

O A Yagdarova

Mari State University

Email: berdniko1984@mail.ru

O L Voskresenskaya

Mari State University

Email: voskres2006@rambler.ru


Copyright (c) 2013 Yagdarova O.A., Voskresenskaya O.L.

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