Vol 70, No 2 (2024): Functional spaces. Differential operators. Problems of mathematics education
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/CMFD/issue/view/1771
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2413-3639-2024-70-2
Full Issue
Damping Problem for Control System with Delay with Different Number of Inputs and Outputs
We consider the damping problem for a nonstationary control system described by a system of differential-difference equations of neutral type with smooth matrix coefficients and several delays. A connection has been established between the variational problem corresponding to the problem of calming a system with delay and the boundary value problem for a system of second-order differential equations. A priori estimates of solutions are obtained. A theorem on the solvability of the considered boundary value problem is proved.

The Third Mixed Boundary-Value Problem for Strongly Elliptic Differential-Difference Equations in a Bounded Domain
We consider strongly elliptic differential-difference equations with mixed boundary conditions in a bounded domain. There are homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on a part of the boundary, and boundary conditions of the third kind on the other part of the boundary. We establish the connection between these problems and nonlocal mixed problems for strongly elliptic differential equations. We prove the uniqueness and the smoothness of their solutions.

Functional properties of limits of Sobolev homeomorphisms with integrable distortion
The functional and geometric properties of limits of homeomorphisms with integrable distortion of domains in Carnot groups are studied. The homeomorphisms belong to Sobolev classes. Conditions are obtained under which the limits of sequences of such homeomorphisms also belong to the Sobolev class, have a finite distortion, and have the N-1-Luzin property. In the case of Carnot groups of H-type, sufficient conditions are obtained that are imposed on domains and a sequence of homeomorphisms under which the limit mapping is injective almost everywhere. These results play a key role in finding extremal solutions to problems in the mathematical theory of elasticity on H-type Carnot groups, which are the subject of subsequent works by the authors.

Construction of Flat Vector Fields with Prescribed Global Topological Structures
In this paper, we present a method for constructing vector fields whose phase portraits have finite sets of prescribed special trajectories (limit cycles, simple and complex singular points, separatrices) and prescribed topological structures in limited domains of the phase plane. The problem of constructing such vector fields is a generalization of a number of well-known inverse problems of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations. The proposed method for solving it expands the possibilities of mathematical modeling of dynamic systems with prescribed properties in various fields of science and technology.

Class of Keller-Segel chemotactic systems based on Einstein method of Brownian motion modeling
We study the movement of the living organism in a band form towards the presence of chemical substrates based on a system of partial differential evolution equations. We incorporate Einstein’s method of Brownian motion to deduce the chemotactic model exhibiting a traveling band. It is the first time that Einstein’s method has been used to motivate equations describing the mutual interaction of the chemotactic system. We have shown that in the presence of limited and unlimited substrate, traveling bands are achievable and it has been explained accordingly. We also study the stability of the constant steady states for the system. The linearized system about a constant steady state is obtained under the mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. We are able to find explicit conditions for linear instability. The linear stability is established with respect to the L2-norm, H1-norm, and L∞-norm under certain conditions.

Existence of a renormalized solution to a nonlinear elliptic equation with L1-data in the space Rn
We consider a second-order quasilinear elliptic equation with an integrable right-hand side in the space Rn. Restrictions on the structure of the equation are formulated in terms of a generalized N -function. In the nonreflexive Muzilak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, the existence of a renormalized solution in the space Rn is proved.

Forced oscillations of a satellite under the in uence of light pressure and gravity forces
The relative motion of a spacecraft under the influence of gravitational forces and light pressure is considered. By spacecraft we mean a celestial body capable of reflecting light from the Sun. The orbital motion of the spacecraft is considered known. The spacecraft makes plane movements in a horizontal plane relative to its center of mass. The reflecting mirror can be placed perpendicular to the orbital plane. The main problem solved in this paper is the study of the stability of eccentric oscillations. This technology is being rolled out gradually. First, the existence of oscillations of a given type is established. To do this, the implicit function theorem is applied in a standard way. The subsequent stability analysis is based on linear theory and is reduced to the consideration of systems in variations. The paper is concluded with consideration of the nonlinear case.

Dependenceof the computed tsunami wave heights on the grid resolution
Tsunami after the March 11, 2011, as well as the other recent events, have shown that destructive tsunami waves generated by earthquakes continue to pose a significant risk to coastal populations adjacent to subduction zones, where most of tsunami sources are located. In some places along these coasts, the tsunami run-up heights can reach 30 m or more, causing destruction and casualties. However, the wave heights maxima are distributed very nonuniformly along the coast with sharp local peaks in amplitude. Since for near-shore events the tsunami wave arrival time at the nearest coastal point after an earthquake is on the order of 20 minutes, a quick (within 1-2 minutes) correct assessment of the distribution of maximum wave heights along the coast will allow warning services take evacuation actions exactly where needed. Modern modelling tools allowing quickly calculate wave parameters with sufficient accuracy if the wave characteristics at the initial time instance are known. However, this requires calculations in spatial steps of several meters, which is time-consuming even when using supercomputers. In addition, in the case of a strong earthquake, power outages are possible, which does not guarantee that numerical modelling can be started immediately after the seismic event. The use of large, hundreds of meters resolution calculation grid does not allow estimate correctly the tsunami wave heights near the shore. Fine grids entail the growth of the duration of computing time. The resolution of this contradiction dictates the necessity to choose the optimal correlation between grid spacing (results precision) and calculation time. In this paper the dependence of the calculated tsunami wave parameters depending on the grid spacing is studied. Obtained results will be used for optimal selection of application zones of meshes with different spacing. Computational experiments were carried out on a personal computer (PC) using hardware acceleration - a specialized FPGA-based microchip (FPGA being Field Programmable Gates Array), used with the computer as a coprocessor. As a result, a sufficiently high performance of calculations is achieved. Calculation of wave parameters near the shore on the computational grid of 3000×2500 nodes takes less than 1 min. In addition, the proposed solution does not depend on possible power supply failures.